I can’t hold back the laugh and I kiss her cheek as I get up to check the chicken. “I’m teasing y

ou, I would never do that. Not until it’s funny to you, anyway.” I chuckle as I flip the chicken. She is definitely fun to tease. I could get used to that.

After she gets over the embarrassment, we talk about the rest of our day. She continues telling me what an ass that waiter is, and every part of me wants to go wait for him and teach him some respect. I tell her about Brody and that he wouldn’t tell us anything. She gets a small smile on her face.

“You know something. Tell me,” I say, searching her eyes.

She smiles and shakes her head. “No way. If Brody didn’t tell you anything, I’m not going to be the one.”

Oh, this poor girl. She has no idea that I won’t let up until she tells me. How quickly she will learn. “That’s fine, I get it. I’ll just tell him that you told me Shannon said he was horrible in bed.”

She stares at me with wide eyes. “You would ruin their relationship just to get information about it?” I smirk at her and go inside to get a plate to put the potatoes and chicken on. When I come out, she’s standing by the grill. “Seriously?” she asks.

I take the food off and smile down at her. “So they slept together, huh? Did she say how it was?”

She rolls her eyes and follows me into the house. “Blake, I can’t believe what a woman you are with gossip.”

I can’t help but laugh as I pull plates down from the cabinet. “Believe me, sexy, I’m the furthest thing from a woman. I just like to know what’s going on, and when I know the woman I’ve made this delicious dinner for knows what going on and I don’t, well, that makes me want to find out everything I can.” She laughs as I make our plates and grab the salad out of the fridge. “We can discuss this over dinner.” She helps me carry everything outside and we sit down at the table.

“Listen, I’m not going to be a shit friend to Shannon, but I’ll tell you that she had a great night with Brody. That’s it. That is all I’m going to say. If you say anything to Brody other than that, I’ll tell him what a liar you are.” That’s all I need. She doesn’t realize that little bit tells me exactly what I knew, except now I know that Shannon liked it. I’m such an asshole.

“All right, fine. You’re like Fort Dix.” She smiles and we start eating. “How is it?”

“It’s really good. I’m impressed.”

We continue to eat, and when we’re finished, I clear the table and tell her to relax. I put everything in the dishwasher and go back outside. “Would you mind if I have a cigarette?”

“No, of course not.”

I light up and sit down next to her in one of the lounge chairs. “Let me know if the smoke bothers you. I can go over by the fire pit.”

She smiles at me. “You want to know a secret?”

I turn to face her, intrigued. “Hell yes, I do.”

She laughs and glances out at the pool. “When I’m completely stressed, sad, or angry, I have a cigarette. I have a pack hidden in my nightstand, and I sit in bed and smoke.” Never saw that coming. “I can’t believe I just told you that. No one knows that, not even Shannon.”

Holy shit, she trusts me. She trusts me enough to tell me something no one else knows. Damn it, I sound like a fifteen-year-old chick. “Your secret is safe with me.” I give her a wink and she smiles. “Well, since we’re giving secrets away, let’s get to know each other better.” She gives me an unsure look and I laugh. “Not, like that. I just mean, how about instead of me saying tell me about you, we ask each other questions?” She still seems unsure, but I think this will be a good thing. “I’ll go first. What’s the name of your first boyfriend?”

She laughs and turns her body to face me. “Joe Marcell. It was fourth grade and he gave me my first kiss on the playground, but then he broke up with me for my friend Cindy.”

“What a player.” She laughs and asks me the same question. “Jennifer Cloom. It was second grade. I didn’t kiss her, though.”

“You were probably such a cute little kid.”

I put out my smoke and wink. “Damn right, I was. All right, next question. How old were you when you first had sex?”

“Holy shit, getting personal.” Hell yes, I am. “I was eighteen. How old were you?”

Well, the mut in me will shine through now. “I was fifteen.”

She leans forward and hits my chest. “Get the fuck out of here. You’ve been having sex since you were fifteen? How many women have you slept with?” Nope, I was wrong. This is where the mut in me will really come out. She’s definitely not going to like this answer. I’m actually embarrassed.

“Shit, I hate to say this.” She raises her eyebrows, waiting on an answer. “I don’t actually know the number.” She stares at me, waiting for me to say something like I’m kidding, but I’m not. I honestly have no idea the number of women I’ve slept with.

“Oh, you’re serious. You’ve actually been with that many women?” I nod my head and she looks down. Fuck, between the comment last night about jail and tonight about my mut life, she’s sure to run.

“Listen, I told you there are things I’m not proud about from my past. I love women, I love sex, but if I’m being honest, I haven’t slept with anyone since we were together.” I totally put myself out there and it scares the shit out of me. I’m sure I’m scaring her off with every word out of my mouth.