Sapphira could easily toss me onto the streets without a second thought when I turn eighteen in a few weeks. She might get a little backlash from the community for doing so, but she had been preparing for that. Part of the reason she kept me bound to the house was so she could spread rumors about my temperament. I had never heard for certain what lies she spread about me, but I could be sure it was enough to validate my eviction once I reached adulthood. After my birthday, she would collect the final sum of support money from the crown, and I would likely be tossed aside with nothing.
Yvette and Beatrice had both offered their homes to me if the occasion should arise, but I wanted to be able to give instead of only take. My bouquet selling business had been at least somewhat successful over the last year, but ten silver pieces wasn’t enough to purchase a shop—nor would I have access to as many flowers when I was cut off from my own garden. I sighed, feeling disheartened as I imagined bidding my beautiful flower patch farewell. Father spent so many hours in that garden with me, teaching me about the different meanings behind their colors and species. I didn’t want to leave it in the tender care of my stepfamily.
As I continued to soak in the gorgeous sunshine and the sweet scent of flowers, I decided it was getting a little risky for me to stay out much longer. Brushing off my skirt, I stood from the comfortable bench and took one final perusal of the stunning array of petals. I leaned forward to take in the sweet scent of a lavender sprig when a sudden force collided into my side.
A loud thud resounded in my ears, and I lost my bearings entirely. A strong body had crashed into my side at full force, knocking me off balance. In a brief moment of awareness, I noticed that my fall was directed toward the unsuspecting flowers. In a foolish attempt to spare the blooms from my impact, I shifted my weight toward the right, landing face-first into the fresh patch of mud.
A sickening splat echoed through my mucked ears as I sank into the soft ground. Whoever had collided with me must have been thrown off by my change in direction, because they too landed face-forward in the sludge. I slowly lifted my head out of the ooze, spitting soil from my mouth. I bit back a disgusted shriek long enough to berate the imbecile who had knocked me down, but when I glared at him, he too was busy sputtering out the mud to notice.
As I attempted to rise from the filth, the slick ground sent my bare feet straight out from under me. I instantly slid backward into the mud, but the bumbling stranger tried to catch my arm at the same time. It was a polite gesture, trying to keep me on my feet. Unfortunately, his uncouth abilities continued to fail at making a good impression since he also lost his footing.
Once again, we both slipped back into the mud, this time our backs being fully lathered in the fresh manure fertilizer. My body remained in the warm ooze for a moment, trying to ignore the dignity I had now forever shredded. This time, I sluggishly rose into a sitting position, not even bothering to stand anymore. Mud soaked through my entire outfit, providing me with an unpleasant sensation from my scalp to my toes. When the equally soiled man rose into his own seated stance, he looked wholly unrecognizable as even a person. Mud dripped down his head, covering his eyes and face. I felt a rush of humiliation flood over me as I realized I probably looked equally appalling.
I took a deep, calming breath. “I beg your pardon, sir.” The man jolted his eyes toward me. He was so terribly dirty that I could hardly make out his facial expressions. I could, however, see his eyes, which were frantic with apology. My first instinct was to scold the man for being so careless, but his blue eyes looked so guilty that I couldn’t bring myself to do it. It had been an accident, andIespecially understood how easily mistakes could be made. Yelling at him might make me feel a little better, but would I be any better than my stepfamily if I vented my frustrations at him…? I suppose not.
I folded my hands gently onto my lap. “Might I bother you for a handkerchief?” I asked the man calmly.
He didn’t react at first. Instead, he only stared at me, as if awaiting my true reaction. When I didn’t offer him one, he blindly patted his breast pocket.
“Uh, yes. Of course, madam.” The man never tore his eyes away from me, clearly expecting an outburst at any moment. “I am so terribly sorry. I was in a hurry, and I wasn’t paying any attention to where I was going,” he babbled frantically as he finally produced a small mud-soaked handkerchief from his jacket. “Oh, it’s um. A little…” The linen was clearly soiled, but he held it out anyway, obviously uncertain of what else to do.
I considered refusing the offer, but I had already made the request and he was clearly embarrassed. “Thank you.” I accepted the linen with a grateful smile, then lightly dabbed at the thick mud around my eyes.
