She was not convinced. “I thought you might just have been angry with me for not obeying your command to join you in bed.”

He slanted her a suggestive look. “Perhaps there was an element of that, also.”

She burst out laughing, but sobered quickly, when he pulled her close against the hard wall of his body.

“Andrew will see.” She whispered, stepping away from him and making sure the young boy was still caught up with his shells.

“And that is bad?”

She stared at him, aghast. “Of course it’s bad. He’s been through enough of a trauma. The last thing he needs is to start thinking you and I are going to become some kind of surrogate parenting team.”

Mikey was watching Andrew, so missed the way Loucas’s face darkened.

“He’s already drawn a picture of the three of us together. Kids are perceptive. It would be very irresponsible of us to let him think there was anything going on.”

He sailed past her objection. “Which means something is going on after all,” he pointed out. “I wasn’t sure if the American had replaced me in your thoughts... or your bed.”

“It was your bed, if I recall,” she snapped tartly. “And I already told you. Bobby and I are just friends.”

“So you have said, numerous times, little sheep, but it seems that every time I see you together, he has his hands all over you.”

Mikey looked up at Loucas guiltily. “It’s entirely one-sided, believe me.”

“I do believe you. But I would like to be certain. So come to my bed tonight, and stay there all night, so that I can be sure you are not entertaining anyone else.”

She let out a guffaw of surprised laughter. “I can’t work out if you’re just incredibly sex-mad, or if you think I am.”

“Neither. I am Mikey Jones mad, and I fear the only cure is to make love to you until neither of us has energy left to think or speak.”

The familiar tangle of lust and desire, and needs and wants, were knotting together inside of Mikey. Her heart, her mind, her body. All three were in unison. They wanted exactly what Loucas proposed.

Thankfully, her voice was still acting with a little wisdom. “Loucas,” she heard herself say. “I know that you and I are different. We’re poles apart, actually. I’m really not used to this kind of thing.” She sucked in a deep breath, feeling unbelievably awkward to have to speak so plainly. “I’ve only ever dated a few guys, and none of them have... erm, well... I mean... I’ve never really wanted to...”

“Rip their clothes off and have sex on the beach, not caring who sees?” He supplied with a devilish grin, as he ran a hand over the curve of her buttock, while Andrew was distracted building a huge sandcastle.

“Exactly,” she nodded fervently.

“No one would see, Arnaki. I own the beach.”

She rolled her eyes heavenwards. “As I said, we’re from different worlds.”

“Is this about money?”

“No,” she shook her head. “Only a little bit.” She rubbed at her temples. “How can I make you understand this? Think about your last five girlfriends. What were they? I mean, for work. What did they do?”

He frowned, ignoring her use of the word ‘girlfriends’. He preferred lovers. Mistresses, even. “I don’t see how it is relevant.”

She laughed. “You wouldn’t! Let me tell you. And before you get all big headed about it, I researched you before I even met you, simply to make sure I wanted to work for you.”

His smile was over-confident. “And your research made you wish to be in my employ?”

“No. Actually, I’d decided against taking the job all together, but Andrew won my heart the minute I met him.” Much as you did, she tacked on mentally. “Anyway,” she tried to retrain her thoughts. “Your dating exploits are legendary, and well documented. All I had to do was Google your name and I got a thousand pictures of you with supermodels and other stunning women. Sophisticated, monied... you have a type, Loucas. And I’m not it.”

She was right. “That’s what I find so intriguing, little lamb. You are not my type, and yet you are all I can think about.”

Mikey tried not to pay too much attention to the way her heart was soaring into the crisp blue sky. “That’s right now. But soon enough, you’ll forget all about me. And I wouldn’t. I don’t think I would be able to forget you so easily, Loucas.”

“Why do I have to forget you? Are you going somewhere, Arnaki?” He was teasing her, laughing, making her see that she was melodramatic.