“What do you think? Are you enjoying yourself, Azeezi?”

Olivia turned to her husband, the man she’d barely been able to speak to all day, and let her happiness show through the beaming smile she gifted him. “Enjoying myself?” She murmured, blinking up at him with a small shake of her head. “This is quite possibly the most elaborate first birthday party in the history of humankind.” Her eyes drifted to the two high chairs that were set up across the garden. The team of nannies that were a Talidarian necessity for royal babies hovered needlessly, seeing to spilled food and drinks.

“They are our little prince and princess,” he said with a nonchalant shrug. “What fuss do they not deserve?”

Olivia rolled her eyes. “But a party for a thousand delegates, more food than we could ever eat. It’s a little extreme.”

“It is barely the size of our wedding,” he pointed out logically.

“I know,” she laughed. “But our wedding was insane. Honestly, Tamir, sometimes I think you forgot that you married common ol’ me.”

His expression sobered instantly. “I haven’t forgotten. And I have never forgotten, either, how fortunate I am that you loved me enough to forgive me my obstinate treatment of you.”

Olivia linked her fingers through his, and squeezed his hands. “Forgiven and forgotten, a thousand times over, my love.”

He shook his head. “The children look happy.”

Their twins, Ali and Liane, had chubby little smiles despite the enormous day of adoration they’d endured. As the festivities continued to swirl, the children sat as marvellous little matching centrepieces. Still dressed in their finest hand-made outfits, which they’d worn for the official first birthday photographs, they looked as adorable as they were cheeky.

“They are showing a far greater predilection for public life than I feel, even now,” Tamir agreed.

“It’s just been such an extravagant party,” Olivia remarked, encompassing the formal topiaried garden that had been transformed into a fairy lit paradise for the occasion. “I think you should have taken my suggestion and taken us all to the beach for a quiet weekend of relaxing family time.”

Tamir’s laugh was a gentle caress, and somehow, despite the number of well-dressed guests in their midst, Olivia felt almost completely alone with him. “We will do that too, Azeezi. I have made arrangements for us to leave first thing tomorrow.”

“Oh, Tamir,” she squeezed his hand even tighter. “You have?”

“You said it was your wish, and so of course.”

“Oh, I’m so glad!” Her smile lit up her whole face. “The days have been so hot. I would have thought that two years in Talidar would have cured my English tolerance for heat – or lack thereof. But I find these summers as hard as ever to manage.”

“Then we shall move to the beach,” he teased, whispering in her ear. His nearness sent her pulse tingling, rushing like fire through her veins.

“The palace is here,” she pointed out logically.

“Yes.” He nodded. “But I can fly back whenever I need to.”

Olivia’s smile almost fell from her face. “You’re joking, aren’t you?”

Tamir felt his heart turn over. “No. The house is built. It has taken over two years, but it is finally ready for us.”

“I don’t understand,” Olivia exhaled in surprise. “You are suggesting we leave Liya?”

He nodded. “From the moment we first travelled to the beach that day, and I saw the way your whole mood shifted, I have known it would suit you. I know I promised to talk to you about important things, but I wanted this to be a surprise.”

Olivia’s heart was racing. “I had no idea it was even an option.” She gripped his arms, scanning his face. “You have to be here. You’re the Sultan.”

His laugh was thick with affection. “And you are my wife, and your happiness is the most important thing to me. Many of my meetings can take place at our new palace. And I will travel as necessary. But you will be happy, and the children will grow up with more freedom than the capital allows them. Please allow me to do this for you, Olivia. I need to.”

She shook her head slowly. “Why do you say that?”

“Atonement?” He said with a small shrug.

“Atonement? Oh, Tamir. You have nothing to atone for. You have given me a future so much brighter than I could ever have hoped for.”

“Yes, but I will always regret the way our future came about.”