Page 56 of Never Mine

“But she’s my sister, for chrissakes. Tell me there’s not something going on between the two of you?”

Noah stood perfectly still, his body flowing with electricity. He hadn’t expected such a direct challenge, but that was foolish, because this was Gray and he was nothing if not straight-down-the-line.

“With all due respect, I’m not sure that’s any of your business.”

Gray swore. “She’s my sister,” he repeated. “You’re my best friend, and she’s my sister.”

Something flashed in the pit of Noah’s stomach. Anger. Anger at being made to feel like he’d done something wrong, anger that Gray was pushing him outside of Max’s life, as though Gray belonged but Noah didn’t.

It was abundantly clear Gray was working hard to keep his voice level. “Look, I know Max acts like a ball buster. I know she seems like she’s got everything sorted, like she can handle anything and anyone, but she’s not like that really. Not in every way. She’s gentle and kind and loving and loyal and if you hurt her, so help me God –,”

“I’m not going to hurt her,” Noah interrupted angrily. “I swear to you, I have no intention of doing anything to hurt Max.”

“I saw the way she looked at you. You’re going to break her damned heart, Noah.”

Noah stiffened, disbelief curdling through him. “Her heart is fine.”

“You think you’re just screwing around with her?” Gray pushed back his chair. “I don’t know what’s worse – using her for sex or letting her fall in love with you when you have no intention of sticking around.” Gray thrust his hands onto his hips. “You’re leaving again, aren’t you?”

Noah was on the edge of a cliff, beneath him a ravine so deep there was no hope of jumping and not dying.

Gray slammed his palm against the kitchen bench. “Tell me what the hell is going on.”

“Yes, I’m leaving.” The confirmation burst from him without his foreknowledge.

“And she knows this?”

“I have never been anything but honest with Max.”

“Unfortunately, that doesn’t seem to have stopped her from developing feelings for you.” Gray shook his head, his eyes scathing. “How could you do this?”

Guilt rolled through Noah.

“I know what you’re like with women. I get it. You like sex. One night stands. You like to fuck and forget, and that’s fine. What goes on between two consenting adults is none of my damned business, except when one of those adults is my sister. You couldn’t have put your libido on hold for one freaking week?”

Noah’s eyes flashed, his gut clenching at Gray’s implication that what he shared with Max was simply a matter of sex. He couldn’t tell Gray that he’d tried to stop it. He couldn’t admit how hard he’d tried – and failed – to put an end to their attraction. Because, at the end of the day, he’d taken what he wanted from Max, knowing it wouldn’t last. Knowing he’d leave again.

“I’ve always been honest with her,” he said firmly, as though it mattered a damned bit.

“For God’s sake.” Gray slammed his palm against the bench again and this time, the newspaper trembled then fell off the edge. “Do you hear what you’re saying? You’re actually justifying treating my sister like any other woman you pick up in a dive bar at three in the morning?”

Noah flinched. But what could he say about the accusation? Gray was right; he knew Noah too well for Noah to deny any of it.

“I called you here because I needed you. I thought you were the one person I could depend on to look after Max.”

Noah dropped his head forward, the accusation digging right beneath his ribs. Gray was right. Noah had failed him, failed their friendship, and he’d almost failed Max in a way she could have paid for with her life.

“I’ll leave in the morning,” he said quietly.

“You can leave now,” Gray responded tightly. “I’ll explain to Max –,”

“No.” Noah’s voice whipped around the room, his tone short. “I made this mess. I have to be the one to clean it up.”

Their eyes were locked for several beats and then Gray nodded.

He picked up his paper, his wallet and phone, then moved out of the kitchen. At the door, he turned back to Noah. “I’m glad you’re okay.”

Noah nodded. It was a sign that Gray would get over this, one day. It was a sign that everything wasn’t ruined. Except it was