"Or have you decided already?"

I blinked and hesitantly shook my head.

He cupped my face firmly so I had no choice but to look up at him.

"You know how fucking tempting you are, sweetheart?" he said. "If you don't want me to throw you on the floor and fuck you hard now--leave!"

I got the message loud and clear. I pulled myself free from his enchanting incarceration and turned my back to him. My hands at the door, I tried to yank it open. When it didn't budge, I whispered, "The door."

I felt him releasing a deep sigh, as if it were very painful for him to suddenly let me go. Then slowly and reluctantly, he eased his hand from the door.

I pulled it open and slipped out, racing down the hall, heart pumping loud and fast and tears blinding me.

My heart was still racing from the short, intense, stupefying experience when I sprinted down the grand stairs. I was at the base and was about to leave when Ms. Lane appeared before me. Her expression was once again calm and stern.

"Your backpack," she said tonelessly, handing me my belongings.

I got ahold of myself and murmured, "Thanks."

With my stuff back, I ran out the door and down the long driveway. I didn't stop running until I reached the gate, until I was sure I was far enough away from Mr. J. Maxwell, the man who had hotly kissed me and wanted to ravish me. The man who made me squirm under his touches and made my core desire to be filled with his hard shaft. The man who reduced me to nothing but a wanton wench. It was only then I collapsed on the grass and allowed the tears to flow down my cheeks and the hunger and craving to be ravished and filled by the man with beautiful Prussian blue eyes, the man named Mr. J. Maxwell, to consume me.

* * * * *



He was so screwed. So fucking screwed. He shouldn't have let Mia in, but he did, and now look at where it got him. He was bloody turned on and his damn cock was hard and sticking out like a goddamn steel pole.

Shutting his eyes, James took a deep breath. He knew the beast down there wasn't going to be satisfied, and he needed to act fast.

In ten seconds flat, he was out of the office, up the stairs, and into his bedroom.

"Out!" he snapped at the maid busy cleaning up the mess Mia had left behind only minutes ago.

"Ye-yes, sir," she stammered. She flew out in a hurry, dragging the vacuum cleaner with her.

James headed to the en suite and slammed the door shut. Then he proceeded taking off his clothes, throwing them in a heap on the floor. Naked and muscles tight with sexual frustration, he shoved on the multi-head shower. He stood there under running water, one hand resting against the wall as he inhaled and exhaled deeply.

"Fuck!" he hissed, staring at his engorged cock. He wrapped his hand around it and pressed hard. Pleasure coursed through his body and a groan escaped his mouth. He chuckled and began rubbing harder and faster, mindless.

He closed his eyes, bombarded with images of that cute ass belonging to Mia Donovan. Milky white and perfectly round, in the air, enticing him like fucking candy to a child.

The image flashed to her lying on her back right there on his office floor, long legs spread wide as he drove deep into her. His hands gentle at her waist as he watched her little breasts dance to the rhythm of his thrusts. It was hot and real, and he felt himself just at the edge. He rubbed harder and faster, his breath becoming short and heavy, and he heard her screaming his name.

James! James! Fuck me harder! Fuck me faster! Fuck me deeper!

He gritted his teeth. Pleasure--long and deep--rushed through him.

"Shit!" he swore, staring at his come in his hands. "She doesn't even know my first name." Heaving heavily, he chuckled. "Mia Donovan."

Shit! He had never wanted to fuck anyone like he wanted her. She was that enticing. That alluring.

He turned his back and raised his head, his eyes closed as water pounded down on him. He stood there thinking about Mia and her cute ass and small breasts. And her face. Oh fuck! That face really brought him to his knees. She wasn't classically beautiful nor was she hot and sexy like Whitney. She was just Mia Donovan. A girl from where, he hadn't a clue. The sudden urge to find out more about her surged strong within him.

The feel of her soft skin beneath his touch had been so pleasant, and he'd wanted to keep touching her, caressing and stroking. It had been so damn hard to control himself. But he wasn't going to rape her. When he did take her, it would be when she fully submitted to him, when she gave him complete control.

He chuckled, remembering how hard she'd fought back when he kissed her. Ah, she was feisty and wouldn't back down. Oh, and the angry look on her face. It made his heart pump with delight and his cock harden in anticipation. That was why she drew him to her. She wasn't like most females who willy-nilly opened their legs for him just because of his looks and deep pockets.

He laughed. "Mia Donovan," he said, "I'm going to have you one way or another."

He quit the shower a few minutes later and dressed in a pair of casual jeans and a T-shirt.

In the dining room, he noted his daughter Aria looking more than a little upset. Sophie was beside her, coaxing his darling daughter to eat her meal.

"Come on, Aria," Sophie prompted. "She left and isn't likely to come back. She isn't your friend. Now eat your dinner."

Aria ignored Sophie, and James knew he had to step in. He came to sit beside her and said, "What's the matter, darling?"

Aria lifted her eyes to him. James felt his gut wrenched.

"Daddy, Mia left. She promised to have dinner with me."

He frowned. "Mia? You've met Mia?"

Aria nodded. "She had an accident in the garden. You know, she fell into the mud, and I helped her."

He understood immediately. Aria had a soft heart and would help anyone in trouble, human or animal. That meant Aria must have taken Mia to get cleaned up, and then the incident in his bedroom with Alfie occurred.

Instantly, he wanted to laugh. Sophie glared at him when she saw him smiling broadly. Aria looked a little confused by his reaction.

"Daddy? Will she come back? Why did she run off like that?"

Shit! How could he tell his darling daughter Mia ran away because he'd wanted so b

adly to fuck her? That her dad was one of the most dangerous business lords in America who had the hots for an innocent young woman who didn't know shit about his world?

He cleared his throat and explained, "She probably had some where important to go."

"Do you think she'll come back? She's my friend, Daddy." She clasped her hands and looked brightly at him. "Will you help me find her, Daddy?"

James smiled and patted her head. "Yes, I'll help you find her. In fact, I'm going to do that now."

Aria rose from her chair and wrapped her arms around his neck. Then she kissed him on the cheek. In his peripheral vision, James noted the displeased look Sophie wore on her lovely face.

"Thank you, Daddy," Aria gushed.

He laughed. "Eat your dinner."

He happened to glance at Sophie and saw she looked even more pissed. She didn't look at all lovely when she was angry.

"What's the matter, Sophie?" he asked just to be polite, considering he was her employer after all.

She hesitated for a moment. "It's a bit stupid, don't you think? To go looking for someone like her?"

James raised his brow, questioning what she meant by that.

She became flustered under his stare but continued. "We don't even know where she's from, and I can't believe John let her in."

"I let her in, Sophie," he said.

She looked surprised. "You did? But why?"

"She's my business," he said sternly and didn't bother to clarify any further.

Aria jumped in. "Please find her quickly, Daddy. She's my friend."

James laughed. "Is she now?"

Sophie frowned darkly. "She is not your friend, Aria. She was a mess and--" She stopped immediately and rushed over to hug Aria.

Aria wouldn't have any of it and broke free from Sophie's arms. She moved over to James and hugged her father tight, her small shoulders shaking.

James couldn't help himself and hugged her in return. The fact that Sophie made his daughter cry pissed him off.

"It's not your place to tell my daughter who to be friends and not be friends with. Please remember that."

Aria lifted her head and looked at me in adoration. "So I can be friends with Mia?"

He laughed. "Of course."