“Blake, seriously, this was delicious. I can’t believe you thought to do this. It was so sweet.”

I clear our plates and stand by her. “I’m a sweet guy, what can I say?” She laughs and it’s music to my ears when there is no groan of pain after it. I hold out my hand and help her stand. “Let’s sit outside for a little bit

.” We go out and sit in the lounges and I grab a cigarette. “You know, you haven’t had a cigarette since you’ve been here. That’s impressive.”

She laughs again and smiles at me. “I haven’t needed one. Well, I probably could have when I first came home from the hospital, but no way was I risking any more pain if I coughed.” I chuckle and blow out a puff of smoke. We sit listening to the pool run, the birds chirp, and the annoying dog next door. When I put out my smoke, I turn to her.

“London, I have a surprise for you.” She gets excited and claps her hands together, like a kid. I laugh and pull it out of my pants. Not my cock. Damn, get your head out of the gutter. I hand her the envelope I pulled out of my pocket and she peeks at me. “Open it.”

She slowly lifts the flap and pulls out two plane tickets. She looks at them and back up at me, in shock. “Wait, what?”

I laugh and kneel in front of her. “So, I took it upon myself to get in touch with your parents.” She goes to talk, but I place my finger over her lips. “Let me finish. I wanted to do it, not for me, but for you. I want you to be able to go home and visit them and the property you love so much.” She gets tears in her eyes and I lean forward to kiss her lips. “I called your parents and they were all too willing to get to know me. They did apologize for the way they treated me in the hospital, and I told them it’s not me they need to apologize to.”

She throws her arms around me and starts to cry. “I can’t believe you did all that and that you remembered from our first date how much I love it there.”

I push her back so she can see my face. “Baby, I remember everything you say, no matter how unimportant you think it may be.” She presses her lips to mine, and we share a very sweet, soft kiss. When we break apart, I wipe the remaining tears on her face. “We leave in two weeks. I did book us a hotel, though. I don’t exactly want to be on vacation with you and not be able to fuck you senseless.” We laugh and she stands up, holding her hand out to me.

“Take me to bed.” Fuck, that’s something that doesn’t need to be said twice. We go into the bedroom and she closes the door. “Blake, I know you’re the one who always says you will show me with your body how I make you feel, but tonight, I think we can both do that.” We slowly pull each other’s clothes off, and when I help pull my shirt over my head, she gasps. She is only in her bra and panties and I’m in my boxers, so I lead her to the bed and lift her on. I lie on top of her and smile.

“This tattoo is for you, London. It’s a reminder that you can always trust me.” She kisses it and it makes my cock painfully hard.

“Blake, this means more to me than flowers, or plane tickets, or reminders of our first date. This—” She traces it with her finger. “—this is our past, present, and future.” I kiss her while I reach over for a condom. When I have it, I toss it on the bed and break the kiss.

“Damn right, it is.” I begin kissing her body, loving the feel of her skin on mine. I unhook her bra, pull it off, and then suck on her tits. She moans and I can’t even wait another minute. I run my hand down her body and slide it into her panties to see how wet she is. “Fuck, you are so ready for me.” I get her panties off as well as my boxers and roll on the condom. I pin her hands above her head, looking in her honey eyes. “I told you I wouldn’t be able to wait and I can’t. Are you all right with that?” She nods her head, never breaking eye contact.

“Yes.” I don’t want to slam into her, so I slowly push in, stretching her with every inch. “Oh God.” When I’m completely in, I still for a minute so she can get used to me again, and honestly, so I don’t come right now. She feels so incredible wrapped around me. “Move, Blake.” Not wanting to disappoint her, I start to move and it feels surreal. It’s been so long, I feel like I’ve been dying of thirst and finally got a drink. My body is overcome with the need for my release.

