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it my forehead with the palm of my hand. What’s up? Oh my God, I am such an idiot. I know he’s calling about dinner.

“Just wanted to make sure we were still on for dinner tonight.”

“Yes.” Wow, I’m really great at keeping this conversation going. I hope it isn’t like this at dinner, or it will be one boring night.

“Great, I’m looking forward to it. So, did Shannon leave?”

I can hear him light a cigarette and part of me wants to run to my nightstand, but I just close my eyes and focus on the question. “Yes, she left a few hours ago. It seems like time goes so fast when she’s here.”

“I’m sure it does. Having your best friend live so far away must suck. When Jax goes on a shoot for a few days, I miss his dumb ass. I can’t imagine going months without seeing him.”

I think the relationship they have is so great. They both really do have an amazing bond that runs much deeper then friendship; it’s definitely more like brothers. You could see that last night.

“It does suck, but we’ve also never lived together like you and Jax. There’s a big difference.” I look at the time and realize if I have any chance of being ready on time, I need to get my ass moving. Before he gets a chance to respond, I just continue, “Blake, if we’re still going to make it out at seven, I need to go shower.” He makes a growling sound that I’ve honestly never heard a guy make, but holy shit, it’s hot.

“Thanks for the visual. But before you go, it might be helpful if you give me your address.”

I laugh and tell him. We hang up and I get right into the shower. Once I’m done, I dry off and wrap the towel around myself before going into my closet to decide on an outfit. I probably should have asked where we were going so I could choose something appropriate to wear. I dig through all of my clothes, and believe me, I have a lot. In an effort to avoid people, I shopped. I have more clothes, shoes, and purses than I will probably ever use, but they make me happy, so I’ll never get rid of them. I decide on a purple strapless dress that I can dress up a bit with some jewelry, but keep it less dressy with strappy sandals. I put on my black and purple strapless bra and matching panties before stepping into the dress. Even with my hair a wet mess, I already love the outfit. It’s not a tight dress, but it clings to my breasts perfectly. I blow dry my hair and throw in a few curls, put on my makeup, a bit more generous like the night at the club, and check myself out. I can’t help but smile. Not only am I starting to feel like Laken again, but I am also looking like her again with the confidence I see. I put on a black chunky necklace and earrings before stepping into my sandals. I spray on my perfume and go out into the living room.

The longer I sit waiting, the more I can feel my nerves kicking in. What if I bore him? What if this ends up being a horrible mistake? What if I want more and he doesn’t? I pick up my phone and call Shannon.

“Well, I’m surprised it took you this long to call. What’s wrong?” She knows me so well.

“Shan, what if this is a huge mistake?” I can hear the wind coming in her window and hate myself for bothering her when she’s still driving home. “You know what, I’m all right, and you’re driving. I’ll call you tomorrow.”

“Like hell. I’ve got you on speaker phone, so don’t worry. We talked about this before I left. You need to remember who you are. You’ve been living as London for so long that you forgot Laken altogether. I know you worry about your career, but believe me, this isn’t going to be something that ruins it. Going online and talking shit about him, that could potentially ruin it. You are just going out, getting to know each other. He isn’t proposing. Just relax and have fun. Don’t overthink shit so much.” Just then, the doorbell rings.

“Oh shit, well, thanks for the advice. I need to go. He just got here. I’ll call you when I get home. Be careful driving.” I don’t even wait for her reply and hang up. The doorbell rings again, and I stand up, running my hands down my dress as I make my way to the door. I blow out a breath and open it. “Holy shit.” I just blurt it out.

I can’t even help myself. I’ve seen Blake with no shirt on, in jeans and a t-shirt, and apparently naked, but now he has on a blue button-down shirt, his sleeves pushed up just enough so the beginning of his tattoos are showing, with dark jeans. Well, I can easily say this is the sexiest I’ve ever seen him.

He grins and hands me a dozen yellow roses. “Holy shit is right. You look beautiful.”

I am speechless, just staring at him. It’s not that I didn’t know how handsome he was, but I think everyone, me included, spent so much time checking out his half-naked body, you don’t expect him to be this amazingly sexy dressed up.

“Hey, you know if we get those in water, we might be able to make our reservation in time.”

I snap out of my trance and shake my head. “I’m sorry. Please, come in.” He comes into my house and looks around while he follows me into the kitchen. “Thank you so much for the flowers. They’re beautiful.”

He gives me that wink and goes back to checking everything out. “London, this is a great place. You live here by yourself?”

I put the flowers in a vase, turn to him, and smile. “Thank you and yes, I do live alone.” He nods his head while he walks toward the living room. “Would you like a tour real fast before we go?” He says yes, so I show him around. Every room he sees, he tells me it is amazing, even the bathroom. I show him my office, and he smiles when he sees my computer.

“So this is where all the magic happens, huh?” I laugh and shake my head. “Let’s see if we can change that.” He winks and walks out of the room. Holy hell. The last room is my bedroom, and after that comment, I’m a little nervous to show him.

“This is my bedroom.”

Just as I did in his room last night, he spins around taking it all in. He stares at me and smiles. “This is exactly how I pictured it,” he says, smiling.

We both laugh and I walk to the door, hoping he’ll follow me out. Thankfully, he does, and after I grab my purse, we go out to his truck. It’s huge, and he has to help me climb up in it. When he gets in, I turn to him and laugh.

“Is this a way of making sure girls don’t have an easy chance of getting away?”

He puts the key in the ignition and turns his head to me. “Nah, I don’t need help making sure they don’t get away.” He winks at me, and part of me finds it funny while another part of me, a part I forgot even existed, is a little jealous.

I’m not about to explore that or even give it another thought, so I just change the subject. “Where exactly are we going?” He backs out of the driveway and doesn’t say anything until we reach the first stop sign.