Page 10 of Saint

Laughing, I duck into my apartment, grateful that at least one of my neighbors is a sweet soul.

Chapter Five


Patience may be a virtue,but it’s also a living hell when you’re waiting to hear back from multiple companies while searching for a new job.

Not only did I interview with Wells last week, but I met with the owner of a small tech firm. She was looking to launch her company’s first marketing campaign, and two days ago, I sat down with the human resources manager of a string of hotels.

My patience has finally paid off because an hour ago, Delora called to offer me the job at Wells.

She ran through all that is required of me, including signing an employment contract and filling out various forms. When she asked if I could start three days from now on Monday, I answered with a resounding yes.

Since I was set to see my older sister today, I suggested that we meet in Times Square so I could share the good news with her.

I know she’ll get a kick out of the larger-than-life billboard of the underwear model.

“That’s the company I’m going to be working for.” I point at the billboard. “Wells is my new employer.”

“Do you think there’s a sock in there, or is it all him?”

My head snaps to the right to catch sight of my sister’s face. She’s smiling as she stares up at the billboard.

“What did you just say?” I ask her, trying to suppress a laugh.

Naomi shoots me a look. “I asked if you think that underwear model has a sock in those boxer briefs or if that bulge is one hundred percent all him?”

I point at the stroller right in front of her. Her hands are resting on the handle. The plain gold band circling her ring finger seems brighter in the late afternoon sun. “Tabitha is right there. Do you want her to go home and tell Harlan that you’re drooling over some random model’s package?”

She leans closer to me. “It’s his dick, Callie. It’s not hard to say.”

She follows that up with a high-pitched giggle.

Shaking my head, I peek at her three-year-old daughter, who is thankfully fast asleep with her head resting on the soft blanket in the stroller.

“That was a penis pun,” Naomi points out. “I thought it was a great one. Hard. Dick. Get it?”

I sigh.

“Oh, wait.” She levels a finger in my face. “You haven’t gotten any in months, have you? When’s the last time you have sex, Calliope?”

“As if I’m going to tell you.” I smile. “You don’t need to know when I have sex, and I don’t want to know when you do.”

“It’s pretty obvious that I’m getting some.” She squeezes the handle of the stroller. “I have two kids already, and this one on the way means Harlan is still delivering in the bedroom.”

I glance at her swollen belly under the pink sundress she’s wearing. “You’re five months along now, right?”

She slides a hand over her stomach. “Give or take.”

Looking into her blue eyes, I smile. “That baby is lucky to have you as a mom.”

“I know it,” she says with a curt nod. “I am killing it as a mom if I do say so myself.”

Wrapping an arm around her shoulder, I laugh. “I say so too.”

Her gaze wanders back to the billboard that showcases a man’s ripped torso and a pair of white boxer briefs. “What do you think his face looks like? I lucked out when I married Harlan because he’s as beautiful as he is built.”

I turn my attention to the billboard. The model posing with his hands on his hips has abs for days. He may look like utter perfection, but I’d guess a hell of a lot of airbrushing went into creating that image. “Who knows? Maybe what we’re looking at is all he has going for him.”