I pull her in for a hug and kiss the top of her head. “Good morning. I wasn’t happy to wake up alone.” I want to say it again, but things are going good right now, and I don’t want her to go back to that weird place.

She kisses my chest and smiles up at me. “Good morning. I’m sorry. I just wanted to make you breakfast…you know, as a thank you for staying last night.”

I chuckle as we let go of each other. “London, there were plenty of ways to thank me in the bedroom.” She shakes her head and turns to open the fridge. I smack her ass and she yelps before she turns around, laughing. I give her a wink and go over to flip the pancakes for her. “What can I do to help?” She puts milk and eggs on the counter and pushes me out of the way.

“Nothing. I’ve got this. Go relax on the couch until it’s ready.” I smack her ass again and walk out of the kitchen, chuckling when she tries to hit me with a dishtowel.

I sit down on the couch and pull out my phone to check my Facebook. Nothing exciting going on, which is surprising, because usually there’s all kinds of drama going on. I’ve made so many posts about people putting all their shit out there on Facebook, because it annoys the shit out of me. I mean, hell, if you want to tell me about your horrible breakup, don’t get pissed when I ask what did you expect when you were flirting with guys? You put it out there. Don’t think I won’t comment. I’m a big dick on there, but it’s no different from real life. Anyway, I make a post about having a shoot today and get off before I run across any drama. I can hear London singing softly, and it makes me so happy that she’s in a much better place today.

“Blake, can you help me for a minute?” Like she has to ask.

I go into the kitchen, and she’s kneeling on the counter trying to reach something on the top shelf of the cabinet. “Are you fucking serious?”

She turns her head and smiles. “Normally, I stand on the counter, but I got up here and there’s too much crap on the counters and nowhere to push it out of my way.”

I shake my head and lift her off the counter. “What do you need?” She points to a big serving platter. I reach in there and get it down for her. “Why the hell don’t you own a step stool?”

She laughs and starts filling the platters with all the food she made. “I don’t need one. Standing on the counter works for me.” She could fall and hit her damn head climbing on the counter like that. The girl is getting a step stool. “It’s just part of the world of short people. You wouldn’t understand.” She laughs as she grabs two plates out of the cabinet.

“Yeah, you’re right. I don’t understand, but it doesn’t mean I like it.”

“Yeah, yeah. Hey, can you grab the platter and put it on the table? I’ll get the rest.” I do as she asks and we sit down for breakfast. She’s made everything: pancakes, bacon, eggs, toast, and hash browns, and she even has coffee on the table.

“Damn, I could get used to eating like this. Normally, I just make a quick egg sandwich.” We start eating and I have to say she can cook. I don’t know why it tastes better than any breakfast I usually make, but it does. “So, you excited for the shoot today?”

She takes a sip of her coffee and grins at me. “Yes, I really am. I’m intrigued to see how it all goes down.”

I finish off my plate and push it to the side. “I know you’ve talked to Kallie about it all, but what exactly are you going for? Completely different from the first cover?”

She pushes her plate to the side and pours herself more coffee. “Yes, it will be somewhat different from the first one. In the first book, the characters just meet and form a relationship. In this one, they’ve been together, and it’s much more sexual. I’m going for something like that.”

Damn, the thought of her writing sex is such a turn-on. “When you write sex scenes, do you use things you fantasize about?”

She stares down into her coffee cup and grins. “Sometimes, depending on the characters. The ones that are more like me, the sex is more like a fantasy.” She shakes her head, but never looks at me.

“London, don’t be shy about it. Hell, you write it.” She laughs and looks at me. “Better. So this book, is the sex fantasy for you?” She doesn’t say yes, but she nods her head just once. Fucking hot.

She checks the clock and stands up. “Shit, I need to get dressed. Do you need to shower again or something?”

I smile, loving that she gets so uncomfortable with things sometimes. “We need to go to my place so I can get a few outfit changes. I can shower there, you know, so I don’t smell like a chick.”

I help her clean up breakfast, and when that’s done, she goes into her room to get dressed. I go out front to have a cigarette and check out her neighborhood. It’s really a nice upscale neighborhood. I watch kids riding their bikes, guys mowing their lawns, and some women hanging out talking. Reminds me of when I was a kid, before I started fucking up my life.

The door opens and London comes to sit next to me on the steps. “It’s gorgeous out.”

I smile at her and can’t help myself from pressing my lips to hers. She looks beautiful. Her hair is curled, she has makeup on, and her short shorts and off-the-shoulder shirt make me want to bring her back to her room.

“Let’s go grab what we need and head to my place. I need to shower and get ready for the shoot.” She agrees. When we head back outside, she keeps telling me she wants to drive, but it’s not happening. I don’t like being driven around. I like to drive, so I tell her that I will lift her in and out of the truck, and even though she doesn’t seem overly happy, she agrees.

The drive to my place is quiet. She’s on her phone, and I’m trying to think which boxers I should bring for today. When we get there, Jax is home already. It’s no surprise, because Kallie usually kicks him out when she’s going to do a shoot. We go inside and Jax is sitting in the kitchen.

“Hey guys. What’s up?” He gives London a kiss on the cheek and I flip him off when he grins at me.

“I’m going to jump in the shower. Can you entertain London? And by entertain, I mean talk to her. Don’t even get any other ideas,” I threaten.

London and Jax laugh and I walk out of the kitchen, leaving them to it. I know Jax would never really do anything, but I still need to give him a hard time. I take a quick shower and go into my room to throw on some clothes. I put on my bright blue boxer briefs, thinking these might be what London has in mind for the cover. I grab my jeans and black Hurley shirt. I fix my hair, making sure it looks like

I didn’t do it, and spray on some cologne. I check myself out in the mirror and I’m satisfied, so I go back out into the kitchen. I can hear London and Jax laughing, and it makes me happy they get along. I’d hate if Jax didn’t like her or vice versa. I shake my head, realizing that is exactly what I put Jax through. I truly am an asshole.