Tears stung my eyes, but I willed them away with the force of cold logic. "Stupid!" I muttered to myself. I won't cry. I was doing to this to save my brother. It was a job I'd see to the end. Yes, I won't feel sorry for myself. I should just be glad my brother and I needn't think about the two million-dollar debt anymore.

Yet... that feeling of loneliness was still there. The hope that perhaps at least there'd be some sort of emotional bond between us. Oh, how I wanted that emotional connection--the lovey-dovey type between a man and a woman. The type I'd seen between Mom and Dad. Would I ever get the chance?

Instantly, images of James came into my head, the smile and the twinkling Prussian-blue eyes I loved. Then there was that amused look as well as the fiery expression I'd seen. And what about his tender embrace back at the motel last night when we'd returned from dinner? And then that gentle kiss on my forehead? Those were affectionate moments. It was like he cared about me, yet... Yet that sex had been good physically but lacking emotionally.

I shook my head. "Stop thinking about it," I muttered to myself. I smiled. "It's going to be okay." Instantly, I dismissed the thought and turned my attention to my brother.

"Andy," I said.

I'd get to see him tomorrow, and I prayed he'd be all right. I prayed this Matt wasn't hurting and torturing him, but I knew otherwise. The agonizing sounds from Andy's voice and the harsh words from Matt I'd heard through the phone last night had nearly driven me insane. It had nearly killed me. I was worried sick about him. Even though James had reassured me Matt wouldn't hurt Andy, after what I'd heard, there was no way I could believe him.

I shut off my mind from the thoughts of my brother, too, and got up from bed. I rushed out the door and then down the stairs into the living area and kitchen. I mucked about, searching the fridge for something hearty to eat and cold to drink. It was three in the afternoon, and I was more than a little hungry. I hadn't had anything to eat since breakfast around seven in the morning, which had been before the contract signing and then the sex.

James, of course, had left straight after, informing me he had work to do, that he'd return tonight. He'd told me not to leave the premises, as there were still people aft

er me. He also told me not to worry about security, as this was his building and no one was stupid enough to break in. I had no idea what that meant, and I didn't ask.

My eyes lit up as I searched about in the humongous fridge. I was surprised it was stocked up with every basic food item imaginable. Did that mean he resided here often? And what about his mansion? Did he spend most of his time here or over there where that beautiful brunette named Sophie stayed?

The thought of James spending more time over at the mansion and with that woman made me a little uneasy, and I didn't know why. Why should I feel anything if the two of them were together? It clearly had nothing to do with me. I knew in my gut, however, that the woman didn't like me, and I hoped like hell we never crossed paths again.

Dismissing the thought, I began making myself some sandwiches. Once done, I poured a cup of apple juice and carried my very late lunch toward the veranda, which was ajar to the living area. I made myself comfortable on the sun couch there and ate as I admired the view. I was just finishing my drink when my eyes caught the sight of a man down below. That sleek, black car the man was leaning against looked oddly familiar. Then it hit me hard, and I swallowed the last of the apple juice in shock.

"William," I said just under my breath, my voice shaking. "What's he doing here?"

Then I realized. This was James's building, and he must have known I was here.

Suddenly, he looked up. I held my breath as he watched me through his sunglasses. He waved, and I could tell there was a smile on his lips.

I didn't know what to do and just stood there staring at him. A moment later, he climbed into his car once again and then drove away. I cocked my head to one side, confused. Had I thought wrong that he'd seen me? I would have thought he'd barge right in and steal me away.

William's sudden appearance made me so unsettled that when the phone inside the apartment rang, I jumped in fright. I blinked. Who'd be calling?

Ring... Ring... Ring...

Should I pick up and tell who it was to go away? But heck, whoever it was surely was persistent. It kept ringing and ringing, and it was getting on my nerves. Then, because I couldn't help myself, I rushed in and picked it up.


A chuckle sounded, and then, "Took you long enough. How's your afternoon going, sweetheart?"

I blushed at the comment. We'd only started our master/mistress relationship, for God's sake. He needn't call me sweetheart.

"James?" I asked.

"Yes, sweetheart."

"Why are you calling?" I couldn't help myself.

"To see how you're getting on," he replied.

I licked my lips. "I'm fine." Then I wondered if I should tell him about William.

"Good," he said. "Look, I won't be there until late tonight. Sorry, sweetheart. Will you be okay?"

"Of course I'll be fine. I'm a grown adult, after all," I said matter-of-fact. Then I hesitantly murmured, "James?"


I changed my mind instantly and said, "See you tonight, then."

He laughed. "Will you be ready for me?"

"Huh?" I was confused.

He got straight to the point. "Just hearing your voice makes me hard, Mia."

I blushed profusely. "I... That's not possible," I stammered.

He laughed, his voice loud and clear. "See you tonight, sweetheart."

I nodded as I said, "Okay. Bye, then."

I heard the click and then silence. I hung up as well, wondering once again if I should have told him about William after all.

* * * * *