Page 38 of Her Guilty Secret

‘What do you think of the hotel?’ he asks, without answering my question.

‘It’s nice.’ I shrug.

‘Good. We can meet here.’ He pops the top and reaches for a glass, pouring the frothy liquid into it and handing it to me.

‘We can?’ I sip the champagne just for something to do. He grins at me over the glass.

‘Yeah.’ He tops up the other flute and holds it towards me. I chink mine to the side of his and go to sip it. Our eyes meet and there’s something serious in his expression for a second. ‘I don’t want to stop this,’ he says honestly, and my stomach rolls. ‘But we have to be smarter. No one can ever know about it—about us. Your career would be over before it began.’

I tilt my head to the side. His concern is enormously touching. ‘I’m probably not the first student to sleep with her lecturer,’ I point out.

He nods. ‘Obviously.’

I think about this for a moment. He’s right—we need a way to be together outside of university. A bolthole. A hideout.

‘You think a hotel around the corner from the university is safe?’

He nods slowly. ‘We’ll never arrive together. Never leave together.’ His eyes burn me. ‘And we can get here quickly and easily. Given our schedules, it’s the best option.’

‘And what do I say if someone sees me come here?’

He arches a brow. ‘That you’re meeting a friend for a drink in the restaurant downstairs?’ he prompts and then a distracted smile catches his lips. ‘It’s like you’ve never lied before.’

I feel heat steal into my cheeks and a renewed light of interest flashes in his eyes.

‘Is that a bad thing?’ I ask.

He shakes his head. ‘But you need to be able to keep this secret. Understood?’

He’s right. And there’s something convenient about having this option. I like it. A lot.

Still, his insistence on secrecy has me analysing what we’re doing from every angle. ‘I wonder if it would really be such a big deal. If people found out, I mean.’

He looks like I’ve threatened to jump from the window. ‘Jesus Christ, Olivia. What we’re doing is expressly prohibited by the university code of conduct. I’d lose my teaching job, but that’s not what matters. The Dean also reserves the right to expel any student engaging in inappropriate relations with a faculty member.’

‘I didn’t realise there was actually an official stance on it.’ It sounds naïve, but it’s true.

‘Yeah.’ He nods firmly. ‘And this isn’t like fucking some guy called Bob. People know who I am. If you got expelled because of what we’re doing, it would be in the news. Word would spread even if it didn’t make the papers. Law is a suffocatingly small world. You’d always be the girl who fucked her teacher. Who fucked me.’ He moves closer and it’s ridiculous but the way he’s talking is making me want to fuck him right now.

I wonder once more if it’s the illicitness of this that I f

ind so appealing. Hearing him describe why we need to be careful is making my toes curl in the best possible way.

‘Duly noted, sir,’ I murmur. ‘You know—’ I place my champagne down ‘—this is a very interesting conversation to have with someone I’ve never even kissed.’

He doesn’t acknowledge my comment. ‘This is serious, Olivia. We really can’t do this if you’re not going to toe the line.’

‘Me?’ I ignore the fact he hasn’t taken the bait and kissed me. I now spend a considerable amount of my time imagining what that kiss will feel like. I sway a little closer.

‘Yes.’ He dips his finger into his champagne glass and lifts it to my lips. I open my mouth and taste what he’s offering, moaning a little at the sensuality that engulfs us. He moves his finger lower, running it down my chin to my front, holding it at the pulse point that is rapidly firing at the base of my throat.

‘You’re the one who went all Hulk-green and frogmarched me to your office.’

He laughs at the description. ‘Guilty as charged. But we both have to be more careful. That can’t happen again.’

‘I know.’ I nod. ‘I’ll be good. I swear.’

His eyes glisten as they meet mine. ‘Oh, no, you won’t, Miss Amorelli. This afternoon you’re going to be very, very bad.’ And he scoops me up out of nowhere, lifting me and dumping me in the middle of the king-size bed. ‘Starting right now.’