Oh God! Please don't let that Sophie woman be his wife. But James wasn't wearing a wedding band. So she couldn't be his wife, right? And what about that adorable little girl Aria? I'd figured out she must be James's daughter, as I'd mentioned to him earlier on the plane, which he confirmed. That meant James must have had at least one serious relationship before. Or had he and Aria's mom had a one-night stand? Or had James had other mistresses I didn't know about? The idea didn't sit well with me.

"Stop looking at me like that, Mia."

I jumped at his intense tone and blinked. "Huh?"

He didn't care to explain. He took action by grabbing my hand and placing it on his crotch. He was hot and hard. His bulge was indication enough.

Shit! I reacted and retrieved my hand without a second thought. My heart pounded loudly within my chest. He was hard because of the way I had looked at him. Did I affect him that much?

Thinking about him in bed made me shiver deliciously. He really did like ripping clothes off me. That was when the realization hit me. James must have seen the size on the tag of my clothing as he undressed me. Or rather, when he ripped them off me during our sex.

I sighed and relaxed against the seat. That had to be it.

"What is it?" he asked.

I shook my head. "Nothing. I just figured out something; that's all."

"Care to share?" he urged.

"No thanks," I said, smiling to myself.

He gave me a quick glance before returning his eyes to the road. I was glad he didn't probe about the subject and turned my attention to the scenery of the streets of Las Vegas. There were palm trees, lots of bright, flashing lights, and high-rise buildings very unique to this city. The Strip was awesomely extravagant, and it took my breath away. I was awed. I couldn't tear my eyes from the exotic scenes before me.

It wasn't long before we arrived at our destination. As I got out of the car, I thought it looked just like any other part of Las Vegas. High-rise buildings and lots of flashy cars and expensively dressed people going about their touristy business. I felt a little out of place wearing a pair of faded sneakers with a summer dress and one of James's work shirts. If there was no work shirt, my appearance would have been fine, but I needed it to cover the bite marks and bruises on my skin that James had amorously branded on me during our zealous lovemaking sessions. As it were, I looked like a high school girl who didn't know how to dress appropriately.

James turned the corner and drove through the front of a massive building that simply said, MAXWELL in bright, bold letters. Below that, it said Hotel, Resort, and Casino. My jaw nearly dropped. I had thought his mansion and apartment were extravagant enough, but this? This flashy building? It was then that, once again, the power, richness, and influence this man yielded overwhelmed me. James was a Maxwell, one of the wealthiest, most influential families in America, maybe the world. My heart skipped a beat at the thought that this very powerful man was my lover.

A valet rushed to our car the moment we stopped. He came around to James and said cheerfully, "Mr. Maxwell, sir." He even bowed at James as if the great man were the king of Las Vegas himself.

James got out and tossed the valet his key. "Take good care of it, Craig," he said, nodding to the black sports car that had been presented to us at the airport when we landed.

I was surprised James knew his employee by name. Surely, he must have had a least a few thousand of them working for him and his family.

"Sure thing, sir," Craig said, grinning widely.

I was out of the car by the time James came around to my side. I gazed at the massive, busy entrance, clutching my bag in front of me in both awe and trepidation. The place was buzzing with life. It was after midnight, for God's sake. Didn't they sleep here in Las Vegas? The moment I internally asked myself that, I snorted. Of course they didn't sleep. It was Las Vegas.

"Does Andy stay here?" I asked James.

"Hmm." He took me by the elbow and led me forward. I didn't want to move at first, but because his hold on me was firm, I followed him.

I noticed also that another valet had appeared and retrieved James's luggage. He was younger than the one before and had freckles all over his face. He flashed me a wide smile when I glanced at him. I hesitantly grinned back.

The moment I stepped into the lobby, I caught my breath. The place was massive and extravagantly designed and decorated with marble floors and walls and massive chandeliers on the high ceilings. There was a long front desk to the left with at least eight pretty receptionists there, ready to aid anyone that needed it. While to the right was the entrance to a massive casino, where I guessed at least a few thousand people mingled about, having loads of fun and easily departing with hundreds of thousands of dollars of their hard-earned, or not-so-hard-earned, cash.

To the center and leading to the back were various five-star restaurants and private club rooms for guests from around the world to dine and enjoy. Then there was that masterpiece grand staircase leading up to the next level that all but made me forget about my underprivileged background and wonder if I'd just stepped into a world of grandeur. Of course, there was the elevator as well, if one preferred that over the grand stairs.

I noted there were bodyguards in their black suits, with earphones, hanging about the lobby and the casino everywhere, their eyes sharp. I had no doubt there was a security room with more guards, their hawk-like eyes on the video screens that scanned and covered the whole building. Security was indeed tight in this particular building.

"Take my luggage to my room," James said to the valet, and the guy nodded and left us.

I wondered where exactly James's room was. Perhaps a presidential suite high up in the building with a fantastic view? Then, of course, I wondered if I'd get my own room as well. Or if I had to share with him.

We were just about to set foot into the elevator when someone called out to James. I turned with James and came to see a tall hunk of a man with jet-black hair and dark eyes. He looked half Asian and dangerous to the core.

"Tory," James said. "Hey, man, long time no see."

Tory laughed. "Yeah." They did their manly handshake and then began a quick catch-up.

I knew I was in the way and probably intruding, aside from the fact I felt very awkward standing there while they conversed about personal and business stuff. Thus, I decided to move to the side away from them, my backpack in front of me tight. I decided to kill some time waiting for them to finish by surveying the place with more appreciation. It was fun watching people going about their business, and it was then I saw someone familiar that made me a little nervous.

William was sitting on a cozy chair in one of the restaurants, facing us. His pale-blond hair glittered white under the bright indoor light. Once again, he looked very handsome, but even from this far, I could tell his pale-blue eyes were orbed dark. He was staring at me, of course, and I felt my whole being shake just a little. Suddenly, he smiled at me, that cold, dark smile of his. Then he lifted a glass of perhaps wine, as if toasting me.

"Mia," James called.

I jumped. "Huh? Oh, sorry," I managed to utter, flicking my gaze to James.

He pulled me to him by my elbow and turned me to hunky Tory.

"Mia, eh?" he said, winking.

I blushed. "Hi," I said meekly, wondering why this half-Asian god was talking to me.

"Have you been dating long?" he asked.

"Huh?" My blush intensified. "Come again?"

He laughed.

"That's enough, Tory. We're in a hurry." James interrupted. He had a scowl on his face that indicated he was pissed with where the conversation was heading.

"Ah, sorry, bro," Tory said easily, his eyes twinkling. "Want to dine with us tomorrow night? It's rare for all five of us to be here in the city at the same time."

"Shit!" James said. "Is he here, too?"

I had no idea who could have made James look so annoyed.

"Don't be such an ass, James," Tory said. "You're coming. Bring Mia,

too. She'll brighten the mood." He winked at me again, and I blushed.

I turned to James for an answer. The man, however, just nodded.

"Fine," he said, "but don't expect a friendly encounter on my part."

Tory just shrugged as if he didn't care one way or another. "Like always."