“Fuck, London. I’m not going to last, it’s been too long.” I pick up my pace and she digs her nails into my hand. She’s moaning, but still hasn’t broken eye contact. I feel her tightening around me, and I let out a moan. “I feel you…fuck, do I feel you. Let go, baby, let your body feel it.” I reach down and rub her clit, and seconds later, she’s screaming my name, causing me to follow her right over the edge. “Oh fuck, London.” We ride out our orgasms, and I lean down to kiss her, letting go of her hands. She runs them into my hair, and I hold onto the sides of her face. When we are both breathless, I pull back. “So fucking good.” She runs her hands down my arms and across my chest, tracing my tattoo again. “Next time, I promise I’ll make it up to you.” She giggles and I get up to get a washcloth for her.

We decide to call it an early night, and we stay in bed, naked, wrapped around each other. She has her head on my chest and all is right again. “Blake?” I look down at her and she smiles. “I’d like to get that tattoo now.” Holy shit, I was not expecting that, but the thought of her perfect skin getting a tattoo is incredibly hot. I only hope I don’t end up fucking her on that table.

“I’ll give him a call in the morning.” She falls asleep shortly after, but I stay awake and think of all the things possible I could do to her on that tattoo table. Fuck, I have one hell of a good imagination.


After having the hottest wake-up sex ever, London hands me my phone and tells me to call Tony. I laugh, but hell, there isn’t a thing in this world she could ask me to do that I wouldn’t. I talk to him and he says we can come in tonight. I’m so thankful it’s Saturday because he has a finish-up tattoo and tells me to come in at nine o’clock. When I tell London, she is excited and nervous.

We go to the beach for a while and hang out. She lets me rub oil all over her, which is not a good idea, because I got a hard-on that is easily visible through my swim trunks. She laughs and I lie on my stomach until it finally goes down. It’s such a relaxing day, followed by a kickass meal that London made. Now I sit on the couch waiting for her to finish getting ready so we can head over to Tony’s. She comes down the hallway and sucks the wind out of my lungs. She’s so fucking hot. She has on a pair of jeans and a cut-off shirt that hangs off her shoulder, and her hair is in a very high ponytail. “Fuck, you are hot.” She laughs and sits down next to me.

“You’re pretty fucking hot yourself.”

I kiss her, and when she runs her hand up my chest, I can feel it shaking. I pull back and glance at her. I move my hand to cover hers and grin. “It’s not that bad. The worst part is the noise of the machine, but you’ll get used to that. Plus, I’ll be there to hold your hand. I won’t let him hurt you.” She gives me a forced smile and nods. “Are you sure you want to do this? We don’t need to do it now.”

She stands up and steps into her flip flops that are by the couch. “I’m doing this. Come on.” I smile and get up. We go out to my truck and I help her in. I climb in and she stares at me. “Seriously, can’t you get a smaller truck?” We both laugh as I start it.

“Seriously, why are you so short?” We keep up the joking the entire ride. I don’t want her to be nervous, but it is her first tattoo. She doesn’t know what to expect, and that is the scariest part. When we pull into the parking lot, I notice her take a deep breath. I get out and help her out of the truck. She grabs my hand tightly and we walk to the door. I hold it open for her and we walk in. I tell her to sit down while I go to the back to get Tony. He’s sitting in his office, and I knock before I walk in.

“Hey, Blake.” He gets up and we do the guy hug thing. “Where’s your lady?” I smile when he says it and lean against the wall.

“She’s out there. Listen, she’s really fucking nervous, so try not to hurt her.”

He laughs and smacks my arm. “I won’t purposely hurt her, but I can’t promise it won’t hurt. Where does she want it?”

Shit, I never bothered to ask, what an asshole. “Honestly, I didn’t ask. Just try not to hurt her.” He laughs again and tells me to go get her and bring her to the room in the back. I go into the waiting room, and she’s talking to another girl that is sitting next to her. I walk over and she smiles at me. “Ready?” She grins at me and stands up. She tells the girl it was nice talking to her and grabs a hold of my hand again, crushing it. I lead her to the back room, and when we walk in, Tony is setting up. He glances up and stands when we walk in. “Tony, this is London. London, this is Tony.” They shake hands and London grabs mine right back.

“So Blake told me a little bit about what you want, but how about you tell me what you want and where you want it?”

She takes a deep breath and squeezes my hand. “I want a peacock feather with the word ‘awakening’ and I want it under my right boob.”