Page 10 of Boys of Fall

“See, you got all stirred up for no reason,” Jackson drunk-slur whispered against Cara’s cheek. “And I know you liked it.”

Cara flushed. “So? That don’t mean I want the world to know.”

Oh lord.

“I’m going to wander around a little bit,” I said with an eye roll as I hopped off the bale. “Find me later, Cara?”

“You sure?” Cara asked but her fingers were already woven tight with Jackson’s.

“Yes, I’ll be fine.” I wiggled my fingers at her. “Remember what you do with your drink?”

She nodded. “See you in a little bit,” she added as Jackson scooted closer.

Cara winked her non-dominant eye, and I returned the gesture. Our long established, unless you get lucky, signal.

“Text me in an hour.” So I’ll know you are okay, I added mentally.

Cara nodded as Jackson started to get a little friskier. His teeth flashed white against her tan cheek as he slipped an arm around her shoulders.

Seeing them together brought my hunger to find Jerry rushing forward on faster heartbeats. Imagining him touching me that way pushed the butterflies higher in my throat.

The crowd had gone from playful to full swing debauchery. Each beat of music pounded in time with my heart as I moved toward the mobile bartender stand.