Page 55 of Perfect Tenn


“Shhhh, don’t talk so loud, two timing Tenn is sleeping,” I whisper, or attempt to whisper as I make my way out of the cab.

Holly is laughing so hard, and I can’t help but join in. We’ve had way too much to drink and danced our asses off. It’s past two in the morning, and I’m just getting home. But I don’t give a shit, it was fun.

“You’re the one being loud, twatwaffle. I’ll talk to you tomorrow. Good luck,” she says as I close the door on her.

I watch the cab pull away before I make my way to the door. I dig around in my purse for my keys and drop it several times before successfully finding them. Letting myself in, I drop everything by the door and grab a water out of the fridge. I carefully make my way to my room, bumping into the coffee table along the way and almost falling over. “Ouch,” I mumble.

Feeling victorious when I walk into my room, I close the door behind me and do a little dance. I’m too drunk to even think about finding something to wear to bed, so I just pull off my clothes and fall into bed. Oh God, it feels so good to lay down and close my eyes. Pulling the covers around me I smile, until I realize I’m in my bed and I’m alone. Tenn didn’t even wait up for me, and he didn’t call to check on me. The more I think of it, the more pissed off I get.

I toss the covers off and flip on the lights. “Fuck this.” I stomp out of my room and go to Tenn’s. Pushing the door open, much too hard, I stand there and look at him sleeping. Asshole. I cross the room and stand by his bed, damn he is so fucking hot. I want to ride his meaty cock. No, no, stop thinking about that. “Where the fuck have you been?” I slur out. Yep this is a great idea.

He opens his eyes and looks up at me. “Regan? What the hell are you doing?”

“What am I doing? You’re kidding, right?” I shout.

He sits up and looks at me with complete confusion. “No, actually I’m not kidding. How drunk are you?”

Anger is bubbling up inside me, making me want to grab the nearest thing and chuck it at his perfect head. “I’m not drunk enough,” I hiss.

“Oh okay. What’s wrong with you?” he asks, searching my face with the little bit of light that is shining through his door.

“Geez, I don’t know. Maybe you,” I bark at him.

He laughs, that’s right, laughs. “What the hell did I do? I haven’t even seen you today.”

“Exactly. Two timing Tenn, I should have known better,” I yell and walk out of his room, slamming the door behind me.

I get back into my room and climb into my bed, patting myself on the back. I showed him, I think smiling.

“You better get your drunk ass up and talk to me, Regan,” he hisses, standing by my bed.

“No, go away.”

The covers are pulled off me, and I lift my head giving him the evilest l look I can muster. “You not only wake me up, but start yelling bullshit and walk away? That’s not how it works, sweetheart, so explain,” he orders.

I sit up and hold one of my pillows in front of myself. “You want me to explain? How about you explain where the fuck you’ve been spending your nights and who you’ve been spending them with?”

He laughs, but not a humorous laugh, a sarcastic laugh. “Are you accusing me of something, Regan?” He running his hand through his hair in frustration.

I get on my knees, closer to him. “Yep.”

He pins me with a stare I’ve never seen from him in all these years. It’s a combination of anger and hurt, but definitely more anger. “You really think that little of me? You have no fucking idea,” he angrily whispers and leaves my room, slamming the door behind him.

Falling back onto my bed, I pull the covers over my head. I don’t have the energy to fight this tonight. My head is all fucked up, and I just need sleep.

The next morning I wake up feeling like shit. I’m not sure what actually happened and what was a dream. I’m hoping that most of it was a dream. I climb out of bed, grab my sweats and go take a long, much needed shower. I’m not ready to face Tenn yet. The fear of what happened last night has wrapped around me.

When I’m done, I toss my wet hair in a messy bun and go find some ibuprofen to help with his pounding head. After swallowing down three, I take a deep breath and figure I need to face Tenn. Wringing my hands together, I slowly walk toward his bedroom. My heart is pounding, and my stomach is swimming with nerves.

I lightly knock and push the door open. “Tenn?” Total shock stops me in my steps when

I see he’s not in bed. He’s not here.

I go out to the living room and grab my phone, which is almost dead since I forgot to put it on the charger. I have a few missed calls from Holly and one from Tenn. With a shaking hand, I press my messages and put the phone to my ear.

“Working, I’ll see you when I see you.”