Page 4 of Beck's Six

“Something you’ll like,” he assured her and glanced over his shoulder at Roman. “Right?”

Roman nodded. “Amen to that.”

“We’ll be doing the training classes in Wyoming,” Hank told her. “Although I’m looking for the new group to be headquartered in Colorado, I want to do the training elsewhere, away from prying eyes.”

“Hank’s also thinking of maybe creating a Wyoming Brotherhood Protectors eventually,” Roman added. “That’s what he referred to before. We checked an area in the Wind River Mountains Hank thinks is perfect for this kind of activity. It’s got the geography we need for special exercises, and we’re isolated enough that no one will bother us.”

“Like I said,” Hank told her, “Roman’s going to be in charge of this new project if it works out. Also, he’s done exercises like these before, and I want to take advantage of his experience. Oh, and bring Leslie with you, too,” he told them. “You mentioned she’s got great organizational and management skills. If we’re expanding the Brotherhood, we’ll need more staff. If she turns out to be a fit and she’s interested, she should be aware of how this operation works.”

Leslie was Beck’s sister who had been working for a small private agency. She excelled in the office the way they all did out in the field. She’d begged to come along on this, hoping for an opportunity to meet with Hank and see if there was also a place for her in this new structure.

“Thank you,” she told Hank, “and you, too, Roman. We won’t disappoint you guys.”

“I’m sure you won’t,” Hank told her. “Okay. Get with your friends girls and call me after they agree. I’ll need all their information, most of which I can find myself, but let’s start with their cell phone numbers. I want to send them info on the training week.”

She was filled with a mixture of emotions as she headed back to her car. Excitement at this new opportunity and anticipation of working with Roman. Did he by chance have leftover feelings from their mission together and the heat they generated afterward? She would have thought he’d run from that as fast as he could. What was going on here? Seeing him again after all this time had been an electric shock to her body.

She climbed into her car but instead of cranking the ignition and heading down the driveway, she sat there for a moment. Seeing Roman again had telescoped for her, and four long years just disappeared. They had been teamed up on a mission to extract a hot target in El Qabab. Their assignment was fraught with every kind of danger imaginable, but they’d pulled it off. Celebrating in a funky bar afterward, they’d poured one drink too many and given in to the high-level sexual attraction that gripped them.

“Tomorrow we’re over and done.” Roman had been very firm in making sure she understood that. One night and that was it.

Well, she hadn’t wanted any attachments, either. But her body had been craving the tall, muscular man whose body made her sex quiver and throb with intense hunger. He was tall, muscular, with dark hair that reached nearly to his shoulders, a square jaw and eyes that she was sure could see right through her. She’d been shocked when, meeting him, every hormone in her body had jumped up and done a little dance at the sight of him. It had been a very long time since any man had drawn more than a passing interest from her. But Roman had a magnetism about him that made all her hormones stand up and shout.

They were professionals, so their personal discipline kept everything in check until the mission was completed. Then they’d barely made it to the hotel room before they were naked and running their hands all over each other And their mouths. And their tongues. His mouth on her nipples sent arrows of flame straight to her sex, making the muscle spasm with need. The feel of his long, thick cock inside her set off one spasm after another until a giant orgasm consumed her.

The two of them had made a firm pact that they’d spend one night together but when they separated the next morning, they were over and done. They each went their own way and had no further contact.

Until the recent meeting with Hank Patterson.

Four years after their night together, the memory was still with her. And seeing him brought it back stronger than ever. Okay. Suck it up, she told herself. She was here for business, not sex. If she was going to be thrown into regular contact with Roman McClain, she needed to get her hormones under control.

Right? Right?

The past was the past, no matter how good the damn sex had been. And good hadn’t begun to describe it. But it belonged in the past, and she needed to keep it there.