“I’m glad I came too. I haven’t been out in a while.”

She places her hand on mine and smiles at me. “I know. We’ve missed you.”

Max comes over right then and I’m glad. “Blake, how you doing, man?” We talk for a while, and by a while, I mean two shots and a beer. I’m really feeling no pain, and I decide it’s time to get out there and dance. Max follows me but a sexy blonde distracts him. I start dancing and within minutes, I have girls all over me. I dance for a song with them all, but excuse myself after that. I move to a different spot, and I feel arms wrap around my waist. I roll my eyes and turn around. Brinley winks at me and I laugh. We dance a few songs and I’m having such a great time. I’m drunk, dancing with one of my best friends, and thinking of London.

Brinley leaves to go get us shots, and when she gets back, she hands me two. We both throw them back and start dancing again. She starts really grinding on me, but I don’t mind. I wrap my arm around her waist and pull her flush against me. We are both really drunk and it’s all in fun, well, for me it is. She moves my hands down to her ass, and she pushes up on her toes, moving in to kiss me.

I back up and gently push her off. “Whoa, Brin. What the hell are you doing?”

She smiles and moves close to me again. “Come on, Blake. You and I are different. We aren’t like everyone else. We know that sex can be meaningless.” I step back again and she looks at me.

“Brin, that’s not me anymore. I’m not that guy. I’m in love with London, and no matter how drunk I am, I won’t forget that.”

She shakes her head and steps back from me. “You used to be so easy to be with. Now you’re like everyone else. Judging me.” She turns away from me and I stop her.

“Hey, I’m not judging you. I know what it’s like, and you are just like me, so I know when you find someone, things will be different. I never thought it would happen to me, but it has. It will happen for you. In the meantime, no judgment. Ever.” She gives me a sad smile and we hug. “For what it’s worth, I don’t regret anything and neither should you.” She laughs and we break apart.

“Thanks, Blake.” We talk for a few more minutes, but when I see she thinks I’m still going to take her home, I know it’s time to leave. I say goodbye to her and Max and go outside to get a cab. As much fun as tonight was, I can’t wait until I’m sitting at home with London.

When I get home, I shower and get into bed. I send London a text telling her I’m home and I love her. I lie down and close my eyes. For the first time since she left, I fall asleep with a smile on my face, and it has nothing to do with thinking back to our phone sex. Well, all right, a little bit.

I fall asleep, thinking how fucking lucky I am and hoping the next two days fly by, because she can’t get home and in my arms fast enough. She belongs here.

Chapter Fifteen


Today I leave Shannon’s and I’m ready. I needed to come here to clear my head, to remember who I am again. I’m Laken, damn it, and I’m not afraid to say that anymore. I know telling Blake isn’t going to be easy, but after talking it all out with Shannon, I know it needs to be done. She told me I don’t need to rush home and tell him, to give it a day or two. I liked that idea, because the thought of going home and fighting with him is not something I look forward to. I want to go home and feel safe in his arms.

“Fuck, I’m going to miss you. I wish I could come back with you.”

I put the last of my things in my suitcase and close it. “Why don’t you? Surprise Brody,” I suggest.

She hugs me but I know it’s not going to happen. “I’d love nothing more, but I have so much editing to get caught up on. If I come out with you, I’ll never get it done. I’m not about to let down all these authors. Shit, imagine it was you.” Good point, I’d kick her ass if she didn’t get my book back to me when she promised.

“Fine. When do you think you’ll be out to see me? Well, hell, who am I kidding? When are you coming to see Brody?”

She laughs and I wheel my suitcase into the living room. I look around along the way to make sure I don’t leave anything behind. I have my clothes, my computer, my Kindle, my phone, and my purse. That’s everything.

“I’m not sure. I need to get caught up with work first and I’ll figure it out. Hopefully soon, because I miss him.” Damn, do I know the feeling. I don’t know how they do it, because just being away from Blake for a week has been unbearable. I miss him so much and I can’t wait to see him tonight.

“You’re a great editor. You’ll be done in no time.” She hugs me again and I feel myself choking up. I get to see Blake tonight, but I’m leaving her. It’s so hard. I wish she’d just move to California. I’ve told her many times she can come live with me, but she isn’t sold on moving just yet.

“All right, enough. Let’s not make this any harder. Do you have everything?”

I run over the checklist in my head again and nod. “Yes. I have everything. Anyway, if I left something, maybe you’d have to bring it to me.” We laugh and she walks me out to the car.

“Be careful driving. Call me when you get to Blake’s.” I hug her again, a little tighter this time. “Remember everything we talked about. Give yourself a day or two, then make him dinner and let it all out. I promise you, he isn’t going to care. Mark my words. That man loves you unconditionally.” We break apart and I wipe my tears.

“I know he does. Thank you for everything. I don’t know what I would do without you.” I need to get in the car and go because sayin

g goodbye could take hours.

Once I’m an hour into the drive, I call Blake and tell him I’m on my way home. I’ve never heard him sound so happy. He told me to call him when I’m almost there, so that is exactly what I’ll do. For the next two hours, I sing to the radio, enjoying the alone time. Just as the station goes to commercial, my cell phone rings. I answer on speakerphone and it’s Shannon. She told me I left all my flash drives at her house. Damn it. I totally forgot about them. She said she would mail them out to me because she knows I like to save every time I write. That’s Axel’s fault. I’m terrified that I’ll lose all my work again. I’ll never let that happen again, no way. I may have let that book burn, but I’m not that person anymore. No one is going to take my books away from me.

The rest of the drive goes by quickly, and before I know it, I’m fifteen minutes from seeing Blake. I call to tell him and he just about shouted. I’m actually giddy with excitement. I can’t remember the last time I felt like this. It’s definitely a feeling you don’t miss until you feel it again.

I pull up to his house and park my car. I get out and see the front door fly open. I don’t even close my door when I see him. I just run and he takes the steps two at a time getting to me. We meet in the middle of the yard, and I jump into his arms. As soon as he wraps them around me, I lose it. I start crying, but not out of sadness, out of relief. I’ve missed him that much.