James knew it was hard for the Maxwell brothers to hide anything from one another, despite the fact they all had different mothers. They seemed to have this sixth sense. It was weird. Of course, there was the fact that each brother had his own men working for him as his eyes and ears to keep him in the loop, too; to keep him in the know, so to speak.

"You know me." Scott continued. "I have a soft spot for that hothead brother of ours."

A soft spot indeed. James was the same toward both Scott and Eric. He'd risk his own life to save either of them. It was in their blood, this loyalty and sibling affection. They didn't outwardly show it, but it was there. A bond of sorts that united them since birth.

"So," Scott asked, changing the subject, "how many did the Mexican lose this time?"

James shrugged indifferently as he gently caressed the lacy material of the lingerie, a smile playing about his lips. He imagined it was Mia in it now, her pale skin showing clearly through the sheer material. It was a beautiful picture, and he couldn't wait until tonight when he'd really fuck her like he had promised her.

"Didn't count. It was still too dark and we needed to find Andy."

On the other side of the line, it was Scott's turn to shrug indifferently. "What a pain, eh? That boy. I knew it was going to be troublesome the moment Matt takes an interest in him."

James understood the meaning behind his brother's words. This was, no doubt, due to past experience. Scott considered investing himself in another person a waste of time and resources, bringing about both heartache and headache.

James chuckled. "I don't think he can help it."

He knew it was the same for him with Mia. A man couldn't help himself when he finds someone he's interested in. Someone who caused him sparks.

"James?" Scott's voice came low this time. Cautious almost.


"Just curious and all. Is it the same for you with Mia?"

It was weird Scott was so perceptive even though he hadn't yet met Mia.

James sighed. "Yeah."

Lowly, Scott chuckled. "Like on first sight?"

James sighed again. "Fuck! Yes! Now stop pestering me about Mia. If you really want to see her, why don't you just come over and see her?"

Scott laughed. "Sure. I'll take that as an invitation."

"You're just seeing her. No touching. No flirting. And don't even think about luring her into your bed."

Scott laughed. "You wound me, brother. Like I want to get myself beaten up by you."

"Well, good luck with getting Eric back," James said.

"Don't worry. I'll let him suffer for a bit longer here. He'll realize it's futile soon enough." Scott said.

The brothers hung up after that. James returned his attention to the lingerie at hand. He laid the garment out on the bed and then wrote a note on a piece of frangipani scented paper he had ordered with the erotic garment.

'Wear this tonight. James,' he wrote. Once he was done, he headed out the door for his office. He was whistling a happy tune.

Chapter 8

Tokyo, Japan


Scott placed the phone on the bedside table and raised his head back as he stared up at the ceiling. He sighed, disappointed he wasn't involved in the operation with James and Matt back at Las Vegas. He'd love to take down one or two, or maybe ten or twenty, of the Mexican. How he wished he was there. Yet again...

He flicked his eyes to the young woman in bed beside him. Shit! But she was a pretty little thing. Short dark hair, slanted brown eyes, pale skin, and exquisite body. Her features told him she was mix-blooded of Caucasian and Asian. She had been a virgin when he took her only some half an hour ago, and he was her first.

Scott had never taken a virgin to bed before and most likely will never again. The thought of taking an inexperience girl to have sex with just wasn't his thing. He liked experienced girls who could go all out--the hard-out, vigorous fucking that lasted all night. But this one was different. She presented herself to him in the dark street, asking him if he wanted to buy her body for the night.

One look at that face, who the fuck could resist? Even when he had thought at first she was a young male, dressed in boy jeans and a jumper and hoody. Scott loved to experiment, after all, and had never minded if his bed partner was a male or female.

It was only when he had glimpsed the exquisite female body once they were in his hotel room did he realized she was a young woman, fully grown and ripe for the picking.

