Page 38 of Never Mine

He stiffened, his body taut, so she reached across and put her hand on his.

“You don’t think I used you last night? You don’t think sleeping with a vulnerable woman, a woman who’s in fear for her life, is a little unethical?”

“I’m not vulnerable”

“Not as a woman, but the circumstances you’re in.”

“I can handle my circumstances.”

He ground his teeth together so a muscle jerked in his jaw.

“Listen to me,” she said firmly. “Don’t you dare disempower me by telling me what I can and can’t have, or by implying that I didn’t know what I was doing, or that fear made me do it. I have wanted you since you swaggered into my office and started barking commands at me. It’s nothing to do with my stalker and everything to do with you and me, and the spark between us. Got it?”

Despite the tension in his frame, amusement glinted in his eyes.

“Yes, ma’am.”

She pouted. “Anyway, I was asking about you. Are these delicious pancakes something you make for all your conquests?”

“Conquests?” He repeated incredulously. “What exactly do you imagine my life is like?”

“Come on, Noah. You’re like some Calvin Klein underwear model with the face of a Hollywood actor.” She rolled her eyes for effect. “Don’t act as though women don’t fall at your feet.”

To his credit, he didn’t deny it. “I don’t have a lot of free time.”

“Why not?”

“Because I work.”



“Why?” She spooned some more of the pancakes into her mouth.

“What do you mean?”

“Your company’s really successful. You could take a break now, right?”

“You were literally born a billionaire. Why do you work so hard?”

“Fair point.” She smiled at him. “It’s addictive.”


She nodded. “I like taking a company with potential, putting some real money behind it and watching it soar. It’s not just about my success. I like seeing other people thrive, people who have ideas and determination, but can’t get the funding together to get the project off the ground.”

“That’s why you run the hedge fund?”

“Gray consults, particularly on tech investments, but yes. I tend to run things.”

“And you’re obviously great at it.”

She smiled again. “So you’re addicted to work?”

His lips twisted and she understood. He wasn’t addicted to work. He had a God complex. He couldn’t stop until he’d saved every single person in the world. He couldn’t sleep until he knew he’d single-handedly saved the planet. Unfortunately for Noah, that was an impossible goal; he was never going to relax.

“Speaking of which,” she cut another piece out of a pancake, lifting it towards her lips. “I have to get to the office after this.”