Page 48 of Saint

All of their records may as well be in another language since I can’t decipher them.

If only Declan would have taken my advice and not hired three of his friends from middle school to man that department. I’m not convinced that any of them have the ability to count.

In times like this, I think my brother should have used his law degree in the spirit in which he earned it by defending criminals or prosecuting them.

Roping him into this business seemed like a bright idea at the time.

“Who came up with that shit?” I ask with exasperation evident in my tone.

The question stems from a place of genuine curiosity because the entire marketing department might find themselves in the same line at the unemployment office as the inventory control department. Or maybe, I just switch them out and give them a chance to handle a set of new tasks.

I laugh inwardly at the potential marketing ideas Declan’s friends would come up with.

“All of us,” Delora admits. “Every person has at least one contribution on that list.”

If that’s true, Champ has let me down.

I snatch the paper up again and scan it. Even with a second read through, nothing jumps out at me. “This is every idea that your department came up with?”

“Not every idea,” she admits. “There was one that didn’t make the list.”

“You’re holding back, Delora.” I drop back into my chair. “Tell me about that one.”

“It’s a yearly subscription as a holiday gift.”

With my interest piqued, I roll my hand. “I need to hear more than that.”

Delora laughs. “It’s a crazy idea. That’s why I didn’t mark it down. Who in their right mind would pay a fee to get a new pair of underwear delivered to someone else’s door once a month? We’d have to lower the price of our products to appeal to a bigger demographic.”

“You don’t believe that’s achievable?”

“I don’t believe it’s a worthwhile gamble,” she clarifies. “That’s why I didn’t include it on the list. I told Callie to come up with something different to present to you.”

“The subscription idea came from Calliope?”

She nods. “You know how it is with new hires, Sean. It’s hard to balance their enthusiasm with reality.”

I drop my gaze back to the list of bullshit ideas before leaning back in my chair. “Flesh the subscription model out more. I want you to have a full presentation ready by mid-month.”

“Sean.” My name snaps off her tongue.

“Delora.” I mimic her tone. “Put your all into this.”

She shakes her head. “All right. You’re the boss.”

I am, and I don’t know if I’m seeing potential in this because Champ is the mastermind behind it, but I want to learn more. Not just about the campaign idea but the woman responsible for it.

* * *

I’ma man who sticks to his word.

If I make a promise, you can bet everything you own that I will follow through with it.

That’s why I’m in the lobby of my building with a book in hand.

I don’t know what it’s about. I plucked it out of a shelf in the extra bedroom in my apartment two hours ago. Declan supplied the books and the shelf as a housewarming gift.

Leave it to my older brother to choose something that I have zero interest in.