I couldn't believe how extravagant this place was and couldn't stop ogling either. Matt's place was lavish in a comfortable and simple way that was designed for functionality, for a man's taste. But this? This was designed for opulence. Although, it was tailored for a man as well. Everything here spoke masculinity in bold statements, just like James's apartment and house back in Los Angeles.

"Is this room assigned to you every time you come here?" I couldn't help asking, my eyes on the king-size bed--the only bed in the room. Was I supposed to sleep with him?

"Hmm," I heard.

Must be nice, I thought, to have such a luxurious accommodation ready for you here in Vegas whenever you have the urge to come and lose yourself in Sin City.

Then, of course, I needed to know for sure about the sleeping arrangement. "James?"


I jumped at the voice behind me and hastily turned around. When did he get here? I wondered contritely, my face flaming red.

He was watching me intensely, and I knew he'd seen the expression on my face as I stared at the bed.

I cleared my throat. "Do I get my own room?"

He smiled slowly. Gosh, he was just too good-looking for my peace of mind. I glanced away, staring blindly at the bathroom door just to his left.

"No," he said bluntly. "You're staying here with me."

I licked my upper lip. "What about my bed?"

He nodded to the one behind me. Okay, so I was to sleep on that massive king-size bed. That was fine with me. I liked large, soft beds. No doubt, this particular one would be very soft indeed since it was in such a posh hotel and resort.

"What about yours?" I shifted my eyes to watch him carefully.

"That one," he said bluntly, nodding to that same bed behind me.

Once again, I licked my upper lip. "But there's only one."

He must have understood my meaning and leaned forward. He cupped my small chin with one hand and said, "I promise I won't bite."

I blinked. "Huh?" I blushed. He won't bite indeed? When my body was already black and blue from his brutal treatment.

He laughed. Once he calmed down, he said, mirth in his voice, "You're tired and you've just met your brother. Now, bedtime for you."

I agreed with a nod of my head. "Yeah. I'm very tired. I'm going to clean up now."

Before he let me go, he kissed me on the lips softly. I blushed. I had no idea why I was blushing so much. It was only a kiss. It wasn't even like most of his other kisses, which were passionate and wild, with tongue and everything. This one was just a quick, soft brush of our lips. But then why did my heart quicken with so much delight?

I stepped away from him and headed into the bathroom. After I'd closed the door, I dumped my bag on the floor and stared at myself in the mirror. Gosh, my face was so flushed and my eyes were so bright with red-rimmed corners, a result of my earlier tears.

I didn't take long brushing my teeth. After that, I had a quick shower. Some fifteen minutes later, with only James's work shirt and my undies on, I headed back out.

I was glad James wasn't in the bedroom. I wasn't in the mood to see him just now because of that small kiss earlier. It got me thinking in ways I didn't want to think. It was better not to get in too deep in an area where you knew from the beginning it wasn't possible. We were just master and mistress. No need to get involved emotionally. But hell, he did kiss me like Dad used to kiss Mom--that light, sweet kiss full of devotion and care and love.

Shaking my head and determined not to think about the billionaire and the kiss, I quickly got into the bed. As I shut my eyes and tried to make myself sleep, I heard James's voice on the other side of the room, talking lightly. I presumed he was on his cell phone because I didn't hear anyone replying to him. It must be business, I thought, because he mentioned terms such as investments and contracts and negotiations.

My mind drifted off to my brother once again, and I wondered what Andy meant when he'd said he'd sort everything out before I returned to Mystic Spring. I didn't feel too good about that. And he wasn't happy either that I'd exchanged myself to be James's mistress for the two million he owed. Of course, I'd known that, but what was I supposed to do? I was his sister after all. The debt needed to be dealt with as soon as possible.

A few moments later, I heard James coming into the bedroom and then disappearing again into the bathroom. He must be having a shower, I thought, as I heard the water going. I smiled, having the urge to see droplets of water running down that amazingly hot, masculine body of his.

