I turn my head to her, and she grins up at me. “Your boob? Are you serious?” Tony is laughing, pulling out drawing paper, and she shakes her head.

“Not on my boob, under it.”

Oh, what the fuck. “You do realize that Tony is going to see your tits now, right?” He laughs so hard that it makes her giggle, and I want to stop the jealous feeling I have, but fuck, Tony is about to see her tits.

“Hey, Blake, you do realize that I see tits every day, right? Some of them I even pierce.”

London laughs and I shake my head. “Shut the hell up.” I peek down at her and she gives me a sad face. Oh fuck. “All right, I’m sorry. If that’s where you want it, Tony will just have to keep his eyes closed.” She laughs and I pull her in for a hug. “I’m kidding, baby. I think it will look fucking hot there.” I can tell that is exactly what she wanted to hear when she lets out a breath into my chest.

“All right, give me a minute to draw something up. I’ll be right back.” He leaves and London gets up on the table. I show her the tattoo gun and the ink and tell her exactly what is going to happen. She’s nervous as hell, and I wish I could make her relax, but until he starts, there is no way. After a while, Tony comes back in with a few different sketches and he shows them to her.

“Holy shit. That one is exactly what I pictured.?


He smiles and tosses the other ones aside. “Blake, I think I need to tell you to relax before I tell her.” He raises his eyebrows and I nod. I know he is a professional. I just need to fucking chill out. “All right, London, I need you to take off your bra and lift your shirt up, so I can place the tattoo and show you what it will look like.” My heart is pounding when she lifts her shirt and has no bra on. She laughs when my eyes widen.

“I knew where I wanted it, so I figured a bra was pointless.” Tony has her stand and places the tattoo exactly where she wants it, under her tit, and stands back to make sure it is straight. I glance over and my dick jumps when I see how fucking sexy it will be. She stares at it and when she smiles, I know it’s perfect.

Tony has her lie on the table, and I move to the side to hold her hand. He explains everything to her and tries to keep her as calm as possible. When the machine turns on, she jumps, and I turn her face to me. “You need to lay still, baby, or it will be fucked up. Look at me.” She keeps her head turned to me, and I know exactly when he touches her with the needle. She closes her eyes tightly and bites her lip. I lean down and start talking into her ear. “Baby, I’m right here. Just relax. You’ll get used to the feeling soon. Focus on my voice.” I try my hardest to keep her attention off the noise and pain, but every once in a while, she bites her lip hard.

“You’re doing awesome, London. This is one kickass tattoo. What’s the story behind it?” She opens her eyes and stares at me. I grin and focus on Tony.

“She’s an author, and it’s part of a book she wrote.” She gives me a sad smile for coming up with the lie so quickly. She didn’t need to tell me what it meant, I know. She was awakened when we got together, physically and emotionally. I give her a wink and she smiles.

Before long, Tony tells her she is done, and I couldn’t be more proud of her. She handled it like a fucking champ. He helps her up and she covers her tits, thank God, as he tells her to check it out in the mirror. She immediately starts crying, and I walk over and give her a side hug. She’s going to be sore, and I don’t want to make it worse. “Baby, that looks sexy as hell.” She grins at me and I wipe her tears.

“Tony, thank you so much. I absolutely love it.” He tells her how to care for it and puts the ointment on, and before long, we are heading home. Once we’re there, she throws her arms around me and smiles. “You know what this tattoo really means, right?”

I kiss her and rest my head on hers. “Of course I do.”

She kisses my chest and stares up at me. “Good. Now holy shit, I need this shirt off.” She pulls it over her head, and I can’t help but stare at how amazing her tattoo is. It suits her perfectly. It was like her body was missing something and now it is complete. I am so damn lucky to be a part of her forever now. It’s an honor I’ll never take for granted. London is my world and now she has a tattoo to prove it.

Chapter Nineteen


It’s been two weeks since I got my tattoo and I fucking love it. It hurt like hell, but every time I see it, I say it was worth the pain. I love it and I’m so proud of myself for finally having the courage to do it. Without Blake, I definitely wouldn’t have, but he has changed me so completely, and I feel like I can do anything I want as long as I have him.

Today, we are flying to South Carolina, and I’m so excited to show him where I grew up. I’m not thrilled to hash it out with my parents, but thankfully, Blake got us a hotel room so we don’t need to stay with them. I talked to my mom the other day, and even though she apologized, I’m just having a hard time letting it all go. It’s not something that I can forgive right away. It’s going to take years to rebuild our relationship, and I don’t think it will ever be what it once was.

“London, are you sure you packed everything?” I look at him and laugh. We’re on our way to the airport. What if I did forget something? It’s too late now. Plus, he’s asked me a hundred times.

“Yes, again, I packed everything. Stop acting like we’re flying to a place that doesn’t have stores. If we forgot anything, we can always pick it up.” He laughs and reaches over to rest his hand on my thigh. “I can’t believe you didn’t want Jax to drive us to the airport. I hate that you’re going to leave your truck here.”

“No, I’d rather have my truck here waiting for us. It will be fine.” The rest of the ride is quiet, and as we park at the airport, I feel butterflies in my stomach at the thought of going home. He helps me out of the truck, and we make our way into the airport. After going through security and checking our bags, we sit to wait for our flight. “You all right? You haven’t said much.”

I lay my head on his shoulder, and he puts his hand on my thigh. “I’m fine, just a little nervous about going home. I want to show you where I grew up, but I’d rather not deal with my parents.”

He kisses my head and squeezes my thigh. “They can’t be any worse than they were in the hospital.” It makes me laugh and he sighs. “Listen, if they are assholes again, we just leave. We do have a hotel room, and I intend to fuck you on every surface of it.” Just like that, my thoughts are no longer on my parents. Damn, he’s good.

They call our flight a few minutes later, and the next thing I know, we’re landing in South Carolina. The flight seemed to go by in the blink of an eye. Blake, of course, had the eye of every girl, and I just sat back and smiled. They can look all they want because his heart belongs to me.

After getting our bags and getting our rental car, we head toward the hotel. “Seriously, could this car be any smaller? What the fuck?” I can’t help laughing at him. It’s not a small car. He’s just used to his fucking ginormous truck.

“I told you I would have driven.”

He glances over at me and laughs. “Like you driving would make this car bigger.” We laugh and I turn to stare out the window. It’s amazing, after not being here for so long, how everything is exactly the same. I smile and realize I’m home.