“All right. So you told the paramedics that you left when he nearly beat you to death five years ago. You changed your name and tried to stay under the radar, so how was he able to find you?”

She swallows a few times and begins to cry. “He told my parents that I was in trouble and had reached out to him. He told them I was in a bad relationship, that I feared for my life, but I wasn’t able to get my address to him. They gave it to him. He found me on Facebook because my friend posted my picture.” Holy fuck. I can’t believe the lengths he went through, but right now, I feel as much anger toward her parents as I do him.

“Sir, you are the one that found them, correct?”

“Yes.” I tell them everything that happened, right down to me almost choking the life out of him.

“That’s all we need right now. Thank you both. We’ll be in touch.”

Oh, I don’t fucking think so. “Whoa, hold on a minute. What about him? He’s never getting out of jail, right?”

“He’s not able to post bail, so he will remain there until his court date.”

Is this for real? “Until his court date? Are you kidding me? Look at her. He nearly killed her.” They give me the whole speech that everyone gets a court date and bullshit like that. I just nod and they leave. I’ll never let her out of my sight again, so why am I worried? Next time, I will kill him.

Chapter Seventeen


I am finally in a room. I’ve been in the hospital for hours now. I have four broken ribs, five stitches, and a lot of swelling and bruising. I’m so lucky to be alive. I really thought he was going to kill me, and honestly, I think he would have, but he wanted to make sure Blake was there first. I tried fighting so hard this time, but he was just so much stronger than me. If it weren’t for the thought of Blake, I probably would have just given up.

He found out everything about me before coming to find me. He knew I was an author, what my books were about, that I was dating Blake, and that I tried my hardest to stay under the radar. If Shannon hadn’t posted that picture and Blake hadn’t commented, it probably wouldn’t have happened so soon, but it would have happened. He told me he’d been looking for me since I left, and that my parents were all too willing to give him my address. I cried so hard when he said Blake better come find me. I have no idea what he thought he was going to do to Blake, considering Blake nearly killed him, but still.

The nurse interrupts my thoughts when she gives me more pain medicine. “Sweetie, you have a large crowd out here that are about to have security on them if I don’t let them in.” I smile at her, and she gives me fresh ice for my eye. “They all can’t stay too long, but considering they’ve all been here for hours, I’m going to break the rules for a while.”

“Thank you.” I feel overwhelmed with love for everyone and embarrassment. Nothing prepared me for everyone that comes in the door. Blake, of course, is the first one in. Then Jax, Kallie, Brody, Braden, Brinley, Max, Shannon, and to my complete surprise, my parents come in. Everyone has balloons, flowers, and even a few stuffed animals. Blake gently kisses my lips and moves his mouth to my ear.

“I’m staying the night. I don’t give a fuck what your parents say. I’ll let everyone visit with you before I take up all of your time, though.” I stare at him and try to give him a look of confusion, but I’m not sure it comes across with the swelling. “I’ll explain it all later, baby.” He moves aside, and as soon as I see Shannon, I start to cry.

“Oh, London, I knew something was wrong. It was my fault. I should never have posted that picture.” We both hold onto each other and cry for a while.

“Shan, it wasn’t your fault. You know he would have found me with or without that picture.” It’s true, he would have.

“I’d like to see my daughter now.” I glance up at my mother and she appears pissed off. “Laken, I am so sorry I gave him your address, but why didn’t you tell us how awful he was?”

I can’t stop the tears. “Mom, I told you so many times and you didn’t believe me. You told me I was running away, and you were right, just not about what I was running from. You’ve wanted nothing to do with me the last few years, so don’t come here now seeking forgiveness, because it’s not going to happen overnight.” She wipes her tears and glances at my dad.

“Laken, your mother and I are sorry, but you have to admit it was hard to believe.” This is the last thing I need right now. I can feel myself getting ready to blow. How is it hard to believe your daughter? “I mean, look at the friends you keep now.” That’s it. That did it.

“Get out.” My mother gasps and my father shakes his head. “I’m not kidding. Get the fuck out of my room, this hospital, this fucking state. I’ve done great for five years without you. I have my family here, and you are not a part of them.”


“My name is London.”

My father rolls his eyes and turns to my mother. “I told you California would change her.” He glances back down at me. “These friends you keep, they are nothing but trouble.”

I can’t stop the tears. “These friends I keep are the only ones who have been there for me. These friends I keep are all living their dreams, just like me. These friends I keep make me laugh, make me happy, and love me, not because they’re obligated to, because they want to.” Blake moves next to my mom and smiles down at me. “And this man right here is the love of my life. Now get the fuck out of here before I call security and have you removed.” They don’t even think twice about it and walk out the door. They never once asked how I was feeling. I start crying pretty hard, and Blake gently wraps his arms around me.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t think they would be so cold once they saw you. I’m proud of you, though.” I laugh and then moan in pain. “Easy, baby. Now are you ready to talk with the rest of your family?” He pulls back and gives me a smile.

“Hell yes, I am.” Every single one of them either kisses me or hugs me and asks how I’m feeling. More than my parents did.

“London, you scared the shit out of us.” I frown at Jax and look between him and Brody.

“Thank you both for coming when you did. Both Blake and I needed you there.” Jax gives Blake a nod, and I’m certain they’ve already talked about it all.

“That’s what family does. Blake is our brother, so that makes you our sister. I’m just thankful it turned out the way it did.” I feel the tears again, and as much as I want to be embarrassed, I’m not. These people that have become such an important part of my life the last few months make me feel like I can do no wrong. I wish I had realized it sooner.