“I can totally believe it, and I can’t wait to hear all about it. Where do you want to go to celebrate?” I take a sip of my water and check my time because I need to get myself ready if we are going out.

“Are you serious? We are going to Ecstasy, bitch!” I should have known. That is the club we hang out at quite often, but I fucking love it there. The bar is outrageous; the music is a mix of just about everything, there is a huge dance floor, lots of tables and booths, and a wide variety of single men.

“Sounds fucking perfect. I need to finish loading these pictures and getting them into files, but I’ll do the editing tomorrow. So how about you meet me here in like two hours? We can grab something to eat before we head to the club too because I’m fucking starving.” I tap my fingers on the keyboard, willing the photos to load faster.

“That sounds awesome. I’ll see you in a bit. Love ya.” We hang up, and I watch the photos loading on the computer. I did a shoot with Avrey Ray and Scott Williams today. They look unbelievably sexy together. She has flawless skin, short blonde hair, and telling brown eyes. He is extremely well built and covered in amazing tattoos, with short brown hair and blue eyes. Damn, some of these poses turned me on for fuck’s sake. The way they looked, held each other, and kissed each other, it was hard to believe they weren’t an actual couple. They aren’t though; they are just that amazing at what they do. The last picture loads, and I couldn’t be happier with what I’m seeing. They look fabulous already, and I haven’t even done any editing. That right there is proof of a great shoot. I load all the pictures into a new file and shut down the computer. It is time to go have some fun; well, after I get my ass ready, of course.

I take a shower getting the sweat of the day off me. I think I sweat more than the models do sometimes. After I wash myself and shave every inch of my body, you never can tell, I get out and wrap myself in the towel. I head to my bedroom to decide what I’m going to wear. It’s hot in California being that it is summer, so I know it will be something light and definitely sexy. Every woman needs to feel sexy every now and again, especially when you haven’t been with a guy in far too long.

It’s been six months since my ex broke up with me. It happens often; they are all insecure with what I do for a living. No matter how many times I assure them that I would never do anything with my models, they just don’t believe it. I had one boyfriend who actually came in during a shoot, and the model was lying on the bed with nothing on and only a sheet draped over his cock. This asshole sees me standing on the bed taking the pictures and calls me a slut and leaves. I was humiliated to say the least. I am professional, probably to a fault. I don’t see the models the way everyone else does, but I guess some men just don’t understand that. That’s why, for now, I am just having fun until I find someone who understands this is my job, my life, and realizes I would never cross that line. I am single, and even though it would be amazing to have someone, I’m all right with it.

I pull myself out of my ex-boyfriend thoughts and head over to my walk-in closet. I am so lucky to have found this studio apartment. I was living in a tiny apartment over an antique shop for a while, and having to find places to do shoots was becoming unbelievably hard. I love doing outdoor shoots, but sometimes you need a studio. My brother helped me find this place about six months ago. It is huge with an open floor plan so the living room, kitchen, and dining room are all open to each other. However, off to the right, the person who owned this place before me knocked down a wall to the apartment next door to make the apartment huge. I didn’t need all that space, but I needed a studio, so I hired a contractor and he put the wall back up with a door leading from my apartment to the studio. It was perfect. Now I have my models come here as well as doing outdoor shoots. This apartment also has two bedrooms, one of which is my office, a large bathroom, and this ginormous walk-in closet I’m standing in. I don’t think I’ll ever leave.

I dig around in the closet for what to wear and stumble across my black dress. Damn, I haven’t worn this in a long time. I pull it out and lay it on the bed. I slip on my black silk panties and matching bra. I walk over to the mirror to do my hair and smile when I see my new tattoo. I only have three right now: my lips on the bottom left of my stomach, actually right at my panty line; a ladybug on my foot, for good luck; and on my right side going from just below my breast to my hip, it reads, “Always Capture The Moment.” I absolutely love it; it is so me. I look back up at my face and shake my head. I have work to do. I pull out my blow dryer and begin the tedious process of straightening my hair. I do have to admit I love my hair; it is blonde with brown lowlights underneath and goes just past my shoulders. Once I finish styling my hair, I pull out my makeup. I put it on a bit darker then I normally would, but hell, I’m going out so I might as well. Once I finish that, I slip into my black dress that is formfitting to my body. I look in the mirror and really like what I see. My hair and makeup are flawless, my size C breasts are showing the perfect amount of cleavage, and my legs look long even though I’m only rocking five feet five inches. I throw on my favorite pair of heels and go into the kitchen to grab a drink before Brinley gets here. As much as I want to get my drink on, I need to eat first, so I just grab a bottle of water. Just as I’m finishing up my water, the front door opens, and Brinley comes walking in looking sexy as fuck.

“Kallie, you look fuckable.” I grab her and squeeze her tight before letting go.

“I learn from the best. Congratulations on the cover. I am so damn proud of you. You deserve this.” She gives me her best shy face, but I know she’s full of shit. She loves the compliment. “Can we get the hell out of here? I’m starving, and I’d like to get my drink on.” She high fives me, and we both laugh.

“Hell yes. How about we grab some Chinese food?” I grab my purse, checking to make sure I have money and my cell phone.

