How does one work this blasted thing? Alex wondered as she stared at her BlackBerry. She searched through the menu, found the call section, and started dialing. She brought the BlackBerry to her ear and waited as the ringing noise continued.

A moment later, she heard her brother’s voice saying, “Hello, Tim speaking.”

“Hey, Tim, it’s me.”

“Alex?” He chuckled. “Man, you sound weird and so far away.”

“Of course I’m far away. I’m in America.”

“You got there all right, huh?”

“Yeah, I’m here safe and sound.”


“Hey, how’s Mum and Dad?” she asked, wondering if her dad was taking things easy or was he up to his old, stubborn self again and working hard.

“Dad is taking things easy. Mum makes sure of that.”

Alex sighed with relief. “That’s good. Is Mum there?”

“Yeah. Hold on a sec.”

A few seconds later, Alex heard her mum’s voice through the phone. “Hey, sweetheart. Glad to hear your voice. I’m worried, you know. I know you’re a big girl now. Your dad’s doing well. I make sure he eats. He went to see Dr. Johnston today. He said your dad is making good progress.”

“I’m glad to hear that.”

There was a knock at the door, and Alex glanced up to see Kelly poking her head in. “Hey, are you ready?”

“Hold on a sec. Just talking to Mum.”

“Okay,” Kelly said, walking into the room and taking a seat on the side of the bed. “Take your time.” She picked up a sports magazine on the bedside table and flicked through it.

Alex turned her attention back to the BlackBerry.

“Mum, I’m glad Dad is doing well. I hope he’ll recover fully when I return. Anyways, love you and Dad and everyone at home. Miss you already. Bye now.”

“All right, sweetheart. You look after yourself. Love you.”

Alex grinned and then terminated the call. “I can’t believe I miss them already.”

Kelly threw the magazine down and patted Alex’s arm. “Sounds like you really love your family.”

Alex nodded. “More than anything.”

Kelly cocked her head to one side as though she were considering something serious. She stood up. “Come on, missy.” She pulled Alex to her feet and led her out the door. “I hope you’re not upset with Beth.”

Alex shook her head. She knew Beth didn’t like her, but she wasn’t going to dwell on that. “I think she’s just watching out for Jay.”

Kelly glanced at Alex with interest. She laughed; that rich, smooth sound belonged to a woman who lived her life to the fullest and was afraid of nothing.

“Yeah, she is,” Kelly said with a hint of doubt in her voice.

Alex wondered if Beth truly was that worried about Jay’s love life. Did she think it was her duty to find the right woman for him? Well, Alex could safely conclude she was not the girl for Jayden in Beth’s eyes.

“I hope at least one of my dresses will fit you,” Kelly commented. “Silly of Jayden not to tell you to bring dresses and gowns. After all, the party was his idea.”

Alex opened her mouth as if she were about to say something. But of course being shocked as she was right then, she couldn’t think of what to say. Jayden planned the party for her? And he never bothered to mention it to her all those times they chatted on Facebook? She’d have to ask him when she saw him next. She didn’t like parties, even normal parties back home, either the BBQ type that mainly involved families and close friends or the loud parties some of her acquaintances threw. Often she was so shy and so tongue-tied she never made good conversations with anyone—especially guys. If she got invited to a party, she’d be there at most half an hour, unless her family happened to be there, and then she’d be out the door before anyone caught her.

“Whoa! This is very nice,” she said once they were inside Kelly’s huge, elegant bedroom.

“Thanks,” Kelly replied, frowning slightly. She was thinking she must talk to Jay about what his real relationship with Alex was. And what happened to Sarah Taylor? Since he had returned, he had never once spoken of Sarah. Then there was this morning. She thought Jay and Sarah were back together after their fight, but instead of seeing the demanding Sarah at the front door, she saw Alex. How confusing everything was.

“Okay,” Kelly said, strolling toward the walk-in wardrobe. “Let’s see what I have that fits you.”

Alex clamped her lips together nervously as she followed Kelly. The first thing that came into her mind was that the wardrobe was bigger than her parents’ master bedroom back home, and only then did the oh my God kick in.

Kelly had thousands of clothes—designer brands. She wouldn’t be surprised if those so-called “fashion boutiques” in Dunedin blushed in shame when compared with Kelly’s wardrobe.

Kelly went through the many dresses that were hung along one side of the wall. “Which one?” she muttered to herself as she expertly inspected each one in turn. “You’re smaller than I am, so I don’t know if there’s anything. But of course I do sometimes wear a size smaller than I am. What size are you anyway?” She turned to look at Alex. “And don’t just stand there. Come here and help me pick.”

Alex hesitated. She didn’t want to mess up Kelly’s perfectly arranged clothing, even though she wanted to explore.

Kelly shook her head at Alex’s lack of response. She grabbed Alex by the wrist and said, “Wherever you’re from and whatever your relationship with my brother is, I don’t care. I’m going to dress you up, and that is that.”

Alex’s heart did a startled kick. “What do you mean?”

Kelly bit her lip for saying too much. Damn! “Nothing,” she said quickly. “If I guess rightly, you’re a size zero.”

“What? I’m not a size zero. I’m a size eight.”

“No, you’re not. You’re a size zero.”


“Zero. Look at you. You’re so slim. You’re a zero.”

Alex cocked her head to one side. A size zero? That was truly ludicrous. Unless they had a different size system here in America. That made sense, then.

“Okay, I’m whatever size you’re saying.” She agreed.

Kelly nodded in satisfaction and turned to pick a green day dress. She brought it out and showed it to Alex.

“What do you think?”

Alex touched the silk fabric. It was smooth and soft under her fingers. She loved the tiny frills and the pleats that gathered to one side of the shoulder. It reminded her of a Greek Empire dress, only this one had less fabric, was shorter, and in a pale leaf green instead of pure white or gold. She was already falling in love with it. She could never afford anything this elegant.

“I can tell you really like it.”

Alex glanced at Kelly. “Are you sure you don’t mind? But what are you going to wear?”

Kelly laughed out loud at that remark. “You silly girl, I have hundreds of dresses I can wear. Now, try it on.”


“Of course now,” Kelly demanded, striding out the door. “Hurry up. We don’t have much time. We have to do your makeup as well.” She closed the wardrobe door.

Alex quickly undressed herself and put on the dress. Once done, she hesitantly scrambled to the full-length mirror and stared at herself.

“Oh my God,” she breathed. This is me? She looked different. She looked pretty.

“Are you ready yet?” Kelly burst in.

Alex turned to look at the laughing intruder.

“Well, well. You know, I never look good in that dress. But on you, you’re a different story altogether. Jay’s going to love this. I hope he knows how to breathe properly when he sees a pretty woman.”

“Why would he love this?” Alex asked.

Kelly laughed as she dragged her back into the bedroom. “Time for your makeup.”

“Oh, right,” Alex responded as she was gently pushed into the seat in front of the mirror.

* * * * *