I can’t help but scream. I’m so excited. I haven’t seen her in over a year. “Holy shit, you just made my week. I can’t wait to see you.” This is just what I need right now, to spend time with my girl. She knows what happened, and I’m sure that’s part of the reason for her visit, but hell, I’m grateful either way.

“I figured we could both use some girl time.”

I look at the clock and get out of my car when I realize how late it’s getting. “You know me too well. Listen, I need to get in there, but I’ll call you tonight and we’ll go over everything. Seriously, I can’t wait for Friday.” She agrees and we say our goodbyes. As I make my way into work, I hope this week flies by.

Luckily for me, the week does go quickly. It’s Thursday night and I’m sitting at my desk writing with a glass of wine. I took tomorrow off work so I would be home when Shannon gets here. Since this is my Friday, I’m taking full advantage. I am halfway done with this book and in the middle of a very intense sex scene, hence the wine. These characters are kicking my ass; as with all of them, they never do what I think they should. They pull me in a million different directions, making me need this wine. When I write, I go into my own world, a world that my characters live in. I picture everything so clearly in my head it’s like watching a movie. When I don’t see it playing out in my head that way, I need to step away, because forcing a story is something I’ll never do.

I continue to write for a few hours, and before I know it, it’s almost one in the morning. I rub my eyes and stretch before saving my work and shutting down the computer. I finish off the last sip of wine before getting up to put the glass in the sink. I head into my bedroom and climb into bed. I’ve had my pajamas on since I started writing, as I normally do. I like to be comfortable. Once I’m settled in bed, I smile, loving how much I got written tonight. This book will be done before I know it. Just as fast as the smile found its way to my face, it fades. Usually I am elated about working on my covers, but this time I’m nervous. I am working with Kallie, and I have no idea what she knows about the night in New York. I don’t want her to ask me and not even be able to give her answers. It’s humiliating.

I’ll be honest, Blake did try to call me when I first got back and I let voicemail get it. He never left a message, but he did finally text me a week later. Like a damn stalker, I still have it saved.

Tried to call you. Wanted to make sure we’re still cool after everything that happened.

Once again, for a week, I ignored it, but I read it probably a thousand times. I keep thinking, what does this mean? Were we cool before we slept together? I guess we were. Is this his way of saying, thanks but no thanks? Why would he try to contact me? Did Kallie tell him to do it? Did he do it because he feels bad? Every time I read it, I think something different, so in a drunken moment, I finally texted back.

Cool as a cucumber.

That’s right, that’s what I wrote back. Ugh! What kind of fucking idiot am I? Who writes that to a sexy model? Who writes that at all? Oh, that’s right, I do. I couldn’t even handle the idea of what he would write back, so I changed my number. Yes, I am that pathetic. Anyway, last month Kallie inboxed me on Facebook and asked me if I wanted to meet up for a few drinks. I was much too scared to ask if Blake would be there, so I declined but I gave her my new number, and we talked a few brief times about her doing a custom shoot for me. I was originally going to use Blake again for this cover, but I can’t do it…not now. So I figured if I just used Ivy and h

ad the male model with his back to me, it could still work.

I must sound like the most overdramatic woman ever and I probably am, but after being terrified of Axel, I feel better hiding. It’s what I’m used to. So even though I feel like an asshole, it’s my way. Now however, I will need to see Kallie, and I’m not sure I can handle that. I blow out a breath and look over at my nightstand. I don’t smoke…well, not every day, but when I am beyond stressed, I grab one of these stale cigarettes that I hide in there, and let it soothe me. I lean over and open the drawer, digging to the back to find the pack and a lighter. I haven’t had one since the first night I got back from New York, so I know I’m stressed. I pull the pack out and sit up in bed. I reach in again and pull out my ashtray, placing it on the nightstand. I get a cigarette out and light it, taking a deep drag. I immediately start choking on the stale taste. Damn, these taste a lot better when they’re fresh, but fuck it. I lean my head back, and drag after drag, I let the nicotine wash over me and calm me down. When I put it out, I lay down, and within minutes, I am sound asleep.

