10 August, 06.16 am

From: Ava

To: Sophie, Olivia

You think that now, because you’re in the first fog of love and lust.

And it’s natural that you’d feel that way.

But what damage does it do to be really sure?

I don’t want you getting hurt, and men like AP are … well … not the safest bet. If he loves you, he’ll wait.

10 August, 06.17 am

From: Sophie

To: Ava, Olivia

He’s not Cristiano.

She sent it and then immediately wished she could pull the email back through cyber-space. Her stomach swirled as she regretted instantly writing the three words that must surely have caused Ava a river of pain. She chewed on her lower lip and hovered her fingers over the keyboard. But what could she say to undo her snappy reply? Invoking the memory of Cristiano Cesar Barata had been a very, v

ery low blow.

Time seemed to stretch like a piece of elastic that wouldn’t snap. Sophie sat in her bed, her iPad beside her, guilt lurching through her system.

10 August, 06.25 am

From: Sophie

To: Ava, Olivia

I’m sorry. I know you’re just worried about me. That wasn’t fair.

It’s just … Alex is an amazing guy. He makes me ridiculously happy.

How’s Milly?

10 August, 06.26 am

From: Ava

To: Sophie, Olivia

She’s fine.


Missing you both.

Cristiano is coming back to town in November for Tom Berry’s wedding.

10 August, 06.27 am

From: Olivia

To: Sophie, Ava