“Believe me, Cooper, I don’t want to be in this dirty ass bar. But I’m going to tell you something, and you’re going to fucking listen. You may be willing to ruin your life, your legacy but I won’t allow you. When you told me I was yours, and I told you you were mine, I fucking meant it. I’m in this for good, Cooper, I’m not going anywhere. Only problem is you need to fucking man up and realize it.” I cross my arms giving him the same angry eyes he’s been giving me. He draws in his eyebrows searching my eyes.
“Emma, do you mean that? You’d come back to me after everything I said and did?” I blow out a breath trying to stay in control.
“If you would have bothered to get in touch with me, you’d realize I never left.” He pushes the heels of his hands into his eyes before looking back at me. A tear rolls down his cheek, and damn, I want to comfort him but I can’t right now. I need him to realize how serious I am.
“Emma, I’m so fucking sorry. For everything. I’m still the same guy you fell in love with. You’ve got to believe me.” I look at him then all around the bar then back at him.
“Prove it.”
THREE WEEKS AGO, EMMA TOLD me to prove it to her. I intended to do just that. I let shit get completely out of control. I was so pissed at my mom and heartbroken over Emma that I took it out on the only thing I had left, my bar.
In the last three weeks, I’ve busted my ass. I cleaned the shit out of the bar. I admit I am humiliated that I let it get that disgusting. I don’t blame people for not coming around. Pair that with my fucking unacceptable behavior and the bar was quickly going to hell. I hadn’t booked any bands, paid any of my employees or bills. I was really on a destructive path. After I threw that shot a few weeks ago, I never had the thought again. Emma has saved me so many times, and she has no fucking idea.
Not only have I gotten the bar back on track, but I am working on things with my mom. It’s not been easy but since I moved her to a facility that has constant medical staff, yet allows her the independence she wants, it has been much better. She won’t be able to stay there forever, but until we both learn how to deal with everything, it’s the best thing. We’ve both been to counseling together, and we are slowly building our relationship. She has cried and begged me to forgive her for everything. She cries every time I tell her how she made me choose and I chose her, which in the end made me lose everything. Like I said, we are working on things.
I took Roy and Levi out to lunch and apologized for the way I treated them and the customers, and for making them
have to deal with me. They really are amazing friends to not only accept my apology but for not punching me in the face for acting the way I was. Although, I don’t think anyone would have gotten to me like Emma. When I saw her after so long, it was like a punch in the gut. She looked absolutely stunning. I would do anything to get us back to the way we were. I need her. She is my life, and obviously, without her, my life turns to shit. I have never in my life loved someone as much as I love her. I may have been the world’s biggest piece of shit the last couple of weeks, but I intend to make it up to her the rest of my life. I will never again let someone else come between us, not even my mother. I needed to figure out a huge gesture to get her to realize I’m still the guy she fell in love with. It took me a while to work it all out, but once I did, I knew it would be exactly what it would take.
I get out of the shower, and instead of putting on my normal ‘James Bar’ T-shirt, I put on a blue-and-black button-down shirt. I roll up the sleeves, making sure to show off my tattoos. I throw my jeans on and fix my hair. When I’m finished getting ready, I go down to the bar to make sure everything is being taken care of. Roy is behind the bar stacking the glasses so I go back to help him. He looks up at me and whistles. “Looking great, boss.” I laugh and we get to work making sure everything is ready for opening. It’s going to be a busy Saturday since I finally have Wicked Union back. “You ready for tonight, boss? Are you nervous?” I look over at him and smile.
“Roy, if you would have asked me that a few months ago, I would have told you I was scared shitless. I can honestly tell you nothing scares me more then not getting Emma back, so this is nothing compared to that.” He gives me a slap on the back.
“Boss, you’ve got this.” We spend the next half-hour prepping.
“Alright, I’m going to open the doors. I’ve got about two hours, then Levi said he would help you out. It’s going to be busy so I thought it would be best to have an extra hand.” He agrees and I open the bar.
Just as I thought, it is the busiest we’ve been. I knew having Wicked Union here would pull in the crowd, and that’s exactly what I wanted. I’m the same exact professional bar owner I’ve always been, and I can’t believe how many people actually point it out. It makes me feel awful, but I deserve it after the way I treated everyone.
Steve and the guys get here and begin setting up. Levi and Rain come shortly after. Hunter, Ryder, and even Nia show up. Now I’m just hoping that Rowan is able to get Emma here. She is going to text me when they are on their way, and the later it gets, the more anxious I get. Finally though, I get the text and my heart begins pounding.
I saw Emma come in, and holy shit, she looks beautiful. I can’t wait to have my girl in my arms again. I take a deep breath before I climb up onto the stage. Steve slaps my back, and I give him a nod. “Thank you all for coming tonight. We are lucky enough to have Wicked Union with us.” I wait for the thunderous applause to stop. “Before they start, I need to do a few things. First, I need to apologize to everyone for the way I’ve acted. This bar is my legacy, and I intend to keep it running with the respect it deserves. I appreciate each and every one of you for sticking with me all this time. So thank you.” Everyone claps, shouts, and whistles making me feel like I have gained back their respect. “Now I have something else I want to do. I know most of you have no idea, but I play the guitar. I wrote a song recently, and I’d like to sing it for you.” At this point I’m staring right at Emma. She looks shocked as Steve hands me my guitar, and I take a seat on a stool. I adjust the microphone and pluck my guitar to make sure it’s still in tune.
“You’ve got it, Cooper. Get that girl back,” Steve whispers in my ear, and it’s just the push I need.
“This song is called Dancing Hearts.” I begin to play the melody of Emma’s song, and I make sure to keep my eyes locked on her as I get ready to sing.
‘I never thought it was possible,
To have a love like this.
But it was completely undeniable,
From that very first kiss.
Your telling eyes,
Your brilliant smile,
You had me from the start,
The second I laid eyes on you, you had my dancing heart.
You make me laugh, you make me smile,
You make my dreams come true,
I don’t know what I did before,