Page 24 of Beck's Six

“I need another pair of eyes.”Roman eased quietly down to the spot where Beck was crouched. “I hate to say this, but I’m missing something. Come on.”

He held out his hand to lead her up to the road, nudging her behind bushes and thick trees as they moved so they’d be invisible to anyone passing by. Of course, if anyone did spot them, they’d be toast in six seconds.

So far, they hadn’t seen a hint of Leslie. Not her bike, not a sign she’d gone off the road, nothing. It was as if she’d vaporized. Disappeared into thin air. If it weren’t for the news of the Loyalists, they’d be spending more time looking in ravines and under thick shrubbery. Not that they weren’t anyway, along with the four other couples. They checked in with each other constantly, making sure they didn’t miss a thing.

But putting the Loyalists in the mix changed the whole picture. For her to disappear so completely, the answer had to be that she’d somehow run into the radicals and they’d snatched her up. And why not? They hadn’t expected a huge crowd just across the ravine from them, possibly spying on what they were doing. Someone like Leslie could be a good bargaining chip for them.

Roman led her around the boulders at the top of one lower peak, leading the way for Beck. He knew she wasn’t any novice at this. She’d helped him lead a rescue of a high-value target over the Hindu Kush Mountains in Afghanistan and never stumbled or flinched. Rebecca Morrisey was one tough broad, made even more attractive by unconscious sex appeal. For five days, he’d told himself he was damn glad for his learned discipline because otherwise, he’d have a lot of trouble keeping his dick in his pants.

But afterward…

Cut it out. You’ve had wet dreams about this for four years. You can visit them after this is over, but right now business comes first.

They reached one very small plateau, where they could look down on the road and also get a view of what was around them. Just more of the same—thickets of trees, especially lodgepole pines, huge wild shrubs whose thorns could rip your skin open, and rocks and boulders of all sizes that looked as if a wind had picked them up, swirled them in the air then dumped them wherever they landed.

If people were hiding behind any of them, they sure weren’t visible. Besides, if indeed the Loyalists were headquartered here getting ready for some major event, they’d need more than a few feet of space for concealment. There had to be a cave hidden here somewhere, one big enough to hide people, vehicles, and supplies, just like five years ago.

“Damn.” He whispered the word. “I hate to think these jackasses are smarter than we are, but there isn’t a smell of them. Where the fuck did they go with those machines we heard?”

“What if we head down the mountain,” Beck murmured, “back to that narrow trail we crossed that will take us to the other side? We can follow it and come down from a higher elevation. Maybe we’ll see something we’re missing here.”

“Sounds as good as anything,” he agreed. He was damn lucky to be hooked up with someone who had brains and smarts. Not to mention a few other attributes.

Not now, horn dog. Besides, your method of operation has always been once and done.

Right. Until he met Rebecca Morrissey. The memory of their short time together just never seemed to leave his mind.

What. The. Fuck?

He’d better get his shit together and keep it together.

“Let’s make our way back to the motorcycle,” he told her. “We’ll wait there for fifteen minutes, to make sure no one saw us and came after us. We don’t know where they have hidey holes they can use to spy on this road. Then we can coast it down far enough that when we crank the engine, we might be out of earshot of whoever is out there. I’ll let the others know that’s what we’re doing and tell them to be on the alert also.”

“Sounds good to me. Let’s do it.”

They climbed back down to the Ducati, using up precious seconds by moving slowly so they didn’t dislodge rocks and debris and give themselves away like that. Roman gave everyone a heads-up via the headphones then he and Beck settled down on the embankment beside the huge shrubs he was beginning to think were personal appendages.

Despite the combined scents of the bushes and trees and god knew what else, the tantalizing scent that was distinctively Beck still drifted across his nose. He gave thanks for the discipline that allowed him to rein in the hunger for her that was trying to take over his body. He was a disciplined warrior, for fuck’s sake. In his entire life, he’d never allowed his sexual urges to override everything else, except in private. When the job was done, he parked his brain and let his cock take over.

But holy fucking shit. Even though she’d lived in a corner of his mind all these years, he’d forgotten until he saw her again what an incredible impact she had on him. It had taken every bit of his discipline to keep the memory of her parked in a closed section of his brain. She was the only woman he hadn’t been able to just walk away from and forget. Seeing her again had cracked that wall of discipline, and he was having trouble closing it up again.

Sitting there, with her so close to him, he was transported at once to that one night that he never could seem to get out of his brain.

They barely made it into the hotel room before he lifted her and she wound her legs around his body. The heat of her sex pressed against his cock that was so hard, he worried it would break off. He took her mouth in a kiss filled with hunger, swept his tongue inside, and dueled with hers. His hands gripped the firm cheeks of her ass, squeezing them as he plundered her mouth.

She was just as hungry as he was. Waves of heat radiated from her body and, when she wrapped her legs around his waist and locked herself to him, it took all his willpower not to come in his jeans right then and there. Only years of discipline had allowed him to keep his instant hunger for her packed away in a corner of his brain until their joint mission was complete.

Now he couldn’t wait a moment longer.

Still holding her pressed to his body, he walked her over to the bed and laid her down on it, unwinding her legs from his waist. She reached to unbutton her blouse, but he brushed her hands away.

“I want to do that.”

He couldn’t believe how his hands were shaking as he eased each button loose then slid the garment down her arms and tossed it to the floor. His gaze rested on the plump swell of her breasts over the lace trimming the bra, his mouth dry at the sight. Giving in to temptation, he licked that tempting flesh, tracing first one breast then the other before taking one hard nipple into his mouth, fabric and all. When she moaned, he tightened his teeth on it and tugged.

Jesus! His cock tried to push its way out of his pants.

He could not remember a woman ever turning him on this fast and this strong.

He pulled the other nipple into his mouth, fabric and all, and closed his teeth over it, tugging and nibbling. The sweet little moaning noises she was making only turned him on more. He just hoped he could control himself until she was as ready as he was.

Reaching beneath her for the clasp, he unhooked her bra, tossed it to the side, and proceeded to lick every inch of her firm, round breasts. Sliding his hands up her rib cage, he cupped her flesh in his palms, reveling in the feel. Beck was still making those delicious little noises, which only intensified the ache in his swollen cock.