Jayden wandered along the hallway, cursing himself. What the hell was wrong with him? Why was he showing so much interest toward Alex? And why did he have to stand so close to her just then?

No, wait. Pause right there, hot shot!

He knew why. It was because she smelled great, like spring or something. He wasn’t able to help himself because he wanted to smell her again after she had squeezed past him through the entrance door into the hallway. It wasn’t a strong, perfumery smell like most of the women used back in New York, but rather a subtle scent, just a hint of lovely floral that pricked his interest, just a hint that made him want to inhale more.

He reached the bathroom door, put one hand on the knob, and knocked lightly a couple of times with the other. When he didn’t hear any reply, he opened the door slightly and popped his head in.

He saw her busy cleaning herself with some Kleenex. She had her jersey off, which was lying on the floor. She was wearing only her white singlet and her skinny jeans. He cleared his throat. No response. He knew she probably didn’t hear him because she was too busy frowning at her stained singlet. Jay had no doubt she didn’t like the look of the dark stain on the white fabric. The singlet looked new. Maybe that was why she was upset. Then she yanked the material to her nose and sniffed. She made a face as though she were disgusted. Jay guessed she didn’t like the smell of that beer either. Then she started pulling the hem of the singlet from her waist, ready to take it off.


Not wanting to be seen peeking in on her while she was undressing, he said loudly, “Alex, you all right?”

She had gotten half her singlet up and covered her face when he said that. Holy Mother of God! He could see the lace of her bra coiling with her singlet, and it was going up.

Alex turned around as she yanked the singlet all the way off her body. She blinked once it was off her person.

“Jay!” she gasped.

“Holy shit!” Jay swore under his breath, staring at her, the top half of her body naked. She had beautiful breasts. They were milky white, full, and round with light pink nipples.

Alex glanced down and her face went bright red. She quickly covered herself and started mumbling something that Jay couldn’t hear.

Jay said, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean—”

“No, no, no. It’s my fault. I didn’t lock the door. But that’s okay because you’re gay.” The moment she said that, Alex wanted to die.

Where did that come from? You stupid girl! What have you done? You’ve hurt Jay’s tender feelings. You know very well that gay people are very sensitive, not only about this subject, but in everything else as well.

Jay cocked his head to one side, studying her. She was staring at the floor, completely mortified. Okay. He was supposed to be gay. This should come in useful. So instead of saying sorry to her, shutting the door, and leaving her alone like a real bloke would do, he came into the bathroom and closed the door. He glanced at her chest; the milky white flesh of her breasts was barely concealed from his prying eyes, what with her slender arms and the little material of the wet singlet.

“Hey,” he finally said. “It’s okay.”

Alex looked up at him. “I really didn’t mean that, Jay. I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be. I can’t help the way I am,” he said, his gut wrenching in disgust.

You’re damn right, you rascal. You can’t help the way you are. You’re a male who’s about to take advantage of an innocent young woman.

He came to stand in front of her and touched her arms. He said gently, “It’s all right, Alex.”

Alex hugged herself harder, as though she were withdrawing from him because he was touching her. And in doing so, she was squeezing her breasts together. His mind started reeling with sinful images.

He quickly looked away before his imagination got any wilder. He stared at the wall instead and thought, You rascal, you’re turned on. Shit! You’re turned on. You’re in deep shit.

Think of something to say! Think of a joke! Make a joke!


Alex looked up at him. “Jay?” she whispered, her eyes large beneath her glasses as she gazed up at him.

“Hmm?” he responded, finally looking down at her face that didn’t seem so plain anymore.

“I’m sorry I hurt your feelings. Peter told me. I’m sorry. I should have kept it a secret. I mean, not mentioning it to you. But Peter told me, and—oh, damn—I’m so lousy at this. But I was just wondering, so you like men?”

God, she was so cute trying to apologize. She didn’t even know how to go about this so she wouldn’t hurt his so-called feelings even more. As an answer to her question about him being gay, he swallowed and managed to nod.

“So it’s okay, then,” she said quietly.

“What’s okay?”

“Me half-dressed in front of you. I’m shy. But since you’re gay and all, I think it’s okay. I heard people say gay friends are genuinely nice, like they’re not—you know—maybe it’s good to have you as a friend. I think you’re a good man, Jay. I think that’s why Peter is helping you out. And like can we not talk about this, you know, to anyone? Can we, like, keep it a secret?”

Jay wanted to laugh. She was drawing all the wrong conclusions about him. She considered herself safe in his presence when she was half-naked? And she thought he was a good man?

“All right, then. That’ll fix it.”

“What’ll fix it?” Alex asked, looking up at him.

“I’ll get one of my shirts for you since I’m the one who spilled beer on you,” he said and reluctantly took a few steps back. “And yeah, we’ll keep it a secret.”

“Thanks. Can you, like, hurry ‘cause I’m hungry.”

Jay nodded. “Right,” he said and opened the door. “Back in a sec.”

Alex grinned. Jay closed the door. Alone, she turned and glared accusingly at her old bra. It was the bra’s fault, of course. She couldn’t believe the stupid thing coiled with her singlet and came off. Gosh, she needed to buy a new one.

* * * * *