“Believe me, it is.”

We both dig in and I have to suppress a moan. With just one bite, I can tell this is the best chicken parm I’ve ever had. We focus on our food and don’t say much. I’m still trying to think of what kind of trouble he used to get into with Jax. I would ask him, but just like me, if it’s something he wanted to talk about, he would have given me more than that. I’m sure he’s thinking the same as to why I haven’t been home. I’ll admit I like that we both seem to understand when to just leave it alone.

After I take a few more bites, he reaches over and puts his hand on top of mine to stop me from taking another bite. I look up at him with a question on my face.

“Listen, I’m new to this whole dating thing, but I’m pretty sure talking is a big part of it.” I giggle and put my fork down. He lets go of my hand and I pick up my wine. “Did I scare you when I said that about jail?”

Well, I guess I was wrong. He didn’t want to avoid it. “No, not at all. I just didn’t think it was something you wanted to talk about.”

He takes another bite and puts his fork down. “It’s not that I didn’t want to talk about it, it’s just not a time in my life I’m proud of. If you want to ask me something, go ahead. I’m not going to hide anything from you.”

That makes my heart hurt because I am hiding something from him, and I’m not willing to share. I don’t know him well enough to trust him that much. I feel like I should just let this go because the less we know about our past, the better.

“I understand that and honestly, it’s not something we need to talk about. The idea of a bad boy is pretty hot.” I give him a wink and sip my wine.

He gives me that sexy grin and nods his head. “All right, we’ll overlook it for now. How about you tell me about writing your first book?”

That starts the conversation, and we continue to talk throughout the rest of dinner. We talk about my writing, his modeling, and our friends. When the check comes, I’m a little sad the night is almost over. We were definitely having a good time.

He pays for dinner and we leave shortly after. We make our way out to his truck, and like before, he helps me get in. I don’t know how the hell we’re going to keep doing this. I think if we go out again, I’ll drive.

He gets in, puts the key into the ignition, and starts the truck. The loud sound rattles through the cab, and for some reason, it brings a smile to my face. I don’t know if it’s because this date is going so much better than I thought it would, but that smile stays there until we pull into my driveway. He turns off the truck and gets out to help me. Once I’m on solid ground, he holds my hand and we walk to the door. I don’t know what to do at this point. Does he expect me to invite him in? If I do, will he think I want to sleep with him? I take a deep breath through my nose and remember who I am.

When we get to the door, I bite my lip. “Would you like to come in for a little bit?”

He smiles at me and squeezes my hand. “London, I’ll be honest with you. If I come in, there’s a good chance I’ll end up stripping you out of that sexy dress. I don’t think that’s what either of us want right now, so I’m going to have to pass. Not because I don’t want to, but because I really, really want to.”

My heart pounds in my chest, my nipples are hard, and I can feel myself getting wet just from his words. How the hell is that possible?

I unlock the door and drop my purse and keys inside the before I turn to him. “Blake, I had such a great time tonight. Thank you so much.”

He brushes my hair off my neck and grins down at me. “I did too.”

He leans down and presses his lips to mine so gently that I whimper with the need for more. He pulls me close and stares into my eyes, seeking permission. I slightly nod my head and he smashes his lips to mine. I moan, and when our tongues touch, I wrap my arms around his waist, trying to bring him as close to me as possible. We explore each other’s mouths, both making sounds of approval. He tastes amazing, a taste I can’t describe, and one that I will never forget. When he reaches down and squeezes my ass, I moan and he swallows it down, never once breaking the kiss. It seems to go on forever, and when he finally does pull away, we’re both panting.

“Fuck, London. You have no idea what you do to me. Hell, I don’t even understand it.” He can say that again, because I feel exactly the same way. I don’t say it though, because I’m so caught up in the moment. I stare into his emerald green eyes full of want. “I need to go, because I don’t think your neighbors should watch what I want to do to you.”

I squeeze my legs together to try to relieve some of the built

-up tension. “Blake, your words alone do so much to me.” He presses his lips to mine again, but it’s just a sweet goodbye kiss.

“Until next time, and London, there will be a next time.” He walks off my front porch and to his truck. I go inside and watch him pull away before I close the door behind me and lock it. I lean against it and close my eyes.

“Holy shit. That is worth writing about.”

Chapter Six


I wake up the next morning to my alarm screaming at me. I hit it off and rub my eyes. I lay there for a few minutes replaying my night with London. The whole night was amazing, but that kiss, holy shit. I’ve never wanted to rip a woman’s clothes off faster—her moans, her taste, and the way she wrapped her arms around my waist. My cock was begging me to do it, but for the first time ever, I told him to shut the hell up. It wasn’t easy, but London isn’t the kind of girl you bang on the first date. She’s not the kind of girl I normally bring home. She’s different and I want to treat her different.

I texted her when I got home. We went back and forth for a few minutes, but it was late and we both had to be up early for work. I told her I would call her tonight, and I have every intention of doing so.

I get up and get ready for work. As always, I bump into Jax in the hallway. “Where the hell did you go last night?” I give him a grin and he slaps my back. “Way to go, man. Did she stay over?”

I shake my head as I throw on my shirt on the way to the kitchen. “Nope. We had dinner and I dropped her off.” He laughs and I turn around from making my coffee and stare at him. “What?”

“Nothing, I’m just happy for you and surprised at the same time. I think this is the longest I’ve ever seen you go without sex.” I flip him off as he grabs a cup out of the cabinet. “I didn’t say it was a bad thing, brother. I think it’s great you finally found someone worth more than just getting your dick wet.”