I watched him as pure agonizing emotion played in his eyes. His face was dark when he said, "I'm chained to him, Mia. Whether by design or fate, I don't know. I just can't get awa

y from him. I hate him sometimes. But... I... I'm chained to him. I... I have these feelings for him. It's so fucking confusing and complicated. I don't know. I just don't know why or how or what the fuck ever... I just don't. He makes me happy and then he makes me angry and pissed."

I understood the meaning behind his words. I understood his relationship with Matt was complicated. I understood his feelings for Matt was complicated, as it was with me for James. Trying to analyze and understand these turmoil emotions I had for James was certainly difficult and unsettling. Sometimes it was easier to brush those emotions aside, lock them inside your heart and never let them see the lights of days like they never existed. It was less problematic to live that way. No complication. No heartaches.

But then again, sometimes those emotions had the nag of emerging without you realizing, and you couldn't help but ride in the flow of it. The ups and the downs and everything in between.

I sighed, dismissing the thoughts of James from my mind. I said, "Get some sleep, Andy. It'll help heal you faster." Of course I didn't know if that was true or not, but Andy looked so exhausted I just wanted him to rest.

"I'm in a shit load of pain, Mia," he muttered as he closed his eyes. "Don't leave me, okay?"

I said, "I won't. I'll go and ask the nurse to see if they can give you more painkiller."

He chuckled. "Thanks. That'd be awesome."

I nodded. After Andy closed his eyes and his breathing became even, I got up from my seat and headed to the door. My mission was to find the nurse looking after Andy.

I was just opening the door when I noted two big guys in suits standing on either side turning to me.

One nodded and the other said, "Hi."

I frowned as I nodded back. "Hi," I said, wondering who they were. They looked like bodyguards. Then it hit me. But I had to make sure and asked, "Err, excuse me, but who are you guys and why are you standing here in front of my brother's room?"

"Mr. Maxwell instructed us to guard Mr. Donovan," one said.

"We work for Mr. Maxwell," the other said.

"Oh, I see," I said, smiling brightly. Was Andy that important to James and Matt to have two heavily built, kick-ass looking bodyguards protecting Andy? Then I wondered if James would do the same for me if I were in some sort of danger?

Immediately, I snorted at the stupid thoughts. Of course I would never be in danger where my life was on the line. The only danger I was in was falling for the dark billionaire himself. And that was indeed already too late.

I said to the two men, "Thanks for your hard work."

They looked perplex at my compliment. But only for a moment. Suddenly, as though they were pleased, one nodded and winked at me while the other grinned at me from ear to ear. I nodded at them again and then headed toward the nurse station.

"Wait, Miss Donovan," the one on the left said. "When are you going back to the hotel?"

"Why?" I asked.

"I'm going to be accompanying you," he said. "Mr. Maxwell's instruction."

I nodded, wondering if James thought I'd get lost on my way back to the hotel. Or was it that he thought it wasn't safe for me to be alone on the streets? The latter made more sense to me, and I shivered in trepidation at the thought that I was also a target. But how could I be a target? I wasn't important enough to be one. I wasn't deeply involved in James's and Matt's business to be targeted like Andy. I was merely James's mistress. Surely, I wasn't that important to be even considered a target?

Back to the bodyguard, I said, "I'll tell you when I'm going back."

He nodded and smiled brightly.

Chapter 7


James knew for a fact Matt was pissed with Mia. The man had been patiently enduring through the whole morning staying by Andy's side, praying the boy would be all right since he had been admitted into the emergency department. Only when Andy woke up moments ago, the first person he saw was Mia. Not Matt. To further rub salt into wound, Andy didn't even realize Matt was present until Matt made himself known.

James found the situation oddly amusing and secretly smiled at his friend's irritation.

Matt was in turn annoyed at James disgusting delight and snapped, "What the fuck are you smirking about?"

James shrugged his shoulders. "Did I tell you that you look horrible?"

Matt nodded. His scowl darkened as he muttered loudly, "Fuck! I need a shower."

"You do," James agreed, nodding his head.

At that, Matt chuckled. "That stupid kid," he muttered. "He made me so worried. I'm sure I've gotten a few gray hairs since he came into my life."

James didn't deny the fact that Matt had had a lot of worries over Andy since they've met. He wasn't sure about the gray hair part though.

"Your own fault," he said easily. He didn't voice the 'falling in love' part that went with the 'your own fault' bit because he knew Matt would be pissed.

"Why the hell did you have to bring Mia in today?" Matt asked sourly. "Couldn't you have waited until tomorrow?"

