
It had been fifteen minutes since the plane was airborne, and the moment they were allowed to take off their seatbelts, Mia took off in the direction of the sofa. Now James watched her as she sat there crossed-legged and enjoyed another set of treats. This was mostly sweets with an assortment of

cupcakes and cake slices.

It was odd that since he'd met her, his mostly sober world seemed to have change a little, especially when she was around. It was odd, too, that he enjoyed watching her, and even now was no different. Though, he'd admit she seemed oblivious to his attraction toward her.

"Do you want some?" she asked from the distance, a piece of chocolate cake in her hand.

He chuckled. "No thanks." It was then the phone rang.

Mia returned her attention to her cake while he reluctantly paid attention to his phone.

"Hey, what's up?"

"So you're going to Las Vegas?" Scott asked in greeting.

James wondered how Scott had found out. After all, he hadn't told anyone about the plan. It was only when Mia had requested he take her to see her brother as part of the contract that he'd phoned Matt and told him he was coming, along with Mia. Apart from Matt, no one else knew about the trip, or Mia for that matter.

"Yeah," he said, glancing at Mia, who was now sipping another glass of orange juice.

"Escorting your new girl to see her brother, eh?" Scott even had the nerve to laugh, and James was a little pissed. He knew his brother was teasing.

"Mind your own business," James muttered. "She's my problem."

Scott laughed right out once again. When he managed to calm down, he said, "So she's a problem? Not a contract, even though you did give her one, and not a fling?"

James sighed. He couldn't deny the fact that Mia wasn't a contract. At least he didn't think of her as one, like most of the bright, enthusiastic business starters to whom he loaned money or the lousy business owners who owed him millions. And no, she was definitely not a fling. And yes, she was most definitely a problem, in more ways than one.

One thing was for sure, which he considered a massive problem--the fact that he liked spending time with her and having sex with her, too much.

Oh, he liked having sex with other women, too. He was a man, after all, and he was a Maxwell, for fuck's sake. It was in his blood. The business. The money. The women. The sex. Otherwise, his old man wouldn't have had three different wives and produced three sons, one from each of those wives. And he was going on to number four very soon.

It was a fact James had definitely had flings after his divorce with Whitney. It was always with hot chicks and usually lasted only one night, or on longer terms, about a week tops. He'd lived life in the fast lane--fast women and fast cars and, heck, even faster business and faster money.

Mia, on the other hand? She didn't fit into the mold. She was definitely different and she was definitely a problem. His problem.

"Yep, she's a problem." He agreed, flicking his gaze to the oblivious young woman. She now had a magazine in her hands, reading attentively as if every single word were gospel.

"Care to share the problem?" Scott offered.

The moment his brother uttered that question, James snapped. "Hands off, Scott. Find your own problem to worry about." Of course he knew his brother was only teasing, but he couldn't afford not to make it bluntly clear to whom Mia belonged. She was his and his alone. It had been fine that they shared women in the past, but definitely not now. And definitely not Mia.

Scott laughed whole-heartedly. "Come on, James. Your brother here is just curious about the woman."

"You're just interested to meet her and see if you can lure her into your bed, don't you?" he asked, his eyes looking heavenward.

"Yep. It's not like you'd ever lower yourself to be any girl's escort, whether to see her brother who owes you two million or to see her father who's a British billionaire who also happens to be a most-respected earl of the oldest peerage. I'm very interested to find out how she managed to wrap you around her little finger. It's not like that happens every day." Scott was teasing again.

It was true in the fact that James had never done anything to please anyone before--whether it was an order, a request, or even a plead. He just didn't give a shit about other people's business or agendas. It was also true where a British billionaire who also happened to be an earl of something or other was concerned. About a year ago, he'd had a fling with a hot English chick Elizabeth who'd insisted--no, begged--he fly to England to meet her father for a very good business deal and their possible future together. The woman had thought he was her one true soul mate. Of course, he'd gracefully passed up the offer, but Scott and Eric had never passed up the chance to annoy him with that little incident, telling him what a stupid man he was. It was, after all, another chance to increase his wealth and, more importantly, his connection in another country.

For Mia, however, it was different. He was doing things for her without even realizing it, and he found he liked it, especially when he saw a smile on her face.

Fuck! Had she really wrapped him around her little finger intentionally? No. Mia was too innocent for that type of bullshit. She wasn't like Whitney.

"Enough about my problem," he said and changed the subject before Scott requested an audience with Mia via the phone. Knowing Scott, he'd probably do just that. "So?"

