“ARE YOU SURE ABOUT this?” Claudia murmured, as the car slowed to a stop.

Beside her, Stavros was his cynical self. “Wanting me to pull out?”

Her cheeks flushed at how easily he could read through her. “I don’t particularly care,” she lied. “Only there’s a lot of press here. Aren’t you worried about the damage it will do to your reputation? Being seen with me?”

“My reputation has seen worse than you,” he promised darkly. “Stop fighting with me, Claudia. No matter how much we both enjoy it, this isn’t the place. Smile.”

His driver opened their door and Claudia stepped out first, elegant in a way that was simply a product of who she was rather than anything she’d ever learned. Stavros was straight behind her, a hand curved around her waist, holding her close to him.

God, he was handsome. Handsome in jeans, handsome in anything, but like this? In a crisp tuxedo that was molded to his skin, with his chin covered in stubble and his hair styled into a semblance of order?

She ached for him.

And ignored it.

Hell, it made her want to ignore him. “Come on then,” she muttered, reserving her smile for the camera lenses pointed her way.

“Claudia! Claudia! Over here! Have you ditched Lord Pennington?”

He stiffened against her side.

“Or did he ditch you? Couldn’t keep up?”

Stavros’s fingers dug into her hips and he lowered his head on the pretense of kissing her cheek. “You let them speak to you like this?”

“That’s their job,” she snapped, her smile not dropping for a second.

“They are turning you into their sport.”

Claudia’s heart throbbed and she skidded her eyes to his, her smile dropping for barely a second. But it did drop, and she wondered at what kind of sadist she was to be here with a man like this.

With effort, she regained her composure and gave one final wave to the assembled photographers, using it as an opportunity to free herself from Stavros’s touch. The moment they entered the hotel, she was caught up with other guests, and able to shirk any connection to the man. It was not so easy to put him from her mind, but she did at least succeed in putting distance between them. They rode in the same elevator but she spoke to a couple of friends. When the doors opened, he was beside her once more, his arm around her waist.

Staking his claim? Or warning her to behave?

Claudia didn’t care which. She retrieved a glass of champagne from the passing tray held by a waiter and she clutched the drink to her chest as though it were her lifeline.

The turn-out was exceptional. The elegant ballroom at the top of the city high rise was at capacity. Champagne was flowing, one of the country’s most famous singers was crooning jazz Christmas songs, and everyone was donating.

Every year, the committee came up with a different way to fundraise. Beyond the cost of tickets, there had been charity auctions, competitions, raffles, all sorts of initiatives aimed at getting people to put their hands in their pockets and donate.

This year, they’d opted for something a little more unique. Enormous bird cages had been suspended from the ceiling and burlesque dancers stood in each, moving in time to the music, glamorous, beautiful, striking and captivating. But they only danced so long as money was being put into the coffers beneath the cages. It had been controversial at first, but ultimately, it was a little bit of fun.

And yes, the press attention was going to be brilliant.

Claudia skimmed her eyes over the room, a sense of accomplishment buoying her, filling her with relief and pleasure.

She was good at this. She was right to feel proud.

“Ah, darling. We are so thrilled you’ve come out of hiding.” The high-pitched voice called Claudia’s attention. She pretended not to notice the way Stavros stiffened beside her. She hadn’t dared look his way since they’d entered the ballroom five minutes earlier.

She wasn’t sure what he’d make of their fundraising methods but she suspected he’d heartily disapprove.

“Margaret,” Claudia smiled, relaxing for the first time all night. She kissed the older woman’s cheek. “Everything is perfect.”

“All thanks to you,” Margaret said. “You really are a genius.”

Pink flooded Claudia’s cheeks and she shook her head slowly. “Not at all. We’re a committee. Everyone had a hand in tonight.”