James remembered the look Mia had given him the moment he had walked in through the door when he had returned this morning. Those bright eyes of hers as she gazed at him clearly reflected the high hopes and faith she had in him. Those were enough to drive a man's testosterone into protective mode. It did his. Fuck! He could never disappoint her and slaughter her faith in him.

"Like I want to upset her by making her wait," he said. "Would you want to wait if you were in her shoes?"

Matt sighed, disgustingly disappointed in himself. He knew he was selfish, but he merely wanted to be alone with Andy after all that shits that had happened. What was so fucking wrong with that?

James heard Matt muttering some dark, foul languages under his breath and chuckled. They both were quiet as they exited the hospital.

The two men arrived at the hotel some half an hour later, and James went straight to his room. There, he didn't waste any time in sorting out on personal business. He called one of his most trusted men, Cole Packer, to get the job done.

Cole picked up on the second ring.

"Hey, boss, what's up," he asked. "You got a new assignment for me?"

James went straight to the point. "Mia Donovan. Find out the restaurant she's working at. Make a visit."

"Sure, boss," Cole said.

"She's resigning," James said bluntly. "She's my girl now."

Cole understood immediately what that meant. "Sure, boss... Mia Donovan... Restaurant visit."

James was about to hang up when he added, "Oh, and the uncle, too. His name is Herbert. He's not a Donovan. Find out where he is and make a visit. Take your men with you. Tell him we're pleased to have finally met with him."

Cole also understood what that meant. "What's he done, boss?" He was curious.

"A fuck load of shits I can't forgive," James said, his tone hard.

"Sure thing, boss," Cole said. "It'd be my pleasure." He chuckled merrily.

"Good," James said.

"I'll get in contact once the jobs are all done and dusted," Cole said. "Bye now."

James terminated the call. It was then a couple of knocks came at the door. He opened to see a butler standing there with a pretty wrapped box in his hands.

"Your package, sir," the man said.

James took it and gave the man a handsome tip.

The butler nodded and said, "Thank you, sir."

James nodded and then shut the door.

Back in the bedroom, he opened the package and took out the outfit he had ordered. Slowly, a smile formed on his lips.

Mia was going to look great in this, he thought, picturing her wearing the lingerie. Lacy, see-through, and sexy to the core. Shit! He was already turned-on imagining her wearing this erotic garment. Suddenly, the image of her pretty face crying whilst he was making love to her came to his mind. The experience was new to him, a mixture of thrill and being in control, of being empowered. He loved being in the dominating position, and yet there were those feelings of compas

sion and protectiveness toward Mia as well. The feelings that she belonged to him and it was within his power to protect her. It was a great feeling.

Just as quickly, another possible image of her conjured up in his mind. It was of Mia in Andy's position, being kidnapped and cruelly tormented.

A twist of agonizing pain erupted within his chest.

Fuck! That type of shit had better not happen to Mia. But James knew otherwise. She was with him now. The more he doted on her, showing the world just how much he liked her, the more likely she'd be in danger. She'd be a target; he knew that. But hell! He was fond of Mia, and doting on her was his way of showing his affection. Fact was, he liked seeing her delightful face every time she was pleased with him.

His cell phone rang, interrupting his thoughts. He picked up on the second ring. Scott was on the other side of the line.

"Hey, bro, how's life in Vegas going?" Scott asked. "Heard you had a bit of fun, eh? And without me? I'm heartbroken." This was followed by a cheerful chuckle.

James suspected Scott had already found out about the goings-on here in Vegas.

"It doesn't sound like you're that heartbroken. Why do you sound so far away? Wait! You're in Japan, aren't you?"

Scott didn't hesitate to deny this. "Yes. I'm in Japan."

"Sounds like you're having a good time?"

Scott didn't deny that fact either. "Hey, a boy gotta have some fun even if he has to babysit his hotheaded younger brother on a mission to ruin his father's wedding."

James laughed. "How's the mission going?"

"Eric's prowling the streets like a maniac looking for the woman's house. Dad wouldn't tell him where... or me for that matter."

"It's not like it's hard for you," James retorted. "Digging dirt is your specialty."

"Damn right, but then again I can't be bother. It's fun watching Eric fail, if you know what I mean."

James chuckled. The youngest brother needed to learn how to use his head and his logic more before charging ahead without thoughts or plans. Like what he was doing now. Flying all the way to Japan in a mission to terminate their father's wedding by what? Finding the soon-to-be-bride and threatening her into submission, ordering her to back-out of the wedding? Like that was fucking going to happen.

"Besides..." Scott continued. "If I know, Eric would know I know, and he'd go to any lengths to get it out of me... God! I don't think I can bear the very thought of him torturing me. He wouldn't know how to do it right, and I'd laugh my head off until I'd voluntarily surrender the information just to make him stop."