A warm gratitude filled me as I looked at their kind faces. “Thank you all.” I smiled once more, then switched my mindset into a much more serious focus. I only had a few hours to get this done, and we needed all the time we could get. “Yvette, I need you to find thread, lots of it, and at least three needles. Beatrice, I’m going to need your help taking my measurements. The dress is a little too wide on me at the moment. And Chester…” I turned to the young boy, who stood readied at attention, “bring the flowers.”

My fingertips were numb and swollen from the hours of needlework I had just completed. Between the four of us, it still took the entire day to complete our masterpiece, which now lay hidden behind the stable. I pressed my aching fingers into my palms, trying to relieve some of the sting as I watched the horse-drawn carriage pull up in front of the manor. Sapphira had insisted on hiring a coachman from the capital, instead of using our own staff. The richly adorned carriage stopped just short of the front steps while the four milk-white horses whinnied in place. I took in the scene from the front entry window, impatiently waiting for my family to depart.

Once Milton noticed the carriage, he retreated upstairs to retrieve the ladies of the house. As they all descended the steps, I caught full view of their expensive gowns. If I was being honest, they each looked beautiful. Brielle wore a stunning Isallan-red gown, with rubies and pearls stitched around the neckline, and Odelia looked gorgeous in a dark blue gown that highlighted her full figure. Admittedly, Sapphira looked dazzling as well in her purple gown with black lace cascading down the bodice and sleeves. All of their blonde curls were ornately piled on their heads, each with matching hair pins that I’m certain cost more than anything I had ever owned.

As they gracefully glided through the dining room, my stepsisters each passed me a cynical half-smile while eyeing my bland attire. Brielle even made certain to flash her silver shoes at me while she pranced toward the door. How thoughtful of her... I tried not to meet their eyes but was forced to look up when Sapphira stopped in front of me.

“We will be back before morning, dear,” she said a little pompously as she tucked a silk fan into her bodice. “Until we return, you are to remain here and stay out of mischief. Milton will be keeping an eye on you.” She gestured to the butler, who bowed obediently in response. “Good night, Kalina. Enjoy your evening.” Her words came out more of a mockery as she flaunted her dress in front of me.

I watched out the window as the three of them loaded into the carriage and departed for the ball, each smiling ear-to-ear. Once they were clear from sight, I stood to face Milton. The older man eyed me curiously as he noticed my apparent energy that I was trying to mask. I opened my mouth to create some form of excuse, but he held up a finger to silence me.

“Whatever it is you’re planning, Miss Kalina, I want to hear nothing of it,” he said firmly. I opened my mouth again to protest, but he shushed me once more. “Not. One. Word.” I closed my mouth, and he smiled. “Good, now with that said, I want to take the opportunity to say something to you. In all the time I have worked here, you have been a light in this house, despite the shadows that linger around here…” My eyes widened as I caught his underhanded insult to the girls, though his expression remained still. “My mother used to be an extraordinary gardener. I always appreciated the natural beauty she could conjure. It was rather disheartening to discover the mistress lacked the same appreciation for the wonders of nature…” His eyes flicked to mine, a sly glint in his gaze. “I’ll make it clear. I don’t have any intentions of exiting my room until the mistress’s return. This will be the last you see of me until the morning, miss. So, if you’ll excuse me, I shall bid you a good night.” He bowed to me, then turned from the room without another word.

I stood motionless for a moment, trying to wrap my mind around what had just happened. Did Milton just defy his mistress for me?My heart warmed at the thought of Milton silently appreciating my garden before it was destroyed. He must have been pained by its destruction as well. If what he said about his family was true, it was no wonder why his loyalties had shifted.

A devious smile stretched across my lips as I finally made my dash for the garden. Before stepping out the door, I grabbed the application letter, invitation, and cloak I had stashed in the cupboard earlier. As I ran outside, the warm summer grass tickled my feet while the hot sun began to sink low in the sky. I raced around the hidden side of the stable and was instantly met with an entire herd of familiar faces. Yvette, Beatrice, and Chester were waiting for me, but Corliss and Pumpkin had joined them as well.

