Suddenly, I heard a chuckle and glanced up. I blushed, knowing very well he found my lack of business knowledge amusing.

"Let me explain, Mia," he said, taking a seat beside me, his arm brushing against me.

I straightened at the contact as he leaned closer. I could feel the heat from his body radiating out to me and breathed in his masculine smell. It was pure intoxication--they made my body weak.

"This clause here"--he pointed to the first--"simply states the agreement is between you and me."

I nodded.

"The second is simply that in return for your service, of which the duration is five years, the two million dollars your brother owes me is annulled."

I nodded again in understanding as I glanced down the long contract. "And the rest..."

"Clarifies the relationship between you and me," he stated matter-of-fact.

"I see," I said.

When he saw the sober look on my face, he suggested, "Do you want to read it a bit longer?"

I nodded immediately.

He chuckled. "Don't worry. I'm not going to sell you off to the Albanian," he joked.

"Huh?" I couldn't help myself and looked at him in confusion. What did the Albanian have to do with this?

He suddenly looked serious, as if he were troubled with something. "Once you've signed the contract, you're mine, Mia. You'll be safe. No need to worry about your and your brother's safety after that."

I licked my lips. It suddenly struck me he was right. Signing this contract meant James Maxwell would protect me and my brother from those men we'd seen last night. Was that the Albanian he was referring to? I had no idea who they really were, but I knew they were after Andy and me.

"Take your time," he said and then headed out the door.

Alone, I returned my attention to the contract. It took me a few minutes to read through the whole thing one more time. The clauses also stated if I were to end my service as his lover before the five years was up, the two million would no longer be annulled.

"Shit!" The profanity flew from my mouth before I even had time to think. That meant I really had to stick with him the five years, and furthermore, I must respond to his requests whenever he wished.

I rested my head back and stared up at the ceiling, my heart now racing harder than ever. At least he didn't state all the unpleasant stuff I had to do with him during sex. Just whatever he requested.

My eyes widened with horror. No. No. No. He definitely needed to clarify this part. What if he made me do those S&M type things? First off, I'd never even had sex before and didn't even know how to please a man. I could never do S&M.

At lightning speed, I shot up from the sofa and rushed out the door.

"James?" I called out, my voice shaking--just a little.

I found him standing by the window, looking out at the scenery. With paper in hand, I headed to him and stood a few steps away, then held up the paper.

I knew my voice was shaking, but heck, I couldn't help myself. My next five years depended on the words written on these papers. "You didn't clarify the sex part," I said weakly. "I mean... I mean..."

"Yes?" he prompted.

I cleared my voice. "I think I told you this yesterday. I'm a virgin. You know what that means, right?"

"Your point?" he queried.

I took a deep breath. "James, I haven't a clue how to please a man. I mean, yes, I do know how a man and a woman have intercourse. You learn it through friends and classmates and reading and... You get the point?"

Suddenly, he laughed. "Yes, I get the point."

I frowned. I doubted he got my meaning, and it was rather frustrating. "What I'm trying to say is there will be certain things I can't do in the bedroom."

"What are you afraid of, Mia?"

I knew I had to come clean. The first step to a good lover relationship was to be truthful at the beginning, before everything got too deep and complicated. I fisted my hands tight and said, "S&M!"

Silence descended upon us. My heart was still pounding ferociously when he said, "Why not?"

His words shocked me to my core. What? He had to ask me that? Had he no decency? Could he not understand most people had an aversion to S&M?

Suddenly, the sight of a belt and the sound of a leather strap swishing in the air was loud in my ears. The image of me when I was a young teenage girl being whipped into submission by my uncle flared bright within my mind. I paled and my body shook as I stared into space.

A pair of warm hands pulled me close. "Mia," James called softly out to me.

I blinked and turned my gaze to him.

"I won't make you do anything you don't like," he said. "Read the contract. It's there, clause six."

I blinked several times and then turned my gaze to the paper and searched for clause six, as he indicated. It did indeed say I didn't have to do anything in the bedroom unless I felt comfortable doing so.

I raised my face to look at him and queried, just to confirm the statement, "I can refuse?"

"Yes and no. Before we do anything, I will ask for your consent. Of course, you can't refuse the basics."


He laughed. "You'll understand what I mean soon. Now then, are you ready to sign?"

I stared at the contract long and hard. Then slowly, I nodded.

"Okay, then."

"Oh, wait. What about my brother? When will I see him? He'll be released from this Matt person, won't he?" I still sounded a little unsure, which was stupid, of course, because it clearly stated Andy would be released from his debt.

James watched me for a moment and then said, "You'll see him tomorrow, and as for that last part, it's up to Andy himself... and Matt."

"What? Why is it up to that Matt person? It said in the contract that Andy's debt would be annulled."

"Yes, the debt will be annulled." He confirmed.

"Good," I said, nodding.

"Any more questions?"

I shook my head.

"Okay, then." He turned on his heel and led me back into the office. There he made me sign the contract after him.

I was still concerned about my brother when I felt warm hands on the nape of my neck and the sudden heat of lips against mine.

I had only just signed the contract a mere second ago, and he was already taking action.

Shit! I hope he isn't going to take me right now. Oh God! I wasn't ready yet. I hadn't mentally prepared myself. I was told the first time was truly painful.

Instantly, my body went stiff with fright. I didn't respond to his kiss and stood as solid and cold as a statue.

A moment later, he withdrew. "That was disappointing," he said.

I felt bad instantly. I failed at this seduction game on the first try. "Sorry," I said. "You took me by surprise." I lied. Actually, I was rather relieved he stopped suddenly.

I glanced up at him and saw in his eyes he knew I was lying. I felt sick at this revelation. Was he already regretting signing a contract with me? Me for two million? Yeah, I understood I wasn't worth that much money.

"Never mind." He turned and placed the contract into a nice folder and then slotted it on the shelf next to his other important documents. When he turned, he had a smile on his face that eased my guilt. "Shopping?"

"Excuse me?"

"I can hardly allow my mistress to walk around in ripped jeans and a borrowed shirt, can I?"

At this remark, I glanced down at myself and blushed. "It was your dog's fault. You need to train that little beast properly, Mr. Maxwell."

"I agree," he said, coming around the desk. "Never mind about the stupid dog." With that, he took me by the wrist and led me out the door.

* * * * *



"Where are we going?" I felt the need to ask again as I stared at his large hand wrapped firmly around mine.

I had no idea why I found this man's hands so fascinating, why I suddenly felt this overwhelming need to be touched and caressed by them. Why my co

re suddenly twisted and burned with desire so deep I felt weak. Only moments before, I was scared and my body became rigid when he kissed me, but now? Because of James's gentle and warm touches? I blamed my body.

"Shopping," he responded.

"Now?" I couldn't help myself.