Thankfully, that’s all he says about it and we leave for work. When we get there, I see Brody and I realize Jax never told me what happened with him and Shannon. “Hey, whatever happened with Brody the other night?”

He lifts his toolbox out of the trunk of his car and smiles. “I asked him and all he said was that they’re going to do the long-distance thing. I asked if she spent the night, and he told me to mind my own business. I take that as a yes.” We both laugh as we make our way over to him. I’m not like Jax, and I won’t tiptoe around it. I’ll just come right out and ask. That’s exactly what I’m going to do too. I put my arm around Brody, and he glares at me out of the corner of his eye.

“So, I hear you and Shannon are going to do the long-distance thing. Good for you, man, that’s great. It’s about time you let yourself be happy.” He turns to Jax, who smiles. “Let’s just get to the point here. Did you finally have sex?” He pushes me off him, and even though Jax and I are laughing, he doesn’t think it’s funny.

“You both need to grow the fuck up.” He walks away and I go over to Jax.

“They definitely had sex. Look how happy he is.” We laugh and Brody turns around.

“Get your asses to work.” He turns and heads outside, leaving Jax and I laughing as we start our day.


After work and giving Brody a hard time all day, I go home and take a hot shower. Jax, of course, went straight to Kallie’s. After letting the hot shower beat on me for a while, I realize I should have gone to the gym. Fuck it, I can give myself the night off. I’ll do double the work tomorrow.

Once I get out and get dressed, I go outside and have a smoke before calling London. I’m not sure if she would want to come over for dinner, but hell, it doesn’t hurt to ask. I pull out my cell phone and dial her number. It rings three times before she answers. “Hey. Just wanted to see if you had any plans tonight?”

She’s quiet for a minute before she finally answers. “No, I don’t.”

I smile and stare out at the pool. “Would you like to come over for dinner tonight? Jax is over at Kallie’s, and I have chicken I’m going to put on the grill.”

“Oh, ummm, sure. What time?”

“Whenever you want.” I can hear things moving in the background, and I figure she’s probably writing.

“I just need to change and I can head over. How about a half-hour? I need to get up early again tomorrow, so I can’t stay out too late.” I smile, thinking how she sounds like such a responsible person. Me, I’ll stay out until three in the morning and get up at six.

“Sounds good. I’ll see you when you get here.”

We hang up and I go inside to get two potatoes washed, so I can put them on the grill. Once they’re clean and wrapped in foil, I start the grill and put them on. I go inside and clean up at bit. I stop in my tracks when I realize what I’m doing. “Damn, how the hell could you be pussy-whipped already?” I shake my head and go outside to have another cigarette before she gets here.

It doesn’t take long for her to get here, and I open the door when she knocks. As always, she is stunning. Her hair is up in a ponytail, and she has on a pair of jean shorts and a black tank top. My heart beats faster, which is something I’m still not used to. “Hi. You look amazing.”

She smiles at me and steps into the house. “Thank you. You too.”

I want to pull her to me so badly that the urge is consuming me. I feel like I have no control over what I do next. I gently pull her to me and press my lips to hers. I lick the seam of her lips, seeking permission, and she opens her mouth. The second our tongues touch, I am no longer gentle and I devour her. She grabs a hold of my shirt tightly, and I do the same to her ass. I don’t want it to end. I want to lift her up and have her wrap her legs around my waist as I carry her to my room and worship every inch of her body. She, however, pulls away, and we both open our eyes, searching the other’s. We both still have a hold of each other, and we stay that way for what feels like an hour. I finally break the silence.

“That’s one hell of a hello. I wouldn’t mind that every day,” I say. She giggles and lets go of my shirt, so I let her ass go.

“It was definitely something.” Damn, I’ll show her something. “So, can I help do anything for dinner?”

I pull my head out of my sex thoughts. “No, I’ve got it under control. I should actually get the chicken on the grill.” We start walking toward the kitchen and I open the fridge. “Can I get you something to drink?” She chooses a water, so I hand her a bottle and grab the chicken. It’s been marinating for a while, so it should be awesome. She follows me outside and I tell her to sit while I put the chicken on. I sit down next to her and reach over, resting my hand on her thigh. She snaps her head toward me and I chuckle. “Too soon?” She laughs but shakes her head no. “Good. So how was work today?”

“It was busy. I’m getting sick of this one waiter who comes in late all the time and gives me a damn attitude. I’m about ready to just fire his ass.”

What the fuck kind of dillweed gives her an attitude? “You want me to kick his ass?”

She spits her water out of her mouth and laughs so hard it reminds me of the night in New York when she was drunk and just enjoying life.

“No, you don’t need to kick his ass, but thanks for the offer.”

I take my hand off her thigh and flex my arms. “You think I can’t take him?”

She reaches over, squeezes my bicep, and winks at me. “Oh no, you could take me…him, you could take him.” She covers her face and shakes her head, mumbling to herself.

I can’t keep the grin off my face and gently pull her hands down. I lean over and search her eyes. “Hey, don’t be embarrassed. I’ll take you any day too.” Her face is beet red and she throws her head back with a moan. “Just think, this will be something we can look back on and laugh about. You know, when I tell everyone.”

She snaps her head toward me in sheer panic. “Oh my God, don’t you dare.”