One Month Later


“Oh my gosh!” Emma shrieked as she ran from the luxurious sitting room into the large Ambassador Suite bedroom. “I can’t believe I’m actually in New York City! I’m actually in a hotel!” she shouted, racing about Gracie, who simply laughed and shook her head. Emma jumped onto the king-size four-poster bed and collapsed in a fit of giggling.

“Emma, darling, please calm down,” Mali chuckled. The two ladies met eyes and laughed.

“I can’t wait to go sightseeing. Did I tell you you’re the best sister, Alex? And that you are extraordinarily beautiful today?”

Alex laughed. “Yeah. You keep saying that, missy.” Then she turned to look at herself in the full-length mirror. She still couldn’t believe it. She had to say she looked stunning in this A-line princess dress. It was made out of white silk taffeta with a one-shoulder neckline combined with pleats and roses to the side, and it fit her perfectly. Her hair was in soft curls and a loose bun, with a white lily down on the side of her left ear. Her fair skin was smooth and soft, her eyes bright, and her lips red.

“Something blue,” Kelly said, showing her the blue garter. “Now pull your skirt up so I can put this around your thigh.”

Alex bit her lip and did as she was told. With the garter in place, Beth came up to her and said, “Something borrowed.” She held a lovely ruby necklace in front of Alex.

Alex stared at the masterpiece. “Oh my, that looks really expensive. It’s an antique? Don’t you think it’s, err—”

Beth waved Alex’s hesitation aside. “Yes, it is antique. Over one hundred years old. But it is now yours.”

“What?” Alex gasped.

“It’s my present to you as my granddaughter-in-law.”

Ruby, Nikita, and Isabella all stared at the necklace in awe.

“You lucky girl,” Ruby said, laughing.

“Oh. Thank you, Beth,” Alex managed to say, and her heart constricted with gratitude.

Beth smiled and put the necklace around Alex’s neck. Then she kissed Alex on the cheek.

“Would you look at that,” Kelly remarked, shaking her head as she watched the large LCD television across the room. Everyone turned to look at the TV. On the screen was a mug shot of Kyle Shore and Michael Marcelo. Then it cut to a pretty journalist with a microphone. She was in front of the courthouse.

“It is confirmed that Mr. Marcelo, one of the most powerful and respected businessmen in New York, is sentenced to a ten-year imprisonment for fraud and an attempted murder and Kyle Shore to five years’ imprisonment as an accomplice. Mr. Marcelo stole over five billion dollars from the government over the past ten years …”

“Can’t believe he could do that,” Beth murmured. “I thought I knew him.” She shook her head sadly.

Alex touched Beth’s arm.

“Is everyone ready?” Jacob popped his head in through the door.

Alex suddenly felt butterflies in the pit of her stomach. She was going to marry her knight in shining armor, Jayden McCartney, the man who had hired her to be his girlfriend, the man who had convinced her he was gay. She wanted to giggle.

She took a deep breath and said, “Yes. I’m ready.”

Jacob came to stand beside her and put his arm out. Alex took it, and they walked out the door.

In the great hall of the McCartney’s hotel, a thousand or so guests and journalists and paparazzi were waiting expectantly. It was one of the biggest and hottest weddings of the century in New York City. Anyone worth knowing was invited. In the center stood the handsome groom, Jayden McCartney, and beside him were Peter and Timothy.

Jayden was nervous. Damn it, but he had never been this nervous before. He hadn’t seen Alex all day, and it was killing him.

Then he saw Beth, Gracie, and Mali rush into the room and take their seats in the front pew. A moment later, the orchestra seated behind the stage chorused “Here Comes the Bride.”

Jayden turned toward the towering double door and saw Emma slowly walking toward them. She was followed by three of Alex’s friends, all dressed in designer gowns of ruby color. They all looked stunning. Behind them was his bride herself with Jacob, who was giving her away.

The moment he saw her, his heart leaped in his chest. He took in a deep breath to steady his nerves. His heart was thumping faster now. Calm down, hot shot! Calm down, he told himself.

He was proud of his bride that she was able to stand all this—walking in front of thousands of guests gawking at her. Then she was beside him. Jacob nodded at him and took his seat beside his wife. Jay took Alex’s hands in his, grinning. Alex smiled back behind her veil.

The celebrant cleared his throat and began. “We are here today to celebrate the love these two young people have for each other…”

This is it, Alex thought. I am finally with the man I love forever.

“Will you,”—the celebrant turned to Jayden—“Jayden Matthew McCartney, have Alexandra Stewart to be your wife? Will you love her, comfort and keep her, and, forsaking all others, remain true to her as long as you both shall live?”

Jay grinned as he nodded his head. “I will.”

The celebrant turned to Alex, whose throat suddenly felt tight, and she wondered if she was able to speak. Her heart was pumping faster and louder, and there were butterflies in the pit of her stomach.

“Will you, Alexandra Stewart, have Jayden McCartney to be your husband? Will you love him, comfort and keep him, and, forsaking all others, remain true to him as long as you both shall live?”

Alex bit her bottom lip as she watched Jay staring intensely at her. He looked as though he were holding his breath, waiting for her answer. She grinned and said, “I will.”

The celebrant turned his attention to Jay. “Will you please repeat after me…”

Once they had both repeated after the celebrant, Jayden put the ring on Alex’s finger, and Alex did the same to him. Jay said loudly so that everyone in the hall could hear, “With this ring, I thee wed, and all my worldly goods I thee endow. In sickness and in health, in poverty or in wealth, ‘til death do us part.”

Gracie and Mali sniffed at the same time. Beth dabbed a tissue just beneath her eyes.

The celebrant said, “You are now husband and wife. You may now kiss your bride.”

Jayden pulled the thin net of the veil from her face. As he gazed at her, he simply couldn’t believe how radiant and beautiful she looked. His eyes said it all, the love and the adoration he had for her.

Then he moved his head toward her, his hands cupping her face.

Alex said, “Your eyes are dilated, Jay. Do you like what you see?”

Jay laughed, loud and clear, so everyone in the hall wondered what Alex said to him.

“Heck yes!” he replied and touched his lips against hers, and his fingers dug deep into her hair.

Her lips were soft and warm against his. She parted her mouth, and he plunged in his tongue, kissing her deeply and passionately. Alex wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer. A loud applause erupted then, along with rapid snaps of cameras’ light. Peter whistled loudly while Timothy hooted.

“Yeah!” Emma yelled at the top of her lungs.

Jay finally pulled back, grinning. “Come on, Mrs. McCartney. Time to go greet our guests and get our photos taken.”

“Will it appear in high fashion magazines?” Alex asked.

“Yes. Are you going to run and hide?”

“Nope,” she replied, grinning. “Not at all.”

* * * * *