y is pushing me to my breaking point.” Even though I want him so badly, I know how terribly it would hurt, so I just tell him how to shave my legs. He gets down on his knees in front of me, the water pounding on him, and I need to close my eyes. He rubs the soap on my legs and slowly starts shaving them. It is all too much, and I am getting so turned on.

“Shit, stop.” I open my eyes and he removes his hands right away.

“Did I cut you?”

Fuck, he is so damn sweet. “No, you didn’t cut me. This is turning me on.”

He stands up and gently wraps his arms around me. “I know. This is killing me too, but until your ribs are healed, we just have to wait.” I drop my head forward onto his bare, wet chest and sigh. He chuckles and kisses my head. “Think of it this way. The buildup will make it that much better.” I lift my head and raise my eyebrows. “All right, the buildup will make the first time fast as fuck, but the second time, I promise, will be amazing.” We both laugh, and it hurts, but I just don’t care.


Kallie and Jax have been here for a few hours and it has been great. It makes me feel that much closer to being back to myself. “London, I know I said it before, but I really can’t believe how great you healed. The swelling is all but gone, and if it wasn’t for the bruising and stitches, I would have never believed what you looked like before.”

It makes me feel so good to know that I’m starting to appear normal again. “Thank you. I just can’t wait for these ribs to heal and get back to my life.” She shakes her head, agreeing with me, and we start talking about books. She recently read all of my books, which was really flattering. Now, she’s begging me to tell her what happens in the next book.

“Kallie, I think we took up enough of their time. Plus, I leave for a shoot in two days, so you know.” He gives her a wink and I smile. I love watching them together. After all this time, you’d think they are just recently dating.

I hug them both, causing me pain in the process, and we all walk inside. I took a pain pill after dinner, and it is definitely kicking in. I’m exhausted. “Thank you both for dinner.” They walk to the door, and before they open it, the doorbell rings. We all stare at each other, and Kallie comes to stand by me, while Blake and Jax answer the door. I don’t know what the hell to think when I see the police, but my heart starts pounding in my chest and I start to cry. Kallie hugs me and I hear Blake invite them in the house.

“I’m sorry to bother you, but I need to speak with Ms. Tweed.” I glance over at them, and Kallie releases me when Blake walks over. “Ma’am, perhaps you’d like to speak in private.” Blake wraps his arm around me and I shake my head.

“Definitely not.” He nods and he and his partner give me a small smile. What the fuck?

“Ma’am, you know that we placed Axel Martin under arrest.” I nod my head, and my heart is really pounding now. “Well, we thought we should let you know that he has committed suicide.” I can’t even find the words right now, and I stare at them with wide eyes. “Not sure you want the details, but he hung himself with a sheet in his cell. So, this case is officially closed, and you, ma’am, are safe.” I still can’t formulate any words, and I start crying.

I no longer have to live in fear. No more looking over my shoulder. No more pretending. It’s over. I’m safe.

Chapter Eighteen


It has been the longest six weeks of my life. After we found out Axel had killed himself, the relief was felt throughout the room. Obviously, London was the one who was the most relieved and she told me that night that for the first time in years, she felt completely safe. It made me feel like shit that I couldn’t give her that, but I guess when you know a crazy prick is out there, nothing can help. She still wasn’t comfortable going home, which hell, I loved. I wanted her with me at all times.

Over the next couple of weeks, she started to heal, and not just physically. It has been such an unbelievable thing to watch. She went back to work last week, and I could see it was draining on her. She came home that first night and fell asleep in my arms watching TV, before we even ate dinner. Each day, she was able to do more, and now it’s been six weeks, and after a doctor’s visit, we know she is completely healed. It added to the relief I already felt. Not only was I relieved she was finally healed, but after what feels like months, we can have sex.

It’s taken everything in me the last few weeks to not throw her on the bed and show her how much I love her. We even decided after that shower when she asked me to shave her legs, it was best not to see each other naked. I haven’t seen her naked in weeks. I am excited for her to see me naked though, and not just because I love the feel of her skin on mine. About three weeks ago, she had a girls’ day with Kallie and Brinley here, so Jax and I went out. We ended up at Tony’s tattoo shop and we both got a new tattoo. He got Kallie’s lips on his arm, and I got the word “trust” on my chest. I had him place it right where London lays her head at night and where she kisses. I fucking love how it turned out. Tony is a damn genius. I am so excited for her to see it tonight, and believe me, she will see it tonight.

I get off work early, so I shower and order each of us a meal from the Italian restaurant we went to on our first date. I run to pick up the food, and on the way home, I stop to get her a bouquet of wildflowers. The tattoo is not the only surprise I have for her tonight.

When I get home, I put the food in the oven to keep it hot and lay the flowers on the table so I can grab them when she walks in. I check the clock. I have twenty minutes before she gets home, so I go outside to have a smoke. My phone rings and it’s Jax.

“Hey, brother, what’s up?” I take a drag and sit down looking out at the trees.

“I know we should sit down to have this talk, but I need to tell someone.” I smile because I’m sure I know it before he even says anything. “I’m going to ask Kallie to marry me.”

I fucking knew it. “Fuck, I’m so happy for you guys. When are you doing it?” I seriously can’t believe he’s going to get married. It’s hard to believe.

“We both have shoots coming up, so I want it to be after that. I’m thinking a few weeks. Would you go with me to pick out a ring?”

I put my smoke out and stand up, smiling. “Fuck yes. You tell me when and I’ll be there. This is fucking huge, like my dick.” He bursts out laughing, and we talk for a few more minutes. He hurries me off the phone when Kallie walks in the door, and I hang up, still smiling. I go in the house just in time for London to walk in the door. I grab the flowers and walk into the living room. “Hey, baby. How was work?”

She tilts her head and grins when she sees the flowers. “Thank you so much. What’s the occasion?” I wrap my arms around her and press my lips to hers, kissing the hell out of her. She moans and I pull back because I want to get through dinner before I chase her into the bedroom, but she has my cock begging for more.

I grab her hand and lead her to the kitchen. “No occasion, just because I love you.” She hugs me and kisses my chest, right on top of my tattoo. “Sit down and I’ll get dinner on the table.” She raises her eyebrows and gives me a look of complete shock. I pull our dinner out of the oven and put our meals on a plate. I carry them to the table and I put her plate in front of her.

“Oh my God, this is just like our first date.” I sit down across from her and take in her face. I’m doing awesome so far.

“Yes, it is. So dig in.” I give her a wink, and we start eating and talking about our day. It is so great to have her back, not having to worry that she’s hurting. I know the emotional wounds still have a way to go, but I will help her with that too. I finish eating and sip on my beer, waiting for her.