Page 61 of Never Mine

“I’ll tell you something else I’ve lear

ned – in life, and in our business, the work we do.”

“What’s that?” Noah begrudgingly asked.

“You only get one chance. Don’t stuff it up.”

Chapter 13

“NOAH? WHAT ARE YOU doing here?”

“We need to talk.” Noah’s voice was gruff, probably owing to the fact he’d barely slept in the last forty eight hours.

“I’m on my way out –,”

“It won’t take long.”

Gray Fortescue sent his old friend a look of impatience then nodded curtly. “Fine. Come in.”

Noah had been to Gray’s townhouse enough times to be comfortable there. He strode through the entrance way, into the lounge area, then pressed his hands into the back pockets of his jeans.

“What’s up?”

Gray’s voice held an edge of wariness.

“It’s about Max.”

“I gathered,” Gray drawled.

“The thing is, you were right. There was something going on between us, but I ended it. Your opinion matters to me. Our friendship matters to me.”

Gray was silent.

“Relationships, women, love, all that crap, it’s never been my bag. You know that, I know that. I get why you freaked out when you saw us together.”

“Did I freak out?”


“Fine. She’s my sister.”

“I know that. But if Max wants to be with me, that’s not really any of your business.”

Gray glowered.

“But at the same time, you’re my friend, and I wanted to do you the courtesy of telling you I love her. That I’m going to tell her I love her, and if she’s crazy enough to love me back then I want to make a life with her, because the truth is, I can’t imagine mine without her in it.”

Gray stood very still for a long moment, then turned and moved to the fridge, pulling out a mineral water and a beer. He cracked the tops then slid the mineral water across the counter towards Noah.

“So what? Are you asking me for my permission to date her or something?”

Noah let out a rough belly laugh. “I think we both know she’d kill us for having that conversation about her, right?”

Gray grinned. “Sounds about right.”

“This isn’t about your permission. I’m going to tell her I love her. But I’m here as a courtesy, because I care about you, and I don’t want anything that happens between her and me to piss you off. I love her, man. I’ve never said those words to anyone before, but I feel like I’m going to burst if I don’t tell her how I feel. Enough’s enough.”

Gray’s lips tugged downwards in a tight frown. “Have you spoken to her since you left?”