Yes. Scott could never resist such a pretty face and such an enticing offer. And yes, he'd fuck her again and again tonight until he was sated. Yet, he knew in his guts his desire could never be satiated where this beauty was concerned.

Damn! He was so going to miss her when he leaves for America. Just as that thought came, he felt a twist of something empty and painful in the core of his heart. He immediately slammed the emotions shut, however, because he didn't want to analyses it. It was too painful to try to understand such bothersome feelings.

He didn't want to be like Matt and James for finding someone who so fascinated him that he'd lose his perspective on everything else. He knew Matt had already lost his perspective on things because of Andy. And James? Scott knew his brother was heading that way, too, because of Mia. They had only just met, for fuck's sake.

No. Scott wasn't going to be like either James or Matt. He was never going to lose his heart and his head for another person. Not now and will never again. Because fucking hell, it hurt like a bitch. It had almost drove him insane some five years ago and in the process James had nearly lose his life for saving his hinds, this dickhead of a brother, too.

Now? Well, there was no doubt Scott loved women. But these women, they were merely an amusement for him, a toy of sort for this dark billionaire playboy. He enjoyed being with them. He relished the hot, wild sex with them. But that was all. Just the physical contact--his hard cock inside her tight, moist pussy, his craving tongue inside her hot mouth, and his lips against hers while he vigorously fucked her. There was no emotional connection involved whatsoever. Scott liked it that way, and he would keep it that way until his last breath on this earth.

He returned his attention to the young woman beside him, noting her silky dark hair and exquisite face. She had long lashes that fanned over her eyes seductively. Her breathing was even, informing him she was deep in her slumber.

Gently, he brushed the long bangs out of her face and then caressed her cheek. He wondered who she was and why she'd offered her body for him to hire for the night.

Why him? Why not any other man on the streets?

He knew from experience she wasn't a prostitute. But if she'd just started the profession and he was her first client, that would be a different story.

Instantly, a jab of something akin to pity stung his heart. She looked young and innocent. If he had to guess her age, he'd say she was around nineteen. Twenty, tops.

What drove her to take up this vocation? He could just imagine she'd have to be in a very dire situation to even think about selling her body.

Instantly, Scott snorted. What else could there be apart from something to do with money? Wasn't it the easiest and fastest way to obtain that most sought commodity? Yet again, he admired her for having the courage to even step into such a dark and disturbing industry. Why? Because everyone needed money to survive in this bullshit world and not everyone was born on a silver platter like he and his brothers were.

But never mind about that. It was her business and none of his. He knew not to meddle in other people's life where he wasn't needed. It was a waste of his time, energy, and resources. Now he'd just enjoy the moment with her until the sun rose in this wonderful metropolitan of Tokyo.

Scott pulled the duvet away from her body, revealing her slim, willowy frame that would drive any man into a sexual frenzy. He kissed her lips gently as his hand moved down to her breast and cupped the soft flesh. She fit perfectly there, and Scott liked things that fit him perfectly. Speaking

of which... he moved his hand down to her pussy and started stroking.

The girl woke with a start, her light-brown eyes large as she stared up at him in both confusion and fear.

Fuck! That was what he hated. The fear he witnessed in inexperience girls' eyes. Normally, when he did this sort of intimate things to willing, experience girls, she'd smile gleefully and they'd go for another round of hard core sex. He'd be banging her until the bed rock with them. But with inexperienced virgin like this one, it screwed up his expectation and his enjoyment.

But shit! He simply didn't care at the moment. He wanted her and he'd have her. It didn't matter to him that she was a bit scared of him and that she was so fucking clueless about sex and how to please him. He had paid for her body for the night, and he'd make full advantage of that. He'd fuck her until he had appeased his sexual craving.

"Scott-san?" she asked tentatively as she gazed off to a point just behind him.

Fuck. Her voice was a complete turn-on. Soft, husky, and sweet, with a hint of a Japanese accent.

"What's the problem?" he asked, noting she was completely avoiding making eye contact with him.