My belly tingled and my heart raced. My fingers itched to trail the length of that brick wall of chest down to the six-pack abs. I groaned and told myself this was ridiculous. What had James done to me? Making me think of ridiculous things like that? Wanting to caress him and everything.

When he returned, I still had my eyes shut even though I wasn't really sleeping, even though I was tired. Deep within my mind, I was actually fantasizing about Mr. James Maxwell, naked and under the shower, and I wanted to sexually molest him with my hands and lips, caressing him and kissing him and...

Oh no. What was I thinking about? This wasn't normal, surely.

I felt James getting into bed beside me, and instantly, I held my breath. It's fine, Mia. You're supposed to be sleeping. Quit worrying, the small voice at the back of my head said to me.

Suddenly, I felt warm hands on me and then a little pull, rolling me over. I found myself being hugged in a tight embrace in James's arms. Oddly enough, it felt good--the warmth, the tight space, and the hardness of his body against me. It was then I realized he was naked from the waist up. Did he usually sleep in only his shorts? I couldn't help myself and blushed, my eyes still closed.

Without me realizing it, I snuggled my face deeper into the crook of his arm, against his chest, and inhaled. Oh God! He smelled so good--of maleness and of just... James. I couldn't help myself and sighed pleasantly. I felt somewhat safe and protected in his arms, and it was wonderful. I hadn't felt like that since my parents died. Every night had always been cold and frightening and empty and lonely.

I felt warm lips on my forehead, that light, sweet kiss like he did earlier with my lips, and my insides glowed.

"See? I don't bite in bed," he said lightly, a hint of a tease in his deep voice. "Unless you want me to."

I flashed my eyes open and glared at him. I noted him snickering and sucked in my breath. The Prussian blue of his eyes was on fire. I

didn't even have time to react before he claimed my lips in a scorching kiss. When he slipped his tongue into my mouth, it was wild, licking me, stroking me, and dancing with me.

"Ngh..." I groaned.

When he finally released me, I was dazed, my mind was numbed, and my body sparked with heat.

"Do you want me to bite you, Mia?" he asked.

I blinked. "Huh?"

He chuckled. "Never mind." He rested his cheek against my forehead and shut his eyes.

Huh? I frowned. What? So he just decided to kiss me like that and then expected me to sleep? What an arrogant man, I thought in irritation.

I struggled in his arms, wanting to annoy him as much as possible, wanting him to let me go. He only chuckled at my escape attempt and tightened his hold on me.

"Good night, Mia," he said softly.

A moment later, I gave up and sighed, flopping my head against his arm and closing my eyes.

"Good night, James," I whispered.

* * * * *



James Maxwell is a bastard! That was what I was thinking right now as I tried to make myself sleep. Even though I was completely tired, even though it was way past one in the morning, I couldn't sleep. I still couldn't move an inch in his arms since he'd come into bed twenty minutes ago. I just couldn't relax.

I sighed, giving in. It was then he relaxed, easing his hold on me, and somehow, I managed to shift back a little. I noted his breathing was even and knew he must be fully asleep. Hence, gaining some space between us would be no big deal. Besides, me sleeping so close to him wasn't very nice. Every nerve in my body was excited, jumping around and sparking about.

It had all started with that wild fantasy of mine, of course, conjuring up images of the hot billionaire naked and under the shower, beads of water glistening on his smooth skin.

I sighed and slowly opened my eyes to confirm my suspicion that he was indeed asleep. I noted his resting face, which was breathtakingly handsome. As I gazed at his aquiline features in the dimness of the room, I couldn't help but wonder that certain people were just born lucky. When they arrived on this earth, they got the whole package. The good looks. The money. And of course, the mind for business to make even more money, which also made them even more powerful, influential, and attractive to the opposite sex. Andy and I weren't those people, and that was okay. It couldn't be helped. We just needed to work harder and strive to better ourselves.