
A cool breeze washed against his skin, which was nice. James let his mind drift off, thinking about everything and nothing. It was some twenty minutes later when his cell phone rang. He glanced at the screen and noted the name flashing at him. A smile crept across his face. He quickly flicked on the loud speaker, at the same time muting the music.

"Hey, sweetheart," he greeted.

"Daddy?" came Aria's voice.

"Yes, sweetheart?"

"Are you coming home soon?"

He laughed. "Yes. Have you finished your piano lesson?"

A pause and then, "Yes. But, Daddy, Sammy won't eat the food I gave him. He'll starve if he doesn't eat. I'm worried. He hasn't been eating properly for days now. Should we take him to the vet?"

He frowned. "I'll be home in a minute, Aria. Daddy will take care of it."

"Really?" She laughed merrily, which made his heart glow. "Daddy? I've just learned a new piece today. Do you want to hear it?"

"Of course," he said even though he knew she was horrible at it. He didn't think piano was her thing, but he couldn't say no because she'd wanted to learn so much.

"It was hard, but Mrs. West told me..."

James shook his head. There she goes again, he thought.

"Shit!" he swore as his foot slammed hard on the break whilst one hand pressed down on the horn and the other expertly turned the steering wheel, veering the car out of the way. The sound of tires screeching against asphalt was loud in his ears. An agonizing short moment later, the car came to a complete stop, missing hitting the girl by mere inches.

"Daddy?" A panicky voice reached him, and James realized Aria was still on the line.

He took a deep breath and said calmly, "Everything is okay, sweetheart. Just a rabbit on the road. I'll see you soon, all right?"

"All right," Aria replied, uncertain.

He quickly cut the line and opened the door.

The girl was sprawled on the ground, her backpack and printout map scattered around her.

He came to stand before her, concerned she might be hurt. Slowly, he watched her drift her gaze up his legs and then finally to his face. The moment he saw her fully, his gut churned into a delicious twist of sensations. Large, frightened eyes gazed up at him. Her face was flushed and delicately pretty. Long, tangled braided hair rested haphazardly over one shoulder. The longer he looked at her, the more he was convinced he'd seen her somewhere before. Then it hit him! Andy Donovan. Fucking hell! She looked like Andy Donovan. This had to be his sister.