Page 46 of Saint

Chapter Twenty-Six


“Of course, I’ll do it,”I say into my phone as I wait on the sidewalk in front of my building for Jurgen to arrive.

Sean is nowhere in sight. I feel a slight sense of relief from that.

Our kiss last night kept me awake for hours.

It was brief, and I craved more, but it set the tone for what might be waiting for me in the future.

If a man can kiss like that, what’s he capable of in bed?

“You’re my hero, Callie.” Naomi sighs. “Harlan will do a naked cartwheel when he finds out what I have planned for him.”

I don’t want any of those details, so I push the conversation forward by asking a crucial question. “Do you need me to pick up dinner for the kids on my way to your place, or…”

“That would be a dream come true,” my sister interrupts me. “Chicken nuggets and fries always top their lists.”

That’s as easy as easy can be.

“When these concert tickets landed in my lap this morning, I couldn’t believe it,” she explains again why she needs a last minute sitter for tonight. “I asked the kids who they wanted to watch over them, and you won by a landslide.”

I’d call her out on that lie, but it won’t serve any purpose other than embarrassing her.

My mom texted me a heads-up just before my phone rang five minutes ago.

Naomi had asked her and my dad to watch Bodhi and Tabitha tonight, but they already had plans.

I don’t mind being second choice.


I turn and raise a hand in greeting when I hear Sean call out my nickname.

When he spots the phone in my hand, his index finger darts to his lips as if he’s silencing himself.

“I’ll come to your place right after work,” I tell Naomi in an effort to wrap up the call. “If you need me to bring anything else, shoot me a text message.”

“Thank you!” she sing-songs into my ear. “Try not to stare at your boss all day.”

I feel my cheeks redden just as I end the call.

Sean dips his head to get a better look when I drop my gaze to the ground. “Are you blushing, Calliope?”

“No,” I murmur. “It’s warm out this morning.”

Naturally, the wind whips past us at the worst possible moment sending a few strands of my hair into my face.

I reach up to hold it in place as another gust follows.

“It’s brisk,” he says with a chuckle. “Sounds like I’m going to be turned down if I ask you out to dinner tonight.”

Convinced that the blush on my cheeks has faded, I look up to see him staring at me. “I have plans.”

“At someone’s place,” he adds.

I know a fishing expedition when it’s happening in plain sight.