The penthouse, spacious and luxurious, overlooked Central Park and New York City below. It was dark, and all Jayden could see were dots of tiny lights across the city. He felt alone, as though he were missing half of himself. How he missed Alex. How he wanted to hug her and kiss her and do so much more to her. Just hold on, Jayden, he told himself. Soon, you will have her again.

His BlackBerry rang. He glanced over his shoulder and reluctantly picked it up. “Jayden speaking.”

“What the hell did you do to her?”

Jayden frowned in confusion, and then he realized who it was. “Peter!”

“Yeah, it’s me. So tell me, old friend, what the hell did you do to Alex?”

“I’m sorry, Pete, I—”

“Explain yourself. I told you Alex is like a sister to me. I told you not to hurt her in any way. So what happened? I’m giving you a chance to explain before I terminate our friendship.”

Jay raked his fingers through his hair in frustration. “I’m willing to explain everything. I—Pete?”


“I love Alex. I would never do anything to hurt her.”


“Things just kind of got in the way. There’s Sarah—”

“So you’re back with her and broke Alex’s heart? Is that it?”

“No. That’s not it. She came back and made things messy. Alex found out I wasn’t gay. Then she found out about Sarah, who wants to get back with me.”

“Holy shit, mate! What the hell?”

“Yeah. Well, my grandmother wasn’t exactly happy with me. She tried to match-make me with Britney and things got even more complicated.”

“So what are you going to do about it?”

Jay paused. “I’m going to ask Alex to marry me. But first I need to get things straight with her parents. And, Pete?”


“Can you help me?”

“Sure thing, mate.” A merry laugh followed. “Just so you know, our friendship has not been terminated.”

“Good.” Jayden chuckled.

* * * * *