Page 8 of Beck's Six


Beck lookedaround at her friends as she plopped down on the picnic table bench and set her tray in front of her. “So, what do you think so far?”

Takingher napkin she took a minute to blot the drops of perspiration on her chest and tightened the band holding her red-streaked dark brown hair in a ponytail. Then she unscrewed the cap on her bottle of water and took a long swallow. Damn, it was hot here. And they’d been working their asses off all morning.

She studied her friends, women she’d talked into this adventure with her, trying to get a reading in their reaction. It was the second day of the Brotherhood Protectors Training Camp, and their reaction was very important to her. It would signal whether they continued to move forward with their project. If these women didn’t get good vibes from it, then they were back out on their own again.

With a variety of peaks and six hundred miles of trails, it was a natural wonderland. With the authentic backcountry experience, the Winds were a versatile range for every type of adventure. And if you wanted solitude, it was definitely available.

Besides the mountains, it also contained seven of the largest glaciers in the American Rockies and provided a variety of geographical situations for training. Although he could have chosen from any of the forty named peaks in the range, Hank had been able to choose a location to set up camp that had been cleared years ago and that also isolated them from the rest of the area. As far as they could tell, there was little happening at any of the other peaks that would interfere with what they were doing. Mostly touristy stuff, although a couple of the peaks were busy with hikers and campers right now. They’d make sure to stay away from those. Everything they needed was right here.

“It’s beautiful here.” Melody Boyd looked around at the landscape and the huge trees that dotted it. “What’s not to love?”

“I’m talking about this activity,” Beck told her. “And the guys from Brotherhood Protectors. What kind of vibe do you get from them?”

Melody took a sip of her iced tea. “I’d say so far so good.” She looked around at the others. “You all agree with me?”

“I do.” Cygny Devoy nodded her head. “I’m glad we decided to at least be willing to give it a shot. If this works out, it’s a whole lot better than trying to open our own operation.”

“Well.” Melody swallowed a bite of fruit. “It’s only the second day, but, Beck? In my opinion? I think this is the best idea you’ve had in a long time. Definitely better than trying to go it on our own. They’ve got experience, resources, and connections. And this place here is perfect for the week of training Hank Patterson has set up.”

Beck grinned. “Glad you like it.”

Melody nodded. “Me, too. I wasn’t sure about it when you first brought it up, but now I’m sure we’ll all be ready for whatever way Hank wants to make us part of Brotherhood Protectors. You all know guys have a tendency to dismiss what women can bring to a situation.”

“Normally I’d agree,” Beck told her, “but Hank is different. Didn’t I tell you that? He didn’t put together an organization like Brotherhood Protectors—and expand it—without having goals and knowing people’s strengths. Plus, he’s got all those years as a SEAL and the accumulated experience and he’s worked with women before.” She grinned. “And I say that not just because he’s my friend.”

The rest of the women laughed.

“But it helps,” Fay Clayton pointed out.

Fay was an ex-CIA black ops agent with a wealth of experience. When one of her missions went south, she ended up in Fool’s Gold, Colorado, working with the Colorado Brotherhood Protectors. But the idea of an all-female unit, or one that was an integral part of everything, tantalized all of them.

“Your friendship with Hank Patterson really opened the door for us on this one,” Victoria Cross pointed out. Beck had been friends with her the longest, so convincing her had been the most important step.

By the time Beck had left the Brotherhood Protectors’ offices that day, she had a pretty good grasp of what Hank wanted to do and a solid outline to sell to her friends. Her interest had been piqued and so had that of her friends when she told them about it.

“You sure they aren’t just yanking our chains?” Cygny had asked after Beck laid it all out. She was the most skeptical of the group.

“I can promise you that’s not the case,” Beck assured her. “I’ve been in dangerous situations with Hank Patterson. He’s got all the skills, plus, Brotherhood Protectors has built an incredible reputation. That’s why I approached Hank about this.”

“Okay, then.” Melody had nodded. “I don’t know Hank, but I’ve heard of his organization and, if you vouch for him, that’s good enough for me.”

So, here they were, in the Wind River Mountains, isolated from humanity and learning how to deal with all kinds of dangerous situations. The mountain range certainly offered a great place for this. Plus, it offered ideal situations for backpacking as part of the program, everything from well-marked trails to more isolated areas that Hank hinted would challenge them.

“Do you have any idea yet how Hank plans to include us in the organizational structure?” Victoria wanted to know.

“No, he said he’d lay it out for us after he saw how this week went. But whatever it is, it will be unique and effective,” Beck assured them. “That’s the Hank Patterson style.”

“Are you taking my name in vain?”

As engrossed as they were in their conversation, they had not even heard Hank approach the table. Beck looked at him over her shoulder and started to say something, but her mouth went dry at the sight of the man standing next to him. Damn. How was this going to work if every time she was close to Roman McClain, her hormones threw off all restraint?

Barely two weeks had passed since the meeting in Hank’s office, but in that time, their paths had not crossed. Roman had been busy setting this up and supervising activities, and she had been discussing the upcoming week, plus trying to figure out how they’d fit into Brotherhood Protectors. They had their own ideas that they hoped Hank would listen to.

And Roman. Oh, yes, Roman who she’d probably end up in daily contact with. How was she going to handle that? She hadn’t really seen him since that afternoon, and all kinds of possibilities were running around in her brain.

But, looking at him now, it was as clear to her as it had been in Hank’s office. Even after four years, his effect on her had not diminished at all. Her nipples tightened, and a wave of lust washed through her. It seemed all she had to do was catch sight of him and her body responded.