“Holy fuck, that was amazing.”

“Best I’ve ever had. I’ll be dreaming about that for a lifetime.” I snap my eyes open to a pounding heart. Holy shit, it never changes. I blow out a breath and reach for my cell phone. It’s only nine o’clock, but I know I won’t be able to fall back to sleep, not with that dream still racing through my head. I get out of bed and head to the kitchen to make myself a pot of coffee. Once it starts brewing, I drag my tired ass to the couch and pull up Facebook to interact with my readers for a while.

Within fifteen minutes, I’m laughing and the dream is starting to fade away. I get up and make myself a cup of coffee before returning to the couch. I spend the next hour talking with some author friends, making a few posts, and laughing with my street team. It’s amazing that these women can always make me smile no matter how miserable I feel when I sign on. After I finish two cups of coffee, I log out and go take a much-needed shower.

After I get out and dress in a pair of jeans, pink tank, and my flip-flops, I do my hair and makeup. Once I’m ready for the day, I call Shannon to see where she is.

“How did I know you would be calling me soon?”

I laugh and sit down at my computer, pulling up what I wrote last night. “I guess because you know me better than I know myself sometimes. Where are you?” I laugh when I hear her cursing at the car in front of her for going too slow.

“Damn, some people just don’t know how to drive. I swear, you better be ready to get your drink on tonight because I need it after driving with these assholes.” We both laugh. “Anyway, I left early, so I’m about three hours from you.” We continue to talk for a bit about where we’re going to go tonight and finally decide on Ecstasy. They have awesome drinks, great music, and a dance floor. Should be an interesting night.

After we hang up, I run to the grocery store to pick up a few things. I walk around with my cart, not paying much attention to anything but what’s on sale, and I end up hitting someone else’s cart. “Holy shit, I’m so sorry. I wasn’t paying any attention.” Now if I were a lucky person, this would have been just a random individual, someone I’ve never seen before. I, however, am not that lucky person. The cart I hit belongs to Jax Burke—you’ve got to be kidding me. He turns around, and as soon as he sees me, he gets a huge smile on his face.

“London, how are you?”

He’s so damn sweet. With those intense eyes, sexy tattooed arms, and that half-grin, Kallie is one lucky chick. “Hi, Jax, I’m good. How are you?”

He puts his foot on the bottom of my cart and shrugs his shoulders. “I’m all right, but Kallie has strep throat, so when she’s miserable, so am I. I took today off and I’m going to try to make homemade chicken soup for her.”

Come on, how is this guy for real? Not only is he one of the sexiest men I’ve ever laid eyes on, but he’s so incredibly sweet. I swear he’s like a character I would write, that’s how perfect he is. No one in real life is like that, yet here he is in front of me with a cart full of chicken and vegetables for his soup.

“Oh, I’m so sorry she isn’t feeling well. I’m sure your soup will help.” He laughs, and even though I just want to get away because I’m terrified he’s going to mention Blake, I end up laughing with him. “What’s so funny?”

“I’ve never made soup before, so I’m not sure it will help her. I printed a recipe offline, so I guess we’ll see. What’s been going on with you?”

I look up at the ceiling as if I’m thinking, but really I’m telling myself to relax. “Nothing much. Between work and writing, there isn’t much more. My best friend is driving in today, so I’m excited to see her. It’s been too long.” Holy hell, like he cares if my friend is coming in. Just say goodbye and walk away.

“That’s awesome. Where does she live?”

Crap. “In Arizona. I’m so sorry to cut this short, but I need to get the rest of my things and get home before she gets there. It was great seeing you. Please tell Kallie I hope she feels better.”

He gives me that grin and pulls me in for a hug. Damn, he even smells good. “I’ll tell her. It was great seeing you too.” He walks away and my heart finally settles down, but of course, he stops and turns around. “Oh, hey, London.” I look up at him and he gives me a smile. “Next Saturday I’m having a party. You should stop by. Kallie would love to see you.”