He dropped his head closer, his nose brushing hers. “Haven’t I said it often enough for you to know by now?”

She considered that, trying to think if there was a morning in the seven months they’d been together when he hadn’t woken her with kisses and declarations of love. “I’m not sure,” she murmured, snuggling in closer to his side.

“Then I’ll just have to work even harder, Maddie Montebello.”

“Mmmm.” Two months after their wedding, she was still getting used to her new name.

“I suppose we should get over there.” He nodded towards the pool where a table had been set up for the twins’ first birthday. Yaya was sitting at a chair in the shade, comfortable and smiling surrounded by all of her family – it was a family that seemed to be growing bigger by the day, and despite the fact Gianfelice had passed away years earlier, Nico felt his presence when they were all together.

The twins were running around the table and as they watched, Fiero scooped down and picked one up, lifting him onto his shoulders.

“You’re a natural with Jack,” Nico said, reaching for Maddie’s hand.

And though she’d decided she’d wait a little longer, she found she couldn’t. The moment felt so perfect, so right, that she leaned closer and smiled at him serenely. “I’m glad you think so.”

“Anyone who sees you with him – or the twins, for that matter – would agree.”

“It’s good practice.”

“For becoming a pirate?”

Her smile grew. “That, or parenthood.”

It took him a moment to respond. He simply stared at her for several beats and then his own smile stretched, broad and irrepressible. “Are you saying we’re going to be parents?”

“It’s early,” she rushed, but nodded and laughed. “I only found out last week-,”

“Last week!”

“I wanted to wait until I knew it was safe.”

He shook his head. “It is. You are. This is the most wonderful news I’ve ever heard.”

“Then I’m glad to give it to you.”

And she was. For the rest of her life, all she wanted to focus on was the happiness they brought to each other – and the love they would give to their child.


Following is an excerpt from Book 3 in The Montebellos, LOVING THE ENEMY (Massimo and Alessia’s story). This sexy second-chance romance will be released in early 2020 and is available for 99c pre-order until then.

Dear Reader

Telling this story and doing Maddie’s journey justice is something I took very seriously. I felt a real burden to authentically communicate her experience, without dwelling on it unnecessarily in the story’s frame for fear of being seen to exploit a very real trauma. In Australia, as with much of the world, we are experiencing an epidemic of domestic violence and deaths related to this. In doing my research for this book, one thing was resoundingly clear to me: the signs aren’t easy to identify. Not for the abused, at the start of the relationship, and not for onlookers, who are friends with the abuser, the abused, and don’t see beyond the veneer that’s projected.

If themes in this book are personally triggering, or if you find yourself in a situation of domestic abuse, please know you’re not alone and there is a better tomorrow out there for you.

To learn more about this crippling epidemic, have a look at the WHO’s website. And if you’re in a domestic abuse situation and need help, please contact a local Domestic Violence support service.

In Australia: 1800 737 732

In England: 0808 2000 247

In America: 1800 799 7233

Beyond this theme, I hope you enjoyed Maddie and Nico’s story. Thank you for reading.

Love, Clare. x