“Sorry to barge in on the fun, but they filled me in on your plans, and I figured you could use a mount.” Corliss smiled as he gestured toward the pre-saddled mare behind him.

“Wow, Corliss, I don’t know how to thank you.” I walked over to stroke the mare’s nose, happy to finally have a chance to ride the beautiful creature once again.

“Ya can thank him later,” Beatrice said sharply, grabbing both Corliss and Chester by the arm. “Right now, ya both need to go elsewhere so Kalina can get dressed.” The two boys blushed as they acknowledged the older woman’s statement, then hurried around the opposite side of the barn.

I looked to the two women hopefully. “Is it ready?” I asked wistfully, biting my lip to fight off a new rush of nerves.

“Yes, dear,” Yvette said sweetly as she turned back into the brush. With the help of Beatrice, they held up the improved gown for me to fully view.

I gasped, throwing my hands in front of my mouth. “It’s incredible!”

“And it will look even more beautiful on ya, but not if ya only stand there gawking at it,” Beatrice scoffed.

I nodded before slipping off my simple day dress. Before adorning the gown, I slid my application letter into the interior pocket beneath the skirt. We had added the opening earlier in the day so I wouldn’t have to carry the letter openly through the ballroom. As I approached the garment, I paused before stepping into it.

“Once I put it on, you won’t know who I am.” My eyes flitted between the two women who didn’t appear to be too concerned.

“It will be alright, child.” Yvette smiled reassuringly. “Just explain that you’re our Kalina, and it will be fine.”

With a deep breath, I stepped into the gown and pulled the strapless bodice into place. Beatrice began to cinch in my laces, and I felt the dress hug my form perfectly. Her alterations had been more precise than I had realized. As she neared the end of the laces, I felt her fingers stop working, and I whirled around to meet her newly confused eyes.

“I know it’s ya, Kalina,” Beatrice said calmly, still staring at me in surprise. “I remember everything ya told me about the dress, and how ya were planning to wear it, but when I look at ya…” Her blank expression held mine.

“It’s like seeing a stranger,” Yvette finished. “I can’t even think of your name when I look at you.” She turned to Beatrice and the two women shared a look.

“It’s me, I promise,” I assured them. “And I need your help getting ready for the ball. Can you do that for me?” I gave them a pleading look, and they snapped out of whatever shock they had been in.

“Yes, of course,” Beatrice said firmly as she continued tightening my laces.

Once I was securely in the dress, Yvette helped me quickly comb out my hair and pin it back with a pink rose. My gaze lingered on the flower before she put it into my hair, and she noticed me staring.

“This one was from your mother’s rosebush,” she breathed as she secured the flower in place. “Your father cared for that bush so well after she passed, both of their love helped grow this bloom.” She stepped back with a bittersweet smile. “And now you can carry their love with you at the ball tonight. They’ll be with you the entire night.”

A tear welled up in my eye, but I brushed it away before it could fall. Beatrice helped me toss my cloak over my shoulders, just before calling back the boys. When the two gentlemen returned, they shared the same shocked looks at my appearance the ladies had possessed. It took a little more explaining to convince them that I was truly Kalina and not some thief who wanted to run off with their prized mare. Once Corliss had been fully swayed, he assisted me onto Pumpkin’s saddle. The weight of the dress made it exceedingly difficult to hoist my leg over the mare’s back, but with a bit of struggling and some unladylike wobbling, I managed.

“Thank you all, for everything,” I said sincerely as I looked down at my companions. “I’ll be sure to return home before the girls. Wish me luck!”

“Good luck, Kali! Don’t get arrested!” Chester cheered as Beatrice whacked his arm.

“Be safe, dear,” Yvette called sweetly.