His eyes bore into hers and for a moment she thought – hoped – he was going to argue with her. But then, he dropped his mouth to hers, plundering her, kissing her, his tongue an invasion of all of her senses.

She moaned as she arched her back, pushing towards him, and his hands curled around her naked hips, lifting her out of her dress altogether and wrapping her legs around him, as he’d done that day in his office. His fingers ran through her hair, dislodging the pins, pulling it from the bun, so that it fell wild down her back. Claudia kissed him back but she was impatient as well. She wanted to see him.

She needed to see him.

Her fingers found his bow tie and pulled at it, undoing it effortlessly. She dropped it to the floor and then moved to the top button of his shirt as he dropped her back on the bed. He kissed her as she undid each of his buttons, her fingers unsteady yet speedy. One by one, until his shirt parted completely.

“Let me see you,” she demanded huskily, her hands on his chest pushing him up a little.

He smiled down at her, a smile of amusement, as her eyes devoured him, taking in the ridges of his sculpted abdomen and a tattoo that ran across his hip.

µe????t??? ????st?

“What’s this?” She ran her finger over the markings, confident that the alphabet was not English and that she wasn’t revealing her stupidity by asking the question.

“It says mellontikó ágnosto.”

“Meaning?” Her fingers found their way to his belt. She unclasped it and then dropped the belt, before moving to the button of his pants.

“Future unknown,” he said huskily, standing straight and taking over, removing his own pants and leaving them on the floor. He reached for something on the bedside table and she knew what it was even before she saw it.

A condom.

Her heart turned over.

“Did you plan this? Tonight?”

He winked slowly, and it tore through her like a wildfire. “I had hope.”

“I had none.” She stared up at him, her heart racing, her mind uncomprehending.

He stepped out of his underwear, black briefs, and she lifted up onto her elbows, unashamedly staring at him. All of him.

“Would you like me to turn around?” He teased.

She nodded, her throat as dry as the desert. “Slowly.”

He laughed, but did as she said, rotating on the spot to give her the full tour of his naked body. Tan all over, check. Sinew and muscle, check. Tight arse, check. Absolutely ready to go? Apparently.

“My turn.” He held his hands out and she placed hers in them, so that he could easily pull her to standing. Wearing only a lace G-string, she was virtually naked, but still, he slid his fingers into the sides, bending down as he slid the fabric from her body. His fingers grazed her legs and she had to bite down on her lower lip to stop from whimpering.

It was slow and sensual and so full of promise. She could feel moist heat slicking between her legs and she was inexperienced enough to feel embarrassed.


He looked up at her, his eyes meeting hers with something she couldn’t fathom in their rich, tormented depths.

And then he brought his head forward, his mouth pressing against her femininity and she cried out in abject shock and surprise. Feelings that were dwarfed by desire as he ran his tongue along her seam, finding her most sensitive collection of nerves and striking them with his tongue until she was at a fever pitch of hunger.

“You are so wet for me, princess.”

“Don’t call me that,” she said, but the words were swallowed by her crying out. She ran her fingers through his thick, dark hair as his tongue returned to her body. He knew what she needed even when she had no idea, when she couldn’t possibly articulate it. He caught her thighs in his powerful hands and pushed them wider, spreading her legs and lowering her, so that he had full, unfettered access to her body.

And he was unrelenting, as though her orgasm was all he existed for.

She bit down on her lip and silent moans shook her body, she trembled all over until finally a wave of quenching pleasure broke and she cried out, tangling her fingers more tightly in his hair, holding onto him for dear life.

It was the birth of something new within Claudia. An empowerment and a need that were almost in complete contradiction of one another. The pleasure in learning what her body was capable of – and knowing that Stavros alone could stir her to these heights? It was an unreasonable conundrum.