Chloe hadn’t seen this man before, but for once, the doctor was a servant who met her eyes. In fact, he smiled into them kindly, and when he spoke it was as though they were equals. How refreshing it was to be seen as a person rather than simply the Sheikha.

“What happened, your highness?” He asked, placing a bag down beside Chloe and crouching at her feet. His voice was accented, but she understood him well enough. She could have slipped into Ras el Kidan but the language was part of her past – a past she needed to forget.

She stuck to English.

“Nothing, I…”

“She fainted,” Raffa contradicted, coming to stand over them. “And she looks terrible.”

Chloe swept her eyes shut, his assessment no less hurtful for being true.

“Would you mind having the room cleared, sir?” The doctor asked, without looking at Raffa.

Raffa barked a command in Ras el Kidan and the servants disappeared.

Apparently the doctor knew better than to ask Raffa to join them. “Lie down please,” he said gently, arranging a pillow behind Chloe’s head.

“This is silly.”

“Chloe,” Raffa’s voice was thick with torment. “Just do as he says. Please.”

She jerked her eyes to his and felt something pass between them, something she didn’t understand. She’d come to Ras el Kida to mourn the passing of her father-in-law, but also because she wanted to see and support this man, and instead, she’d arrived and brought pain to him, and now she was making trouble when he no doubt had other things to attend to.

“You don’t have to stay,” she said softly, lying back against the pillows.

A muscle jerked in his jaw but he remained resolutely where he was.

“You fainted?” The doctor asked, taking a blood pressure cuff from his bag and wrapping it around her upper arm. It squeezed against her flesh and Chloe stared at the ceiling while it did its job.

“Yeah. But it wasn’t a big deal. Like I said, I hadn’t eaten and…”

“In how long?” The doctor prompted.

“I had an apple this morning. American time.”

The doctor frowned, but it was nothing to the glower or Raffa’s face. “And before that?”

Chloe blinked. “I… can’t remember.”

“Do you make a habit of skipping meals?” The doctor asked, removing the cuff and taking a thermometer from his bag. He placed it under Chloe’s tongue so she shot him a look of pique. He answered with a smile, before removing the thermometer.

“No,” she answered. “I’ve just been…forgetful lately. Out of routine.”

The doctor lifted his gaze to Raffa’s face then returned his attention to Chloe.

“How have you been sleeping?”

She swallowed. “Fine.”

“Chloe?” It was Raffa now, and he crouched down beside her. “Tell the truth.”

How did he know? How did he know

that she tossed and turned all night every night, as though each shift might somehow fill the empty, gaping void inside of her?

“Not well,” she answered, staring at the ceiling.

“Is this the first time you’ve fainted?”