"You..." She licked her lip. "You already did sex to me."

Scott smiled slyly. Damn, aye? Who knew English as a second language could be so fucking sexy? The sentence structure was all wrong but still adoringly sensual.

"I did do sex to you, didn't I?" He intended his words to be sort of teasing, but again, she was so clueless she was fucking cute.

She nodded furiously. "You did do sex to me... and now I must go. It is already late. It is not good to stay out late."

Scott corrected her. "Early in the morning, sweetheart. It's two a.m."

She nodded again furiously. "Yes. Yes. Very early and very late... I must go."

Oh no. Scott wouldn't just have her gone like that. No fucking way. "I've bought you for the night, remember?"

She stared up at him blankly.

There, he thought, lost in translation. It was a turn-on. How could a girl be this adorable? Seriously?

"The night, sweetheart. The whole night," he said clearly.

"But," she protested, "you already did sex to me."

Scott chuckled. "The whole night," he said again. "That means I can do more sex to you, as many times as I like, for the whole night."

Scott noted her body shaking at his proclamation. Then there was something else that sparked an interest in him. A sort of dilemma played about her features, as if she were weighing the pros and cons, as if she were trying to figure out something.

Suddenly, the innocent look appeared again as she asked, "Is... is that how it works?"

He nodded. "Now open your lovely mouth for me."

"I... I didn't know," she said, a hint of frustration in her voice. "That that's how it worked. You already did sex to me."

Scott had enough. The more she spoke, the more turned on he was. That accent was going to make his cock burst any moment now.

Without further ado, he slammed his mouth against hers and kissed her passionately as he inserted himself into her.

The girl gasped at the instant contact, and when he began to ride her, thrusting into her furiously, she clutched onto him for dear life.

Chapter 9


When I returned to the hotel room after spending the whole day with my brother, James was nowhere in sight. The fact I hadn't seen him or Matt ever since James had taken me to see Andy at the hospital didn't put a doubt in my mind they were still busy cleaning up the mess they had made with the Mexican.

Inside the hotel room, I headed straight to the bedroom. I was exhausted, my body weak, threatening to collapse any moment now. The lack of sleep from the previous night and the worry I had the majority of early this morning for my brother must have caught up on me. Now, I only wanted to shower and then crawl straight into bed.

Sleep was what I needed most. Tomorrow I'd spend the whole day with Andy again, nursing him and doting on him before I have to leave Las Vegas for Mystic Spring, back to deal with my boss and my job as a kitchen hand at the restaurant.

In regard to that area, however, I have yet to bring the subject up with James as to how our relationship was going to work out. Honest to God, I knew I was procrastinating, knowing it wasn't going to be pleasant. James wasn't going to like it that I return to Mystic Spring. But I needed money to survive, and my job provided me that security. What else could I do?

Nope. I decided there and then that I had to talk to James about that particular subject tomorrow when he was free. I needed to sort this out before I got too freaked out to bring it up and maybe by then it'd be too late.

So tomorrow it was then.

With that in mind, I went in search of my pajama James had gotten me from Fleur. It was then I noted the lingerie laying on the bed with a note. My heart skipped a beat as I instantly knew who had put the items there. James! It had to be James.

I picked up the piece of paper and read, "Wear this tonight. James."

I bit my lip, my heart racing and my tummy fluttering. I grabbed the thin, translucent garment and examined it closely in my hands. The material was sheer and soft, made of silk and lace. I noted it was a two piece. It was designed like a very sexy bikini, only this was a lingerie, with very little material to cover a woman's skin. Just the bits that barely covers the breasts and panties area. Everywhere else was completely and utterly bare.

Oh God! James expected me to wear this tonight? My stomach knotted in dread. I was sure I'd look horrible in it. I was sure I was. Besides, I was way too shy to wear this type of outfit. No! I wasn't going to obey him and wear this piece of useless garment.

Heading over to the walk-in-closet across the bedroom, I carelessly placed the lingerie on my section amongst my other clothes James had recently bought me. Dismissing the lingerie there, I headed back out and then into the bathroom.

I made quick work preparing the shower because I wanted to get it over and done with and then go straight to bed. The thought of simply collapsing on that soft mattress was heaven.

Once the water was running warm, I stripped myself naked and hopped in. As I stayed there under the pounding water, I smiled. The feeling of liberation that my brother was now here safe and sound made me deliriously happy, and I started humming to myself as I was shampooing my hair. I was so deep within my own joyful world that when a manly voice said, "That's quite a picture," I jumped on my spot.

I flicked my eyes to the basin area to see James standing there, leaning his masculine body gracefully against the frame. He was watching me, his Prussian-blue eyes dark. Not to mention his smile were sly that it made my stomach flutter deliciously.

"James!" I uttered in disbelief and embarrassment. "What are you doing here?" I knew I was blushing red, what with the way he was scrutinizing every inch of me from head to toe so. It was as though his intense eyes were devouring me whole.

I hastily turned sideways so he wouldn't see me totally wet and naked under the running shower, with shampoo in my hair. That didn't seem to put him off in any way. Even more so, he seemed to enjoy the view of my back to him, my long hair wet and hanging.

He ignored my question and asked instead, "How's Andy doing?"

His query took me by surprise. It was the first time he asked about my brother, and I was simply elated he cared.

I smiled at him, my eyes bright. "He's good. I just want to say thank you again for finding him and saving him. I mean I would have thought it'll take days. Weeks even to just find Andy. But you only did it within a few hours."

I meant what I said. He and his team was certainly amazing. But then again, I told myself, James was a billionaire. He had the money, the connection, and the means to do anything and everything. This city ran under his watch. Indeed, he and his friends, and of course, those like him, ruled this city with an iron fist. So finding Andy was a piece of cake for him.

James cocked his head to one side. "You're welcome."

I smiled at him gratefully. Then of course I expected him to leave me alone to finish my showering after that, but he didn't. He seemed relaxed and was definitely enjoying the moment, which of course annoyed the hell out of me.

"Err..." I began, playing with my hair as I stood there awkwardly under the shower. "You can leave now."

When he didn't answer, it struck me then that he was probably waiting for me to finish so he could use the shower. Of course! Why didn't I think of that? He had been out working since three this morning. Now it was eleven in the evening. Of course he needed to freshen up and headed to bed straight away. He must be exhausted. Even more so than I was.

I had to shake my head at my own inconsiderateness and stupidity at this point.

"Sorry, James," I said apologetically. "I really am. I didn't think how exhausted you must be. Out working so early in the morning, finding my brother and saving him and everything. I'm so inconsiderate. So sorry. I'll be out now." I bit my lip, blushing profusely while he still watched me, his eyes intense. "If you could just pass me the towel please."

He did as I asked and leaned over for the towel sitting on the basin. Then he passed it to me, a smirk about his lips.

"Thanks," I said, grateful as I turned the shower off. Then I hastily grab for the towel in his hand and wrapped it around me securely. I stepped out of the cubicle and said, "There you go. All yours."

I quickly walked out the door after that, my mind suddenly going into a frenzy of wild imagination. Mainly that involved James naked in the shower, his skin dripping wet and glistening. I had the urge to run my fingers along his skin, feel him against me in the shower. But of course, that was stupid. I was tired. He was exhausted. No time to think about sexy stuff like that.

I was almost at the bed when I felt a strong hand around my arm, spinning me round. Disoriented, I blinked in surprise when I faced James. In a split second, he had one hand at my towel and gently peeled it off me. Utterly naked in front of him, I gasped in shock.