We ate while the conversation continued about the sake and sake set. I found out the flask was called Tokkuri and the cup called Ochoko. Once that topic was out of the way, the men mostly went on about business, as I'd guessed before arriving. I didn't mind, of course, since I had the delicious food to occupy me. Now and again, however, I did catch James eyeing me as I ate. When I licked my lips, his eyes darkened and there was a smile playing about his lips as well.

"Heard you bought yourself a pet for five million," James said to William some time later.

William shrugged. "She's a pretty little thing. Couldn't help myself."

"I would have thought you'd stay away from that sort of shit," James said darkly.

I was suddenly on alert. Pet? Surely they were talking about either a cat or a dog. But for five million? Maybe it was a car. A very luxurious sports car. But why did I have the feeling it was none of those things?

"I think what I do with my life isn't any of your business, James." William snorted. "You bought your own pet for two million." He stared at me, and that was when I realized what the word pet meant.

I suddenly felt sick.

"Leave Mia out of this," James snapped.

William ignored him and said to me, "I could have easily fixed all your problems, Mia darling. You, your brother, those fuckheads, the Albanian and Mexican, and that fucking two million. I would have sorted everything out with five million."

I glared at him, and my heart raced like crazy. I didn't know I was so pissed with William, with the way he was talking to James, or to me for that matter. I was certainly very pissed with the fact that he talked sarcastically about mine and my brother's problems.

I said to him, "I've already fixed those problems, thank you very much. And I'm happy with how it turned out. I think I made the right move."

He laughed. "Ouch! The little kitten has fangs," he said, his eyes twinkling.

I had a feeling he was pleased with my comeback. Then of course, he went and said something that ruined the evening even more. "I bet it's fun in bed with you, darling. I like spirited kittens, especially ones with claws and fangs. Care to join me tonight?"

My face reddened with embarrassment. "No thank you. I'm not into blond, arrogant men with too much money to throw around."

Tory and Mark roared out in laughter, while James just eyed me with interest.

"Well done, Mia, well done," Mark said. "You're the first girl to ever say no to our egotistical William."

It was some three hours later when we parted ways with the men. They promised each other they'd have another catch-up session before the year ended. And this time, Matt was joining them, even if they had to drag him kicking and screaming.

James and I were just getting out of the elevator on the ground floor of this particular hotel that apparently belonged to Tory and his family when something nagged at me. It was a similar feeling I'd had when I first arrived in Los Angeles.

I glanced around, and it was then my stomach fluttered--not in a good way. My whole body shivered with worry as I stared at a few men across the lobby. They looked Hispanic, and I wondered if they were following us.

James pulled me into his arms and said, "Ignore them."

I glanced up at him and nodded. So he knew we were being followed all along.

I kept close to him as we headed to the car. When we started driving out, I turned in my seat in search of those men. They were nowhere to be found. I sighed in relief and slumped back in my spot.

"They give me the creeps," I said, rubbing my tummy.

James chuckled. "My little kitten is afraid of the big bad wolves."

I snorted. "They're not the big bad wolves, James. They're just little foxes. But they still give me the creeps."

He placed his hand over mine, over my tummy, and started rubbing my skin. "They won't dare do anything stupid."

I nodded. James Maxwell was a ruthless billionaire, and oddly enough, I felt safe knowing that. Safe because he could do so many things normal people couldn't do. Safe because with one word from him, those guys would be in deep shit.

I calmed down and relaxed in my seat.

James said, "So who's the wolf?"

I stared at him. He got the point, and a sly smile appeared across his face. Shit! I didn't know if that was a good sign or not, but my whole body tingled with both anxiety and anticipation.

* * * * *



The moment James shut the door to our hotel room, he said, "Take the dress off before I ruin it."

I glanced at him over my shoulder, a perplexed look on my face. "Excuse me?"

He chuckled. "You like that dress, don't you?" At my nod, he continued. "Or would you rather I tear it off you?"

I understood the meaning behind his words immediately and blushed profusely. "How rude. You're not allowed to destroy any more of my new clothes," I said clearly.

He raised a brow at me in challenge. "I paid for them."

I folded my arms across my chest. Heck, I knew I looked insignificant and small compared to him, but I wasn't about to let him annihilate my beloved new garments, even though he did pay for them.

He came to stand right in front of me and said, "Go on. Take that dress of." He was lightly caressing my collarbone as he stared down at my cleavage. His fingers trailed down toward that area of interest as he said, "I can't trust myself not to damage your new dress."

I swallowed. I was becoming weak all of a sudden. "I'm right. You are a wolf in disguise."

He chuckled at that remark.

I took a step back and then headed into our bedroom. "I wonder if you can shape-shift," I said over my shoulder.

I heard a snort as I headed into the bathroom to freshen up. I was done ten minutes later, wearing James's pajama shirt. The hem reached all the way to my thighs and the sleeves past my hands so I had to roll them up.

James was sitting on the bed, awaiting my return. He faced the bathroom door so I had no way of escaping his prying eyes.

"I'm ready," I said cheerfully. "You can use the bathroom now."

He let out a little chuckle as he watched me going around to my side of the bed.

"I never really asked you this, but how long are we staying here?"

I was holding my breath for his reply. Please let us stay here for at least another three days. I wanted to spend as much time as possible with my brother before returning to Mystic Spring.

He didn't reply. Just grabbed my wrist and pulled me around to him. I didn't even have time to react before he slammed his lips against mine and kissed me wildly and passionately.

"Ngh... Hmm..." I moaned softly into his mouth.

He pulled me down on the bed, and in a flash, undid all my shirt buttons and then pulled my panties down my legs. I was naked before his eyes in no time and lying there in such a wonton position, ready for the billionaire to devour me to his heart's content, which I knew would happen any second now. My body ached deliciously in anticipation.

"Are we doing it again?" I asked coyly, staring up at him, my eyes bright. I wanted to tease him. "It's like number three already today."

He chuckled. "Shouldn't you be pleased I want you that much?"

I chewed on my lower lip, thinking seriously about it. Suddenly, I couldn't help myself. I had no idea why, but I desperately wanted to know if I was the first and only woman who ever made him want me that much.

"So ever since you grew into a man, am I the first woman who ever made you want me that much? Like to have sex and stuff like that?"

I held my breath as I waited for his reply. Please say yes. Oh, please say yes. I didn't know why I wanted him to say yes that badly, but I did.

He cocked his head to one side and bluntly said, "No."

I felt a lump in my throat and my tummy felt sick. Well, what did I expect? That he'd say yes and then go on to confess how wonderful I was and how I'd changed his world for the better? That he'd now fallen in love with me? Within barel

y a week of knowing each other?

What a sick delusion.