On the other end of the line, Scott knew his brother didn't want to linger on the object of his interest long. Ah, if only he had more time and didn't need to take care of a certain possible family crisis that might happen, he would have loved to go to Vegas and make a surprise visit with Mia Donovan, the woman who was able to capture his brother's interest without even trying.

He understood immediately the change in topic was about their father's future bride, Eric, and Japan.

He went straight to the point. "Dad knows about Eric's trip."

"What's he going to do about it?" James asked.

"Beats me," Scott said. "I have a meeting with him tomorrow."

James sighed. "Keep me posted."

"Sure," Scott said. "Ah, sorry. Isn't it Aria's bedtime?"

"Yes." James said, glancing at his gold watch.

"Tell her I'm giving her lots of hugs and kisses," Scott said. "Talk to you later."

"Sure." James canceled the call and then flicked through his contact list to the one that said Aria. A few rings later, the phone was picked up.

"Daddy?" came Aria's voice.

"Hey, sweetheart," James said. "How was your day?"

Aria giggled, pleased that her father called her before bedtime to ask her how her day was and say good night. It was the usual routine whenever he was away from home on his business trips.

The little girl happily went on for about ten minutes, telling him about her day at school and then her piano lesson. She even proudly told him Sammy was now eating when she told him to, that the dog was very obedient.

While she talked, James had a smile on his face, and now and again, he'd flick his eyes to watch Mia, who was still reading the magazine raptly.

"Daddy?" Aria finally finished the recount of her day and changed the subject. "When are you bringing Mia home?"

James couldn't help but notice Aria referred to Mia as if the woman belonged in their life and home. They had only met once, hadn't they?

"In a couple days, sweetheart, after Daddy finishes business."


She sounded disappointed, and James felt more than a little guilty in that regard. To redeem himself, he said, "I'm on my way to Las Vegas for business right now, Aria. Do you want anything?"

Her tone changed immediately, and then she giggled. "Oh, Daddy, yes please."

It was another five minutes when he finally managed to say good night. Aria sleepily replied that she couldn't wait for his return and to meet Mia once again so they could do fun stuff together.

Once he hung up, Mia came over to sit beside him and said, "Were you talking to your daughter?"

James was immediately curious to know how she came up with that idea. After all, he'd never told her he had a daughter before, although she'd met with Aria on that first day. But no one he'd met before ever assumed he had a child.

"Aria?" She continued when he didn't reply. "She's so cute."

"How did you know Aria is my daughter?" he asked, his head cocked to one side.

"Oh... She resembles you a lot. I mean, not in character. Her looks. Dark hair and those blue eyes."

"She could have been my sister," he said just to tease her.

She snorted. "She is definitely not your sister," she said, shaking her head. "I know it in my gut. Besides, the way you talked to her on the phone, it's the way a father talks to his daughter. With love." She even smiled to make her point.

He laughed, and because he bloody well couldn't help himself, he drew his head toward her and kissed her lightly on the lips and then on her forehead.

When he withdrew, she stared at him. "You know, you're always kissing me. Is that normal? I mean, as part of our relationship?"

He noted she omitted the master and mistress part on purpose. Of course he didn't know whether it was normal to kiss her in that way--the non-lustful way, but rather the affectionate way like he kissed his daughter. And yes, he had just realized he was doing exactly that when she mentioned it.

Refusing to think any more of sweet, affectionate kiss and shutting her up, he claimed her lips and kissed her passionately, wild tongue and all.

* * * * *



"I didn't go through your stuff," James said, his eyes on the road. He chuckled low as if he found my jumping to conclusion amusing. "Give me some credit, Mia."

I blushed. What was I supposed to think? He'd bought me clothes that fit me perfectly. If he didn't go through my stuff to figure out my size, then how did he know?

"I notice everything about you," he explained. There was hint of a teasing within his deep voice that I didn't miss.

I turned my gaze to him. I couldn't help but admire his profile. He was indeed a very handsome man with a long, straight nose, perfectly high cheekbones, and a firm jawline. I was surprised there wasn't a queue of females clinging onto him, even for a one-night stand. I myself wouldn't mind having a one-night stand with him, even though I did vow to myself I would never do such a thing.

Talking about a line of female fans... Perhaps I had yet to find that out. After all, there was still a lot of things I didn't know about James Maxwell. Such as that beautiful Sophie for example. What was she in relation to James? She lived in the mansion; that much I knew. Was she his wife? That thought made me feel a little sick in the stomach.