“Perfect. Let’s go celebrate another huge success in your career.” We walk out the door, and I notice my neighbor. I wave and she gives me a small smile. Some people just don’t know how to interact with other people. Fuck it, it’s party time.

After Brin and I eat, we head off to the club. Thankfully, it is all within walking distance, so we can get our drink on and have no worries. We pay our cover and head into the club. I look around, feeling the excitement in the air. There are people everywhere, which is exactly how I like it. The club is definitely made up of a mix of people. Just from my first glance around, I’ve seen three of my models, another photographer, and what looks to be college-aged guys. It’s a shame I’m twenty-seven now because they are fucking hot. “Kallie, stop looking for a hook-up, and let’s get a drink.” I laugh but don’t deny it because she’s right. We head over to the bar and both order a shot of vodka and a rum and Coke. The bartender, who is sexy as shit, hands us our shot first, and I hold mine up.

“To my sexy bitch bestie. May you always continue to find success.” She smiles and we toss back the shots. “How many more of these before I can get you on the dance floor?” She taps her perfectly manicured finger on the corner of her mouth.

“Since I’m ready to celebrate, I think that’s all I need.” We grab our drinks and make our way to the dance floor. The music is loud; I can feel the bass in my chest as we weave around the crowds of people. Once we find a spot on the dance floor, we both just let the music take over. “Holy shit, Kallie. This is just what I needed. Thanks for coming with me.” I keep dancing but lean in closer so she can hear me.

“You never need to thank me for supporting you. You are meant to be a success; this is only the beginning.” We continue to dance for a while. Occasionally, we have a guy join us, but mostly it’s just the two of us.

“Kallie!” I turn my head and see Maxwell. I smile as he bends down to give me a hug.

“Hey, Max, what are you up to?” He holds up his beer and I laugh.

“Same here. So what’s new?” He tells me about his last shoot, and how it all went horribly wrong, and because I am on my third drink, I can’t help but laugh.

“You’re such a bitch. It wasn’t funny. Poison ivy on your balls is no joke.” I almost spit my drink out, and he starts to laugh. “Well, it’s not.” That’s when it happens; he looks over my shoulder and sees Brin. “I need to go. I’ll call you soon.” He heads off, and I spin around and pin her in place with my pissed-off face.

“What did you do?” She laughs and tosses back the rest of her drink.

“Don’t be such a tight ass. We screwed around, no big deal.” I shake my head and try to stop her from fucking dancing.

“Brin, it is a big deal. You can’t keep doing that shit. You are going to fuck the wrong guy, and your career will be over.” She rolls her eyes, and I want to smack the shit out of her. She’s going to screw herself out of her dream. I’ve seen it more times than I care to think about. Sometimes the models do screw around, and that’s fine, it’s their business, but if it starts to turn bad, shit gets ugly. I don’t want to see that happen to her. She doesn’t give a shit right now as she is dancing with another guy; it just went right over her head. I head over to the bar to get another drink and think this is why I’ll never ever cross that line. My dream is finally coming true, and I’m not going to fuck that up for anyone.

“ALRIGHT, THAT’S THE LAST ONE. Amazing job.” I open my eyes and sit up. “You can go get dressed.” She walks away with her head up her ass. Some photographers just make a shoot much easier and relaxed. Tina Ross does not. She’s so fucking uptight and doesn’t make the shoots as fun as a lot of other ones do, but she’s a big name, and damn it, she takes great pictures. I make my way to the bathroom and throw my clothes back on. I’m fucking exhausted; I

worked all day doing construction for my brother’s company, went home, showered, and came to this shoot. I love it too much though, to give it up. I’ve been modeling now for about three years. My girlfriend at the time pushed me to do it; once I did, she became extremely jealous, which I just didn’t understand since it was her idea. I’ve only had one girlfriend since, and I ended that because she liked the model not me. It all worked out for the best because I’ve been having a hell of a time. I don’t ever tell anyone I’m a model, but after landing on a few book covers and in several magazines, people are starting to notice me now. When I say people, I mean women. Let’s just say I’m not exactly lonely.

I finish dressing and go back out to say goodbye to Tina. “Thanks, Tina.” She spins around and gives me a smile, well, a smile in the sense that her mouth isn’t in a straight angry line.

“I’ll send you the pictures once they are edited.” Her shining personality is on display as usual.

“Great. Have a good weekend. Hope to hear from you soon.” I leave hoping I hear from another photog sooner. I climb into my black Dodge Charger and push the key into the ignition. I love this car. I saved all the money I made from modeling until I could afford one. I throw it into gear and tear out of the parking lot. I stop on the way home and grab a pizza because I’m starving. I pull into the driveway of the ranch house I share with my best friend Blake; we’ve been friends since high school, and we’ve done pretty much everything together since. He also works at my brother’s construction company and does modeling. I walk into the house holding the pizza, and he walks out of his room and smiles. “Please tell me whoever is here is not going to come walking out half-dressed like you?” He laughs and takes the pizza out of my hands.

“No, she left, but that’s not why I’m smiling.” I laugh as I pull two beers out of the fridge, and he tosses two slices of pizza on plates. He hasn’t said anything; he just keeps smiling like an idiot.

“Well, are you going to fucking tell me, or you going to keep being a dick?” He takes a bite of pizza and smiles again. Fucking ass.