The man stared at me in wonder as I calmly upheld my composure. Years of living alongside my stepfamily had prepared me for this moment, and I had already promised myself that I would remain positive today. This man was having an equally difficult day, and the least I could do was be a decent human. I handed the handkerchief back to the gentleman, who continued to fixate his blue eyes on me.
“I’m sorry, madam, but are you alright?” He sounded worried as he scanned me for injuries.
“Yes, I’m quite fine,” I replied, while crawling out of the mud patch rather ungracefully. The moisture was soaking through my trousers, and I didn’t feel compelled to allow it to soak any further.
The man scrambled to his feet as he noticed my attempted escape from the filth. Despite his earlier clumsiness, he managed to remove himself from the sludge far quicker than I did. Once his feet hit solid ground, he held out a hand to me.
“Please, allow me.” He continued to eye me curiously as I accepted his outstretched hand. “Are you certain you’re alright? Because I do believe I just sent you tumbling into a fresh puddle of mud, completely tarnishing your apparel beyond saving. I must admit, you have every right to be less than fine at this moment.” His tone held a mixture of jest and confusion as he attempted to make sense of my casual acceptance of the mess.
“I suppose I do have the right to be upset, but I can’t say I possess the energy to throw a proper tantrum,” I bantered light-heartedly while simply coming to terms with the misfortune bestowed upon me today. It was just my luck that something like this would happen on my only day of freedom. “You clearly didn’t intend to knock me down, and it bears me no benefit to insult you for a simple mistake.”
The man tilted his head, still appearing perplexed by me. “I suppose you are correct, but please know I wouldn’t punish you for expressing your true feelings. I was clearly at fault, and I deserve to be scolded if you deem it necessary.”
This time I was the one who was confused.Punishment?
“I do not fear punishment from you.” Did this man really think he held some sort of power over me? Even if he was a nobleman, I wasn’t afraid of a random, bumbling stranger—Sapphira’s terrorizing had numbed me to most other fears at this point. I stood a little straighter to parade my confidence. “And I meant what I said. I don’t see any purpose in scolding you if you’re already aware that you were at fault. You apologized earlier and even assisted me. Is there something else you’d like from me, or might I return home to adorn less... sticky attire?” I gestured at my sopping outfit, and the man actually laughed.
“Very well then, please forgive me for stealing your time. I truly am sorry for the inconvenience I have caused you.” He smiled apologetically and his blue eyes twinkled in light amusement.
I stared at his eyes for a lingering moment. They were blue, just like Sapphira’s, Odelia’s, and even Brielle’s, yet his eyes looked so different. I couldn’t quite put my finger on what separated his eyes from my family’s, but it was more than just the exact shade. They didn’t hold the same look of pretentiousness that the girls did; his eyes held something far more… real?
Once I realized I had been staring, I snapped back into the reality before me. “I do believe you have apologized twice now. I appreciate the consideration, but I assure you, I am not offended. However, if you wish for me to change my mind on the matter, then I suppose some offense could be arranged if you truly desire it. I’m certain I can muster up some distaste for you in a few more minutes.” I gave him a jesting smile. If I wasn’t going to scold the man, I could at least tease him a bit before I left. Today was my day off, and fun was a necessity.
A humored grin lit up his face. “Well, we can’t have that. Surely a third apology should keep me in your good graces, correct?” Without awaiting my reply, the man trotted around me and gazed into the flower patch. I watched him with intrigue as he meticulously selected a single flower and plucked it from the stem.
A slight smile twitched my lips—his cheesy grin was a bit contagious, especially when he looked so ridiculous covered in mud. “What are you doing?”
“I’m selecting an appropriate offering of my condolences.” He turned back to me with a fresh flower pinched between his dirt-lathered fingers. “Will you accept?” He reached the flower out to me, his boyish grin looking entirely childlike now.
I rolled my eyes at his ridiculous attempt at a flirt. What kind of man was attracted to a girl caked in mud? As I looked down at the flower offered, I instantly noticed the specific bloom he had chosen.
“A purple hyacinth?” I gazed at him in fascination as his eyes lit up.
“So you recognize it?” He seemed slightly impressed I had classified it so quickly.