Page 18 of Beck's Six

“Beck and Roman.” He shifted his gaze to them. “I checked back with Swede to see what else he’d learned. His info says when the Loyalists last headquartered in the Wind River Mountains, they camped out at that next peak over. It’s got some deep caves they were able to use. I’d like the two of you to start there, with a backup team. That would be…” He looked around. “Victoria and Logan.”

“Got it,” Logan said.

“Okay, everyone, listen up. Beck and Roman will take the most likely path. You guys can decide how to split the rest of the trails. Shake hands and get your asses over to the tent while I fill everyone else in on what’s happening. You’ve all got mountain bikes, so be sure they’re gassed up. Come on and get the maps so you can get going.”

“What’s with Paladin?” Logan waved a hand at the Belgian Malinois sitting beside Roman. Although his outward appearance was calm, it was easy to see he was ready for whatever command he received.

“We may have an assignment for him,” Hank explained. “I’m not ruling out the possibility that these idiots out there have stashed explosives in these mountains and without warning can blow us to kingdom come.”

“Nice thought,” Dean snarked. “We’d better make doubly sure we find these guys and keep an eye on them.”

“Exactly what we intend,” Hank told them. “Roman, if it’s fine with you, I’ll keep Paladin with me until we need him. He’s had a year to get used to me, so I hope that’s enough that we don’t have any problems. And if we get to that point, I’ll turn command back over to you.”

Roman nodded. “Works for me.”

Ten minutes later, he stood in front of the total assembled group in the tent, giving everyone a final concise picture of exactly what the situation was, what he planned, and what he needed from them. His handpicked teams were off to the side, waiting for the signal to get going.

At the start of the week, Hank had introduced the women as experienced operatives making a switch from government service to private contractor. They all hoped that by the end of the week, the group would become a part of Brotherhood Protectors. They’d be headquartered in Fool’s Gold, Colorado, with the Protectors group operating out of that location. He hinted slightly that this particular group would have a special situation but then moved on without giving any specifics. Not even the people involved knew, with the exception of Roman who originally had a mixed reaction but now seemed more on board with it.

“I’m putting them in the lead on this,” he told everyone, “primarily because of their relationship to Leslie. You all bring a lot of experience to the table, but they’ve worked in similar situations, and I want to make use of their knowledge and experience.”

He took a moment to look at each person individually.

“You’ll work in pairs, as you are used to. And I’m teaming up the woman with specific Protectors with whom they’ll be a good fit. For example, among other things, Beck and Roman had worked an op together previously and did it very successfully. Each team of two has their assignments. Everyone else will back them up. You all know what to look for.”

“I’m surprised they’d come back to a place where people could be watching for them,” Roman said. “Of course, it’s possible they might have figured enough time had passed it’s not a problem.”

“Who are these guys anyway?” someone asked. “Why are we so concerned with them?”

The expression on Hank’s face hardened.

“They are far-right extremists who say they swear loyalty to the United

States of America,” he answered, “but want to destroy the existing structure. Most of them were in one branch of the military or the other but were very dissatisfied with how the current military operates. They believe the country has been co-opted by socialists and the true values of the United States need rebuilding.”

“And that’s what they intend to do?” Victoria asked. “Exactly how?”

Hank nodded. “By destroying the existing structure and creating a new one that eliminates whole segments of the population. Starting with the existing military, which they will replace with a militia of their own.”

“Damn.” Daks Alinsky, a fairly new Protector, shook his head. “These people need to be eliminated. Just stopping them isn’t enough. I’ve read about a couple of these groups, and they always find a way to come back and do more damage. They’re poison.”

“ No shit.” Hank nodded, and he and Roman exchanged looks.

“How much do we know about them?” Victoria asked.

“There were rumors five years ago about how they were going to take down the existing government,” Hank answered, “and there were a few attacks on military installations at the time. They did minimal damage, and the general thought was they were making a statement and testing the waters at the same time.”

“If people knew who they were,” Cygny said, “why weren’t they arrested?”

“No proof,” Roman told her. “They got the word out it was them. Publicity is what they feed on. It’s how they get followers and support. But they also managed to establish a headquarters no one could find. Their message is they’re saving the country by destroying what’s bad.”

“That’s crap.” Leo shook his head. “We’ve all served in the military, and we hate guys like this. They spit on this country and call themselves patriots. What a joke.”

“So, if they’re back here, it’s because the area is familiar to them,” Daks guessed. “If they based themselves here before, then it’s a place where they can feel secure. Maybe they believe no one would come back there and find them. Maybe they’ve kept this spot all this time because it’s so well hidden.”

“Indeed,” Hank agreed. “Anyway, after their last event five years ago, the Loyalists kind of faded into the woodwork, and they haven’t been seen since, although apparently, rumors keep circulating. Until now. From what Swede has passed along to me, the word is they have something very major planned. We need to figure out what specific event has drawn their interest and how far into planning they are so we can prevent anything from happening.” He looked around. “After we find Leslie, that is, and get her to safety. That is our priority.”